Cyanbacteria example sentences

Related (8): algae, photosynthesis, aquatic, blooms, chlorophyll, unicellular, prokaryotic, pigments

"Cyanbacteria" Example Sentences

1. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic microorganisms.
2. The presence of cyanobacteria indicates poor water quality.
3. Some species of cyanobacteria can fix nitrogen.
4. Cyanobacteria are often referred to as blue-green algae.
5. Certain cyanobacteria produce harmful toxins.
6. The growth of cyanobacteria can be controlled through nutrient reduction.
7. Cyanobacteria are found in a variety of environments, including freshwater and marine.
8. Cyanobacteria are among the oldest living organisms on Earth.
9. Cyanobacteria can form dense mats on the surface of bodies of water.
10. Cyanobacteria were once known as "pond scum" due to their appearance.
11. Cyanobacteria are responsible for the oxygenation of the Earth's atmosphere.
12. Markings from ancient cyanobacteria have been found in rocks dating back billions of years.
13. Cyanobacteria can cause oxygen depletion in bodies of water, leading to fish kills.
14. Some cyanobacteria have the ability to move using specialized structures called motile filaments.
15. Cyanobacteria have a unique ability to produce their own food through photosynthesis.
16. Some cyanobacteria have been genetically engineered for use in biotechnology.
17. Certain species of cyanobacteria have been used as model organisms in scientific research.
18. The use of certain fertilizers can promote the growth of cyanobacteria in bodies of water.
19. Cyanobacteria are important for the cycling of carbon and nutrients in aquatic ecosystems.
20. Cyanobacteria can form symbiotic relationships with other organisms, such as lichens.
21. Some cyanobacteria have been found to produce anti-cancer and anti-viral compounds.
22. The taxonomy of cyanobacteria is complex and continuously evolving.
23. Cyanobacteria play a key role in the nitrogen cycle in various ecosystems.
24. The emergence of cyanobacteria had a significant impact on the evolution of life on Earth.
25. Certain cyanobacteria have been used in the production of biofuels.
26. Cyanobacteria blooms can be harmful to human health if ingested or inhaled.
27. Cyanobacteria can be a source of food for aquatic organisms, such as zooplankton and fish.
28. Some cyanobacteria have the ability to form endospores to survive in harsh conditions.
29. The study of cyanobacteria has important implications for understanding the origins of life.
30. Cyanobacteria are among the most successful microorganisms on Earth, with widespread distribution and diverse ecological roles.

Common Phases

1. Cyanobacteria are commonly found in aquatic habitats.
2. These microorganisms are known for their ability to fix nitrogen.
3. The blue-green pigments in cyanobacteria give them their characteristic color.
4. Some species of cyanobacteria are capable of producing harmful toxins.
5. Cyanobacteria play an important role in the global carbon cycle.
6. These bacteria have been found in diverse environments, such as hot springs and polar regions.
7. Cyanobacteria are used commercially in the production of food and pharmaceuticals.
8. Some species of cyanobacteria are able to form symbiotic relationships with other organisms.
9. The presence of cyanobacteria can sometimes indicate poor water quality in bodies of water.
10. Cyanobacteria were some of the earliest organisms to evolve photosynthesis.

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