Dawned example sentences

Related (2): realized, struck

"Dawned" Example Sentences

1. It suddenly dawned on me that I left my wallet at home.
2. As the sun rose, a new day dawned before us.
3. It had just dawned on her that she forgot about the meeting.
4. The realization that her dream was coming true dawned on her slowly.
5. She watched as the truth slowly dawned on his face.
6. The enormity of the task ahead began to dawn on us all.
7. It dawned on him that he had been locked in the room.
8. As the realization dawned on him, he suddenly became very scared.
9. It had never dawned on me that I could be wrong.
10. The idea finally dawned on him after a long discussion.
11. It dawned on him too late that he had made a mistake.
12. The importance of the situation slowly dawned on her.
13. It dawned on me that I had never been to that part of town before.
14. The truth dawned on her in a sudden moment of clarity.
15. It slowly dawned on him that he was in love.
16. The significance of the moment finally dawned on him.
17. It gradually dawned on her that she was lost.
18. The thought dawned on her that she had been tricked.
19. As the morning light dawned, he realized he had been up all night.
20. It finally dawned on him that he had been lied to.
21. As the sun began to rise, a sense of peace dawned on him.
22. The enormity of the challenge ahead slowly dawned on her.
23. It had just dawned on him how much trouble he was in.
24. The idea suddenly dawned on her as she was washing the dishes.
25. As the sun set, the realization dawned on her that she had to leave.
26. It dawned on him that he had been driving in the wrong direction.
27. As she watched the sunrise, acceptance slowly dawned on her.
28. It suddenly dawned on her that she had forgotten her luggage at home.
29. The realization slowly dawned on him that he had been betrayed.
30. As the day dawned, a new sense of purpose filled her.

Common Phases

not use the word "dawned" more than once in each phase.
1. The realization dawned on her; she had forgotten her phone at home.
2. It dawned on me; I had been doing the math problem incorrectly.
3. The truth finally dawned on him; he had been lied to by his best friend.
4. It dawned on them; they were lost in the maze of streets.
5. The meaning of the poem slowly dawned on her; she had initially misunderstood it.
6. It dawned on me suddenly; I had left the stove on at home.
7. The horror of the situation slowly dawned on them; they were trapped in a sinking boat.

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