Crinkle example sentences
Related (8): wrinkle, crease, crumple, fold, twist, curl, ripple, ridge
crinkle (verb) · crinkles (third person present) · crinkled (past tense) · crinkled (past participle) · crinkling (present participle)
- form small creases or wrinkles in the surface of something, especially the skin of the face as the result of a facial expression:
- cause (something) to make a crackling or rustling sound:
- a wrinkle or crease on the surface of something:
- the sound of crinkling:
wrinkle, crease, pucker, furrow, line, corrugate, crimp, crumple, rumple, ruckle, wrinkle, crease, fold, pucker, gather, furrow, ridge, line, corrugation, groove, crumple, rumple"Crinkle" Example Sentences
1. The leaves crinkled under her feet as she walked through the forest.
2. The plastic bag crinkled as she pulled it off the hook.
3. As he sat down, he could hear the foil crinkle in his pocket.
4. Her favorite blanket had a soft crinkly texture that she loved to run her fingers over.
5. The paper crinkled as he opened the letter from his grandmother.
6. The cellophane wrapper crinkled loudly as she unwrapped the candy bar.
7. The sleeping bag crinkled as he rolled over onto his side.
8. The page crinkled as I folded down the corner to mark my place.
9. His forehead slowly began to crinkle as he contemplated the difficult decision.
10. The old photo had faded and the edges were beginning to crinkle.
11. The potato chip bag crinkled as she searched for the last few morsels.
12. She took a seat on the crinkly tissue paper lining the bottom of the gift bag.
13. Silver foil wrappers and crinkled napkins littered the bottom of the tote bag.
14. The heavy clouds crinkled and rumbled above her.
15. The cellophane candy wrappers crinkled under her feet.
16. His forehead crinkled in frustration as he tried to solve the difficult math problem.
17. The cashier could hear the coins crinkling in her purse as she searched for enough money to pay.
18. She crumpled her forehead, causing deep wrinkles and crinkles between her eyebrows.
19. As their grandmother bent over to hug them, the crinkles by her eyes deepened in delight.
20. Each page of her diary crinkled and browned with age as she read through her memories.
21. The curtains crinkled slightly as a breeze wafted through the open window.
22. A crumpled piece of plastic crinkled underfoot as she walked down the beach.
23. The chip bags all crinkled and crackled in the grocery aisle.
24. The wrinkles in his forehead crinkled up as he squinted into the sun.
25. Dry leaves crinkled under the ladybug as it crawled across them.
26. The crinkled tinfoil wrapper caught his eye on the forest floor.
27. The crisp autumn leaves crinkled beneath his shoes as he walked.
28. The cellophane wrappers from his gum crinkled inside his pocket.
29. She smiled as her eyes crinkled up at the corners.
30. The paper crinkled softly as she brushed her hand across the illustration.
31. The waxed paper crinkled as she took the cookies out of the skillet.
32. Bills and receipts crinkled in his wallet as he searched for his credit card.
33. The sound of crinkling candy wrappers filled the movie theater.
34. Brown leaves in the fall crinkled under her feet.
35. His pants crinkled as he sat down Indian style on the rug.
36. As she unwrapped her carrot sticks, the wax paper crinkled loudly.
37. The newspaper crinkled as he turned the pages to read the latest news.
38. She could hear the potato chip bag crinkling loudly in the living room.
39. The branch crinkled under his weight as he climbed up the oak tree.
40. The candy wrappers crinkled loudly as the children devoured their treats.
41. Her eyes lit up and crinkled at the corners as she laughed.
42. The fire's crackle and crinkle filled the chilly night air.
43. My crinkled dollar bills felt hot and damp in my hand at the concession stand.
44. The cellophane bag of snack food crinkled constantly as she munched away.
45. The edges of the photographs were crinkled and browned with age.
46. The cellophane crinkled as she pulled out the extra birthday candles.
47. His forehead wrinkled and crinkled as he tried to solve the difficult problem.
48. Her face crinkled up into a smile as she saw me.
49. I could hear the crinkling of the plastic bag as he searched for the right fruit.
50. The orange leaf crinkled under her foot as she walked through the yard.
51. The crinkly wax paper lining the bakery box muffled the sounds of the cookie crumbs inside.
52. His face crinkled into a smile when he saw her.
53. She flattened out the crinkled receipt to double check the total amount.
54. He could feel the wallet crinkle in his back pocket as he sat down.
55. The old receipt crinkled and tore as she tried to unfold it.
56. His eyes crinkled when he laughed.
57. The crinkled edges of the old newspaper felt rustly in her hands.
58. The fallen leaf crinkled beneath her step.
59. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled warmly at her.
60. The plastic crinkled as she rummaged around in her purse.
Common Phases
1. Crinkled with age
2. Crinkled with laughter
3. Crinkle under (someone's) feet
4. Crinkle (someone's) nose
5. Crinkle (someone's) brow
6. Crinkly (adjective): a crinkly texture
7. Crinkle into a smile
8. Make a crinkly sound
9. Eyes crinkled at the corners
10. Forehead crinkled in thought
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