Crow example sentences

Related (10): black, feathers, caw, flock, beak, scavenger, roost, loud, intelligent, menacing

"Crow" Example Sentences

1. The crow's caw could be heard throughout the morning.
2. A murder of crows gathered in the tree.
3. The farmer shot a gun to scare away the crows eating his corn.
4. The crow flew across the field in search of food.
5. The black feathers of the crow glistened in the sunlight.
6. Crows are scavengers that prey on small animals and carrion.
7. The crow squawked loudly as I approached.
8. Her scarecrow wore a hat and jacket to frighten away the crows.
9. The crow soared high over the barn before landing in the tree.
10. Flocks of crows gathered every morning to feed in the field.
11. The crows would chase away other birds from the feeder.
12. A group of crows is called a murder.
13. Crows have intelligence and the ability to use and make tools.
14. The crow pecked at the dead rat on the side of the road.
15. Crows can recognize individual people and hold grudges.
16. I watched the crow hop along the ground looking for worms.
17. The crow's feathers were ruffled in the cold wind.
18. The crow let out a loud caw as I walked by.
19. Crows often eat other birds' eggs and young.
20. The voice of the crow sounded lonely in the forest.
21. Crows were chasing the chickens around the yard.
22. Folklore and mythology attribute magical powers to crows.
23. The crow watched curiously from the tree limb.
24. Fearing crows will eat the seed, he covered the feeder.
25. The crow sat silently on the fencepost.
26. The crow emitted a series of rolling caws.
27. Crows often follow farmers working in the fields.
28. Crows will eat almost any kind of food, from insects to garbage.
29. Crows remind me of death with their jet-black feathers.
30. The crow hopped around the sidewalk searching for food scraps.
31. Crows are considered a nuisance by many farmers.
32. A mob of crows gathered on the field.
33. Crows form tight family bonds and communities.
34. The crow let out a harsh call from the pine tree.
35. The crow strutted along the path as if it owned the place.
36. The crows feasted on the road kill.
37. There is wisdom in the eyes of crows as they watch humans.
38. We watched the crows on the farmer's field beyond the hill.
39. The crow flapped its wings and took flight from the barn roof.
40. The crows were eager to feast on the remains of our picnic.
41. A murder of crows rose up into the sky.
42. The crow called to its mate from the mailbox.
43. Crows are intelligent and display problem solving abilities.
44. The crow was pecking at some unseen morsel.
45. Crows will mimic sounds they hear around them.
46. Two crows circled overhead, calling to each other.
47. A lone crow called mournfully from somewhere beyond the field.
48. Crows find shiny things like coins fascinating.
49. The crow glinted black as it flapped its wings.
50. The crow chased away the hawk from the nesting area.
51. All he could hear were the crows cawing harshly in the early morning.
52. Crows and ravens are members of the corvid family.
53. Flocks of crows burst into flight as a fox approached.
54. The crow walked confidently across the grass.
55. The crow landed neatly on the branch, settling in for the night.
56. Crows were hopping along the field searching for grubs.
57. The legend says the crow is a messenger of the gods.
58. The crow's caw faded into the distance.
59. The sleek, black feathers of the crow were iridescent in the sunlight.
60. The crow stood on one foot, eyeing me suspiciously.

Common Phases

1. As black as a crow
Example: The color of her hair was as black as a crow.
2. Call crow
Example: It's too soon to call crow on that plan.
3. Crow's feet
Example: The smile lines around her eyes developed into crow's feet as she aged.
4. Crowd like blackberries
Example: The customers crowded like blackberries at the discount clothing sale.
5. Crow flies
Example: Taking the back roads will take longer than if we went as the crow flies.
6. Sour as a crow
Example: My neighbor has become very sour as a crow in his old age.
7. Outcrow
Example: The young upstart tried to outcrow the boss to get promoted.
8. Eat crow
Example: I had to eat crow and apologize after my incorrect prediction.
9. Bad news comes on crow's feet
Example: The old adage says bad news comes on crow's feet, arriving swiftly.
10. Poor as a church mouse, proud as a crow
Example: Though she was poor as a church mouse, she remained proud as a crow.

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