Decadal example sentences

Related (10): Ten-year, Centennial, Annual, Perennial, Biennial, Quadrennial, Septennial, Novennial, Quinquennial, Sexennial

"Decadal" Example Sentences

1. The study examines decadal changes in oceanic current patterns.
2. He has planned a decadal climate prediction project.
3. The agriculture sector has witnessed decadal growth in production.
4. The research paper analyzes decadal trends in global poverty.
5. She devoted her career towards studying decadal variations in solar activity.
6. The company has set a decadal goal of expanding its international footprint.
7. The scientific community is focused on understanding decadal fluctuations in atmospheric composition.
8. The decadal increase in sea levels poses a major threat to coastal cities.
9. The government recently released a report on decadal employment trends.
10. The weather department uses decadal data to predict long-term weather patterns.
11. Decadal population growth had a profound impact on the city's infrastructure.
12. The study investigates the decadal changes in biodiversity hotspots around the world.
13. The team is working on a decadal plan for the conservation of endangered species.
14. The decadal changes in public opinion are often reflected in political outcomes.
15. The researchers analyzed decadal trends in technological advancements.
16. The department is reviewing the decadal economic growth in the region.
17. The report highlights the decadal increase in healthcare costs.
18. The study explores the decadal patterns of extreme weather events.
19. The decadal mortality rate of the disease has decreased significantly over the years.
20. The company's decadal profit margin has been increasing steadily.
21. The researchers have identified decadal changes in consumer behavior.
22. The government aims to achieve decadal energy security targets.
23. The study investigates decadal trends in air pollution levels.
24. The decadal infrastructural development of the city has been impressive.
25. The company's decadal innovation strategy is based on customer feedback.
26. The government has implemented a decadal housing development plan.
27. The study analyzes decadal trends in crime rates.
28. The decadal improvement in quality standards has enhanced customer satisfaction.
29. The company's decadal marketing strategy has been successful in reaching out to a wider audience.
30. The study reveals decadal climate patterns in the Arctic region.

Common Phases

1. The decadal changes in global temperature are alarming.
2. Climate models predict significant decadal variations in precipitation patterns.
3. The decadal average of ocean acidity levels has increased due to carbon emissions.
4. We can observe decadal fluctuations in the frequency of extreme weather events.
5. The decadal growth rate of the world population is a major concern.
6. Decadal trends in economic growth can provide insight into future prospects.
7. Scientists are studying decadal shifts in the migration patterns of certain animal species.
8. Decadal changes in atmospheric circulation patterns can impact global weather systems.
9. The decadal average of sea level rise has increased over the past century.
10. Decadal variations in solar activity can affect our climate and weather patterns.

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