Declaim example sentences

Related (10): orator, proclaim, assert, recite, expound, trumpet, declare, lecture, articulate, pronounce

"Declaim" Example Sentences

1. The orator declaimed passionately against injustice.
2. The old professor stood at the podium declaiming passages from Shakespeare.
3. The poet declaimed his verses to the listening crowd.
4. The dramatist stood declaiming lines from his latest play.
5. The declamations of the politician roused the audience to cheers.
6. The noble leader declaimed his vision for a better future with fiery zeal.
7. He declaimed great lines from literary works with gusto.
8. The passion with which he declaimed poetry moved the audience.
9. The students declaimed their speeches with varying degrees of confidence and skill.
10. The preacher declaimed his sermon with theatrical flourish.
11. She declaimed her speech with dramatic sincerity.
12. The actor declaimed soliloquies from famous plays as part of his audition.
13. He declaimed his ridiculous conspiracy theories loudly and wildly.
14. The class listened attentively to the teacher as she declaimed lines from Homer's Odyssey.
15. The character's soliloquies were declaimed at length.
16. The actor declaimed the famous lines from Macbeth while pacing the stage.
17. The professor declaimed lines from Virgil to his class of captivated students.
18. The student declaimed an impassioned speech in the competition.
19. The politician declaimed lofty ideals that inspired hope.
20. He angrily declaimed accusations against his enemies.
21. She declaimed her manifesto with theatrical flourish and dramatic pauses.
22. The passionate speakers declaimed their proposals and demands.
23. The students declaimed their poems aloud for the class assignment.
24. He declaimed lengthy passages from his memoirs while pacing back and forth.
25. The excited child declaimed a heroic speech with an exaggerated accent.
26. The characters declaimed lengthy soliloquies introspectively.
27. The preacher declaimed scriptural verses in a booming voice.
28. The professor declaimed the opening lines of Beowulf as an example.
29. The crowd listened raptly as the civil rights leader declaimed his vision of equality and justice for all.
30. The theatrics with which he declaimed speeches seemed almost comical.
31. The phrases and half-truths he declaimed almost resembled an actual argument.
32. The words and ideals he declaimed once inspired hope, but now rang hollow.
33. The politicians declaimed empty platitudes during their campaigns.
34. The satirical play declined the politician's hollow declamations for comic effect.
35. Her colorful declamations amused the children.
36. The child declaimed heroic monologues to an imagined audience.
37. Her declamations displayed a talent for language and drama.
38. As a child, she declaimed poetry dramatically to anyone who would listen.
39. The child declaimed nonsense words and phrases with gusto and exaggeration.
40. The preacher declaimed passages from the Bible with solemn gravity.
41. The professor declaimed lines from Greek and Roman plays to illustrate concepts of tragedy and fate.
42. The students were required to declaim passages from great works of literature.
43. The news anchor declaimed the day's headlines in a somber voice.
44. Declaiming heroically, the child pretended to inspire her imaginary troops before battle.
45. The poet declaimed his verses earnestly to the wide-eyed children.
46. The orator declaimed his prepared speech passionately and with great gesticulation.
47. The narrator declaimed the familiar tales and legends animatedly to the group of children.
48. The politician declaimed rousing phrases and called for action to a rapt crowd.
49. The bored listener sighed as the orator's declamations droned on and on.
50. The actor declaimed Shakespearian lines expressively and with nuance.
51. She declaimed her revolutionary manifesto with fiery emotion and evangelistic zeal.
52. His lofty declamations were full of fine words and promises but little else.
53. His declamations did little more than regurgitate familiar rhetoric.
54. His lengthy declamations sounded more rehearsed and artificial with each passing minute.
55. He declaimed grandiose plans and lofty ideals that few truly believed.
56. The student declaimed his economic theories to anyone who would listen.
57. Many found her vainglorious declamations endearing in their theatrical exuberance.
58. The historian declaimed little-known facts and anecdotes amidst his larger historical narrative.
59. The professor declaimed lines from Milton's Paradise Lost to illustrate the grandeur of epic poetry.
60. The reverend declaimed passages from Corinthians with solemn fervor.

Common Phases

1. declaim at length
An example: The professor declaimed at length about the importance of history.
2. declaim passionately
An example: The orator declaimed passionately against injustice.
3. declaim dramatically
An example: The actor declaimed dramatically from Shakespeare's plays.
4. declaim earnestly
An example: She declaimed her words of warning earnestly to the crowd.
5. declaim loudly
An example: The politician declaimed loudly and forcefully to rile up the crowd.
6. declaim vehemently
An example: The preacher declaimed vehemently against sin and immorality.
7. declaim sonorously
An example: The politician declaimed sonorously about the issues of the day.
8. declaim bombastically
An example: The egotistical poet declaimed bombastically about his genius.
9. declaim theatrically
An example: The aspiring actor declaimed theatrically to emphasize emotion.
10. declaim expressively
An example: The orator declaimed expressively to highlight key points in his speech.

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