Debauchedly example sentences

Related (5): Debauched, lasciviously, dissolutely, abandoned, wild.

"Debauchedly" Example Sentences

1. She lived debauchedly, spending all her money on drugs and parties.
2. His behavior became increasingly debauchedly as the night went on.
3. They spent the weekend drinking and debauchedly partying in Las Vegas.
4. The movie portrayed the life of a debauchedly rich businessman.
5. He drove past the homeless man debauchedly sleeping on the sidewalk.
6. The prince lived debauchedly, spending his entire fortune on women and wine.
7. The politician was known to live a debauchedly lavish lifestyle at the taxpayers' expense.
8. The rockstar's life was debauchedly wild, filled with drugs, sex and excess.
9. The city's red-light district was notorious for its debauchedly sinful activities.
10. She was determined not to live debauchedly like her parents had.
11. The dictator lived a debauchedly opulent life, while his people suffered in poverty.
12. They spent the night debauchedly partying and ended up in jail.
13. The rebellion was sparked by the people's anger towards the debauchedly corrupt government.
14. She was disgusted by her boyfriend's debauchedly promiscuous behavior.
15. He was fired from his job due to his debauchedly irresponsible behavior.
16. The artist lived debauchedly in his studio, surrounded by drugs and alcohol.
17. The rich businessman's debauchedly extravagant lifestyle was the talk of the town.
18. The party turned debauchedly wild after midnight.
19. The play depicted the debauchedly decadent behavior of the aristocracy.
20. She had a reputation for living debauchedly on the edge.
21. The coach warned the team not to behave debauchedly during their visit to Vegas.
22. They indulged their debauchedly sensual desires without any regard for consequences.
23. The cult leaders lived a debauchedly hedonistic lifestyle, preying on vulnerable followers.
24. Despite his strict religious upbringing, he lived debauchedly in his college years.
25. She was shocked at the debauchedly inappropriate jokes made by her coworkers.
26. The country was plagued by a debauchedly corrupt political system for decades.
27. He was renowned for his debauchedly depraved art that shocked the world.
28. The writer's book depicted a debauchedly immoral society that reflected his own experiences.
29. After his successful business ventures, he lived debauchedly on a private island.
30. The singer's debauchedly rebellious attitude made him a poster boy for the counterculture movement.

Common Phases

1. He debauchedly squandered all his inheritance on drugs; alcohol; and women.
2. She lived a debauchedly lavish lifestyle, throwing extravagant parties; buying designer clothes; and frequenting high-end restaurants.
3. The politician was accused of behaving debauchedly, engaging in illicit affairs; accepting bribes; and embezzling public funds.
4. Despite his respectable persona, he had a debauchedly dark side, indulging in BDSM; drug use; and extreme risky behavior.
5. The rockstar lived debauchedly on the road, partying every night; having flings with groupies; and consuming copious amounts of drugs and alcohol.

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