Craftsman example sentences

Related (13): carpenter, blacksmith, potter, weaver, glassblower, jeweler, mason, bookbinder, shoemaker, tailor, metalworker, leatherworker, clockmaker

"Craftsman" Example Sentences

1. The craftsman spends hours perfecting each piece of furniture he creates.
2. She admired the skills of the master craftsman who built her grandfather clock.
3. The artisan craftsman used his tools to shape the clay into a beautiful vase.
4. The craftsman carefully measured the wood before cutting it.
5. The expert craftsman was the only one who could fix the antique grandfather clock.
6. The skilled craftsman creates beautiful designs out of stained glass.
7. The carpenter is a craftsman who takes pride in his work.
8. The blacksmith is a true craftsman, working with metal to create beautiful pieces.
9. The woodcarver is a master craftsman, carving intricate designs into wood.
10. The glassblower is a skilled craftsman who turns molten glass into works of art.
11. The craftsman spent years learning the art of pottery-making.
12. The leatherworker is a craftsman who creates beautiful accessories.
13. The jeweler is a craftsman who creates unique pieces of jewelry.
14. The clockmaker is a craftsman who creates beautiful timepieces.
15. The tailor is a craftsman who creates custom clothing for his clients.
16. The weaver is a craftsman who creates beautiful fabrics on a loom.
17. The potter is a craftsman who creates handmade pottery.
18. The metalsmith is a craftsman who works with different metals to create jewelry and other objects.
19. The stonemason is a craftsman who works with different types of stone to create beautiful structures.
20. The calligrapher is a craftsman who creates beautiful lettering and designs.
21. The candlemaker is a craftsman who creates unique candles in different shapes and sizes.
22. The basket weaver is a craftsman who creates beautiful baskets out of natural materials.
23. The quilter is a craftsman who creates intricate designs on fabric using a needle and thread.
24. The engraver is a craftsman who creates detailed designs on metal, wood, or other materials.
25. The lampworker is a craftsman who creates glass beads and other objects using a torch.
26. The printmaker is a craftsman who creates prints on paper using different methods.
27. The silversmith is a craftsman who works with silver to create beautiful objects.
28. The bookbinder is a craftsman who creates beautiful covers for books using different materials.
29. The papermaker is a craftsman who creates handmade paper using natural fibers.
30. The origami artist is a craftsman who creates intricate paper folding designs.

Common Phases

1. A true craftsman pays attention to detail;
2. That piece was crafted by a skilled craftsman;
3. The craftsman takes pride in their work;
4. I respect the dedication of a craftsman;
5. The craftsman's workmanship is impressive;
6. A good craftsman can create something from nothing;
7. The craftsman's tools are an extension of their hands;
8. The craftsmanship on this is exceptional;
9. The craftsman's artistry is evident;
10. A craftsman's work stands the test of time.

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