Daemonium example sentences

Related (9): demon, devil, fiend, hellion, imp, succubus, incubus, Satan, Beelzebub

"Daemonium" Example Sentences

1. The ancient Greeks believed in the existence of daemonium, malevolent spirits that could possess humans.
2. The protagonist of the horror movie was tormented by daemonium, driving him to the brink of insanity.
3. According to medieval theology, succubi were a type of daemonium that seduced and corrupted men.
4. The church conducted exorcisms to drive out daemonium and free the afflicted person from spiritual torment.
5. The occultist believed that he could summon and control daemonium, using their power to achieve his goals.
6. In many cultures, daemonium were associated with illness, misfortune, and death.
7. The witchcraft trial accused the defendant of consorting with daemonium and practicing the dark arts.
8. The ancient Romans sacrificed animals to placate the daemonium that guarded their homes and estates.
9. Some people claimed to have encountered daemonium in dreams or visions, warning them of impending danger.
10. The demon hunter specialized in combating daemonium, armed with holy water and blessed weapons.
11. The medieval bestiary described daemonium as a hybrid creature, with the head of a wolf and the body of a serpent.
12. Many horror stories featured daemonium as the main antagonist, preying on the fears and vulnerabilities of their victims.
13. The summoning ritual required the practitioner to offer blood or other sacrifices to the daemonium, in exchange for their services.
14. The church forbade the use of magic and divination, warning that it could attract the attention of daemonium and invite disaster.
15. Some mystics claimed to have achieved enlightenment by communing with the daemonium, learning their secrets and tapping into their power.
16. The scholar researched the folklore surrounding daemonium, tracing its evolution across different cultures and time periods.
17. The medieval mystic believed that the daemonium were fallen angels, cast out of heaven for their rebellion against God.
18. The shaman used trance-like states to journey into the spirit realm, where he could converse with the daemonium and seek their guidance.
19. The victim of a haunting reported seeing daemonium lurking in the shadows, whispering ominous messages in his ear.
20. In some cultures, people believed that certain animals were possessed by daemonium, and thus avoided them or exterminated them.
21. The paranormal investigator used electronic gadgets to detect the presence of daemonium, measuring changes in temperature, electromagnetic fields, and other environmental factors.
22. The sorcerer attributed his success to the patronage of powerful daemonium, who granted him their favor and taught him arcane knowledge.
23. Some psychologists theorized that daemonium represented deep-seated fears or anxieties, manifested in the form of terrifying entities.
24. The ghost hunter conducted an EVP session, hoping to capture the voice of a daemonium on tape.
25. The possessed boy writhed and contorted as the priest invoked the holy name of God, driving out the daemonium that had possessed him for months.
26. The folklore of many indigenous peoples featured stories of trickster daemonium, who played pranks on mortals and taught them valuable lessons.
27. The necromancer claimed to have mastered the art of raising and controlling daemonium, using their power to bend the wills of the living and the dead.
28. Some people believed that certain places were cursed by daemonium, causing tragedy and misfortune to those who entered them.
29. The medium claimed to have the ability to communicate directly with the daemonium world, channeling their messages to the living.
30. The horror writer created a terrifying new species of daemonium, blending elements of folklore, psychology, and his own imagination.

Common Phases

1. The haunting presence of daemonium;
2. The descent into daemonium's abyss;
3. The madness brought on by daemonium;
4. The temptation of daemonium's power;
5. The warning signs of daemonium's influence;
6. The struggle against daemonium's grasp;
7. The possession wrought by daemonium's hold;
8. The corruption caused by daemonium's touch;
9. The fear of daemonium's wrath;
10. The destruction wrought by daemonium's influence.

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