Darwinism example sentences

Related (4): evolution, adaptation, genetics, fitness

"Darwinism" Example Sentences

1. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection gave rise to Darwinism.
2. Darwinism posits that species evolved over time through a process of natural selection.
3. Social Darwinism applied Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection to human societies.
4. Many neo-Darwinists believe random mutations and natural selection are sufficient to explain the complexity of life on Earth.
5. Darwin's theory of natural selection revolutionized the study of biology.
6. Darwinism challenged the biblical view of creationism.
7. Critics argue that Darwinism fails to account for the complexity and apparent design of life.
8. Creationists maintain that Darwinism is incompatible with belief in God as the creator.
9. Some religions have reconciled Darwinian evolution with belief in God.
10. Modern evolutionary synthesis integrates Darwinian evolution, genetics, and other fields.
11. Proponents of punctuated equilibrium argue for episodic bursts of rapid speciation, challenging gradualistic Darwinism.
12. Darwin's theory of natural selection through differential reproduction over time is a cornerstone of modern biology.
13. Intelligent design proponents have criticized neo-Darwinism for failing to explain the "irreducible complexity" of some biological systems.
14. Evolution and Darwinism remain controversial topics for some.
15. Darwin's theory provided a naturalistic explanation for the origin and diversity of species.
16. Many mainstream scientists view Darwinism as the best supported framework for explaining the history of life on Earth.
17. Eugenics aimed to improve the human population through selective breeding, inspired by Social Darwinism.
18. Darwin's theory of natural selection explains how seemingly helpful mutations can spread through a population over generations.
19. Social Darwinists argued that human social phenomena could be explained through natural selection and the "survival of the fittest."
20. Early opponents of Darwinism pointed to a lack of transitional fossils.
21. Modern evolutionary biology has built upon and refined Darwin's initial theory.
22. Darwin argued that natural selection shaped animals and plants over long periods of time.
23. The overwhelming evidence from fossils, DNA, and other fields supports Darwinian evolution.
24. Opponents maintain that Darwinism conflicts with religious teachings.
25. Critics of Social Darwinism argue that it was used to justify inhumane policies.
26. The theory of evolution by natural selection gave Darwinism its place at the core of modern biology.
27. Darwinism resolved longstanding debates over how well-matched organisms arose on Earth.
28. Teleological arguments critique Darwinism for failing to explain the apparent purposefulness of life.
29. Neo-Darwinists argue that natural selection working on random mutations produces species and more complex organisms.
30. Theistic evolution posits that God guided the evolution described by Darwinism.
31. Strict Darwinists argue that evolutionary theory effectively explains the full complexity of life.
32. There are debates among scientists about how exactly Darwinian processes produce high levels of complexity.
33. Some argue that Darwinism has been falsified by scientific evidence.
34. Critics argue that randomness and chance are central principles of Darwinism that conflict with religious beliefs.
35. Darwin described how adaptations could arise gradually through the accumulation of slight changes.
36. Interactions between Darwinism and religion remain a topic of interest to scholars and scientists.
37. Evolutionary biologists continue to refine and expand upon Darwin's theory.
38. Darwinian evolution serves as the starting point for much modern research on biology and the history of life.
39. Darwinism provided a natural explanation for adaptation, complexity and design in living organisms.
40. Many viewed Social Darwinism as a justification for hard-hearted capitalism and imperialism.
41. Creationists argue that Darwinism conflicts with a literal reading of Genesis.
42. The scientific community has largely embraced modified forms of neo-Darwinism.
43. Darwin proposed natural selection as a "mechanism" for evolution before genetics was well understood.
44. Some view Darwinism as a comprehensive worldview that goes beyond the scientific realm.
45. Core Darwinian principles like inheritance, variation, and natural selection remain widely accepted.
46. Proponents argue that Darwinism's ability to generate testable predictions supports its validity.
47. Critics argue that Darwinism leaves some phenomena in nature unexplained.
48. The apparent design in nature posed a challenge that Darwinism sought to resolve.
49. Darwinism rose to prominence through its ability to explain phenomena that previously lacked causal explanations.
50. Many view Darwinism as the best scientific explanation we currently have for the diversity of life on Earth.

Common Phases

1. Darwinism posits that evolution occurs through natural selection.
2. Social Darwinism applied Darwin's ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest to human societies.
3. Critics argue that Darwinism provides no mechanism for the origin of life itself.
4. Creationists reject the theory of evolution and view Darwinism as a threat to religion.
5. The theory of intelligent design challenges key tenets of Darwinism.
6. Neo-Darwinism combines Darwin's ideas with modern concepts like genetics and mutation.
7. In The Origin of Species, Darwin outlined his view of evolution through natural selection and gradualism, the foundation of Darwinism.
8. Some Catholic theologians have attempted to reconcile Darwinism with religious belief.
9. Fundamentalist Christians demonize Darwinism as promoting atheism.
10. Many theists accept aspects of evolution while rejecting full-fledged Darwinism.
11. Some evolutionists consider Darwinism too limited and have proposed alternatives like punctuated equilibrium.
12. Critics argue that Darwin's vision of evolution through gradual change cannot explain abrupt changes in the fossil record.
13. Philosophers have debated whether Darwinism undermines the basis for ethics.
14. Social Darwinism attempted to explain social and political phenomena through the lens of natural selection.
15. Critics argue that strict Darwinism struggles to explain how complex biological systems like the eye arose through natural selection.
16. Darwinism argues for a purposeless process of unguided natural selection and random mutation.
17. Opponents argue that Darwinism reduces humans to just complex animals lacking free will and dignity.
18. Evolutionary psychology builds on the foundation of Darwinism to explore its implications for human cognition and motivation.
19. Dawkins has been an outspoken defender of atheistic Darwinism.
20. Marx considered his political and economic theories as "Darwinism for society."
21. The theory of punctuated equilibrium challenges Darwin's view of evolution through gradualism promoted in Darwinism.
22. Theistic evolution accepts evolutionary processes while attributing them to a creator, in conflict with atheistic Darwinism.
23. Gould believed aspects of Darwinian gradualism needed revising though he remained committed to neo-Darwinism overall.
24. Darwinism purports that natural selection, not divine purpose, shapes the diversity of life on Earth.
25. Many Christians argue that acceptance of Darwinism necessarily leads to atheism.
26. Opponents say that Darwinism leaves no room for purpose, meaning, or the existence of a creator.
27. Darwinism portrays a universe without purpose or inherent moral order.
28. Eugenics attempted to apply principles of natural selection and Darwinism to human reproduction and society.
29. Some argue that strict Darwinism cannot adequately explain the development of complex traits like the eye.
30. Wallace, an early proponent of evolution, eventually split with Darwin over the role of spiritualism versus strict Darwinism.
31. Social Darwinism promoted the notion that competitive individualism and struggle for survival lead to social progress.
32. Neo-Darwinists incorporated knowledge of genetics and mutation into Darwin's theory of natural selection and Darwinism.
33. Critics object that Darwinism portrays humans as just another species lacking inherent worth and dignity.
34. Philosophers have debated the epistemological implications of Darwinism.
35. Creationists argue that key aspects of Darwinism are incompatible with a creator God.
36. Skeptics argue that Darwinism does not provide mechanisms for the origin of life or the Cambrian explosion.
37. Eugenics called for negative eugenics programs based on principles of Darwinism.
38. Many progressive reform movements in the late 19th and early 20th centuries relied on beliefs propagated by Social Darwinism.
39. Strict methodological naturalism underlies Darwinism and challenges its compatibility with religious belief.
40. Some Muslims and Jews have accepted neo-Darwinism while maintaining a belief in God.
41. Proponents argue that Darwinism provides a unified theory of life's diversity and complexity through unguided evolution.
42. The humanities have debated whether Darwinism undermines notions of objective truth, meaning, and value.
43. Critics argue that Darwinism depends on unsupported philosophical naturalism.
44. Gould argued for non-overlapping magisteria in which science and religion, including theistic compatibility with Darwinism, operate in separate domains.
45. Advocates argue that Darwinism provides the most plausible explanation of biological complexity and diversity without requiring a creator.
46. Darwinism spurred debates about the implications of evolution for free will, morality, and human nature.
47. Critics argue that Darwinism does not provide a plausible evolutionary mechanism for the emergence of novel genetic information.
48. Much of social and political philosophy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was influenced by ideas from Social Darwinism.
49. Some proponents consider atheism an inherent part of Darwinism.
50. Critics argue that strict Darwinism cannot explain the emergence of irreducible complexity in biological systems.
51. Eugenics movements in the early 20th century aimed to improve human heredity based on Darwinist principles.
52. Determinist philosophies in the late 19th century were influenced by ideas of natural selection and Social Darwinism.
53. Many Christian denominations have reconciled Darwinism with an affirmation of God as the ultimate source of life and nature.
54. Modern humanism embraces evolutionary explanations of human origins in line with naturalistic Darwinism.
55. Centuries of theology and philosophy based on a designer God have been challenged by naturalistic Darwinism.
56. Strict Darwinism portrays evolution as an undirected process lacking inherent goals or purposes.
57. Transhumanists embrace Darwinism while seeking to apply its principles to improve and transform the human species.
58. Many creationist objections focus on perceived conflicts between Darwinism and a creator God.
59. Scientists regularly refine and extend Darwin's theory through neo-Darwinism while embracing its fundamental tenets.
60. Many progressive reforms in the late 19th and early 20th centuries took Social Darwinism as a basic principle to justify radical social changes.

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