Crapulence example sentences

Related (9): intoxication, hangover, drunkenness, inebriation, debauchery, overindulgence, carousing, revelry, boozing

"Crapulence" Example Sentences

1. His crapulence and gluttony were legendary.
2. The whole party descended into crapulence and debauchery.
3. After a night of crapulence, he emerged bleary-eyed and nauseous.
4. The festival began innocently enough but soon degraded into crapulence and wantonness.
5. Their crapulence and excess disgusted the more sober guests.
6. The participants engaged in crapulence and ribaldry as the festivities continued into the night.
7. His crapulence, lewdness and licentious behavior eventually got him into trouble.
8. Amidst the general crapulence, a few sober voices called for restraint.
9. The king was known for his crapulence and corpulence.
10. The nights of crapulence took their toll on his health.
11. The end of the feast saw the height of crapulence as wine flowed freely.
12. They descended into crapulence and licentiousness as the party continued.
13. The Roman Saturnalias were often marked by crapulence and licentiousness.
14. His crapulence and sloth soon exhausted his resources.
15. His crapulence knows no bounds and his appetite has no limit.
16. Their crapulence led to all manner of indiscretions and scandal.
17. His crapulence frequently landed him in trouble with authorities.
18. Even by Bacchanalian standards, their crapulence was excessive.
19. After a night of crapulence and revelry, the servants set about cleaning up.
20. The tavern was rampant with crapulence and debauchery.
21. The carnival culture encouraged crapulence and hedonism.
22. His crapulence and gluttony cost him dearly over the years.
23. After years of crapulence and hardship, he finally sought help.
24. Amongst all the crapulence and debauchery, sanity seemed lost.
25. The dinner party soon descended into crapulence and crudeness.
26. Their crapulence brought them nothing but misery and poverty.
27. Crapulence and hedonism marked their nights of revelry.
28. His crapulence soon made him an outcast from polite society.
29. Their endless crapulence and gluttony came at great cost.
30. She quickly tired of their crapulence and excess.
31. The feast degenerated into crapulence and debauchery.
32. His crapulence was born of great pain and sorrow.
33. The crapulence of youth eventually gave way to maturity.
34. After a night of crapulence and excess, they slept till noon.
35. The host soon tired of his guests' crapulence and noise.
36. Their crapulence wore thin on everyone's nerves.
37. The revelers engaged in crapulence and wantonness through the night.
38. The soldiers gave into crapulence and lewdness after long months at war.
39. His joie de vivre often bordered on outright crapulence.
40. The scenes of crapulence and excess disgusted the observers.
41. The students descended into crapulence and lewd behavior at the party.
42. His crapulence only exacerbated his illness.
43. Their crapulence and excess made fools of them in the end.
44. Bacchus was god of crapulence and revelry.
45. The banquet soon descended into crapulence and obscenity.
46. The elders shook their heads at the crapulence of youth.
47. Their crapulence turned many stomachs at the event.
48. Despite his crapulence, there was a kindness in him.
49. Their crapulence and vulgarity isolated them.
50. The night of crapulence left him regretful and ashamed.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Common Phases

1. The crapulence of alcohol clouded his mind and judgement.
2. The gluttonous meal left him in a state of crapulence and stupor.
3. After a night of heavy drinking, he suffered from the effects of crapulence the next morning.
4. His crapulence disgusted the onlookers.
5. She chastised him for his habitual crapulence and implored him to reform his ways.
6. The days of crapulence and excess had finally taken their toll on his health.
7. The crowded festival gave rise to much crapulence and disorder.
8. His crapulence prevented him from attending the important meeting.
9. When the party ended, there were many who had fallen into a state of crapulence.
10. The physician warned him that his crapulence would shorten his lifespan.
11. In the grip of crapulence, he lost all self-control.
12. They watched in horror as crapulence overtook the crowd.
13. His crapulence and dissolute habits led to his downfall.
14. As daylight broke, the scene revealed much crapulence and waste from the previous night.
15. The state of crapulence left him barely able to stand.
16. His crapulence made him an object of public ridicule.
17. The night of crapulence and debauchery finally caught up with him.
18. With much crapulence, the party finally wound down in the early hours of the morning.
19. The week-long festival was marked by increasing levels of crapulence and hedonism.
20. In a state of crapulence, he could no longer differentiate between right and wrong.
21. The weekend revelry had led to much crapulence and regret.
22. Too much crapulence had dulled his senses.
23. His crapulence earned him the disdain of his peers.
24. In his crapulence, he spread foul lies and slander.
25. She turned away in disgust at the sight of his crapulence.
26. The mornings after his nights of crapulence left him with much shame and regret.
27. His crapulence and coarse behavior alienated him from his friends and family.
28. The visitors were appalled at the crapulence and depravity they witnessed.
29. There was much crapulence and unseemly behavior at the riotous festival.
30. They turned away in disgust from his crapulence and degradation.
31. The symphony of crapulence filled the night air as the party came to a crescendo.
32. Crapulence often led him into imprudent behavior.
33. His crapulence left him friendless and alone.
34. The excesses of crapulence finally caught up with him and ruined his health.
35. His crapulence led him into moral degradation.
36. Their crapulence made them impossible company.
37. The state fair was known for attracting much crapulence and revelry.
38. His crapulence had destroyed his marriage and alienated his children.
39. His perpetual crapulence and excess disgusted those around him.
40. The room was littered with the debris of crapulence and debauchery.
41. There was an air of tired crapulence and dissipation about him.
42. His crapulence had brought shame upon his family name.
43. The medics were exhausted from tending to the victims of crapulence.
44. The depravity and crapulence left him weak and ashamed.
45. His crapulence had poisoned his soul.
46. Too much crapulence had made him incapable of rational thinking.
47. He reveled in his state of crapulence.
48. Seasons of crapulence and gluttony had ruined his health.
49. The inhabitants were infamous for their crapulence and riotous living.
50. His crapulence and recklessness knew no bounds.
51. Nights of crapulence had left him penniless and friendless.
52. In a state of crapulence, his mind was addled and confused.
53. The resulting crapulence disgusted the onlookers.
54. His crapulence finally overcame him.
55. The atmosphere of tired crapulence and bored excess pervaded the room.
56. Years of crapulence had destroyed his health and spirit.
57. He finally succumbed to his own crapulence.
58. The town was notorious for its annual carnival of crapulence.
59. His crapulence and debauchery were legendary.
60. The air was thick with the stink of crapulence and decay.

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