Cuddlings example sentences

Related (14): snuggling, embracing, nestling, hugging, nuzzling, cradling, caressing, fondling, stroking, petting, kissing, spooning, holding, massaging.

"Cuddlings" Example Sentences

1. The couple enjoyed many cuddlings while watching movies.
2. She always craved the cozy cuddlings of her cat.
3. The baby loved the warm cuddlings of her mother's embrace.
4. His favorite part of the day was the cuddlings he shared with his partner.
5. They spent the entire day in bed, enjoying lazy cuddlings.
6. The little girl requested bedtime cuddlings from her father every night.
7. I miss the cuddlings we used to have before our relationship ended.
8. The puppies would never tire of their mother's cuddlings.
9. The old couple relished their morning cuddlings, cherishing each other's company.
10. After a long day, all she needs is some cuddlings from her loved ones.
11. Despite being prickly, the porcupine enjoyed occasional cuddlings with its mate.
12. The couple's playful cuddlings often gave way to passionate moments.
13. She felt lonely and craved human cuddlings to comfort her.
14. The child experienced the warmth of maternal cuddlings for the first time.
15. He had never been one for physical affection, but her cuddlings changed his mind.
16. The cat purred contentedly in his owner's cuddlings.
17. The pillows on his bed simulated the cuddlings he desperately craved.
18. The lovers exchanged loving cuddlings before saying their goodbyes for the day.
19. The dog was notorious for interrupting his owners' cuddlings.
20. She looked forward to the cuddlings she would share with her newborn baby.
21. Watching romantic movies never failed to make her long for intense cuddlings.
22. The sick child found comfort in his mother's cuddlings as he recovered in bed.
23. The couple's morning cuddlings were interrupted by the phone ringing.
24. His lap provided the perfect spot for his cat's preferred cuddlings.
25. They moved in sync during their cuddlings, creating a symphony of love.
26. After a long trip, she savored the cuddlings of her pet dog.
27. The old teddy bear was worn from years of cuddlings, but still provided warmth and comfort.
28. She craved the cuddlings of her partner after a long day at work.
29. The couple made time for cuddlings every night before going to sleep.
30. Her heart ached for the cuddlings she used to share with her late spouse.

Common Phases

1. After a long day, cuddlings on the couch sounded perfect;
2. She snuggled into his arms, enjoying the warmth of their cuddlings;
3. They spent the lazy Sunday morning in bed, sharing cuddlings and whispered conversations;
4. The couple watched the sunset together, wrapped up in each other's cuddlings;
5. As the storm raged outside, they sought comfort in each other's cuddlings;
6. With a good book and a cup of tea, cuddlings with a cozy blanket were all she needed;
7. The toddler drifted off to sleep, his parents holding him in their cuddlings;
8. She sighed contentedly as they lay together, their cuddlings filling the room with love.

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