Deficiente example sentences

Related (10): disability, inadequate, lacking, insufficient, limited, flawed, deficient, impaired, subpar, defective

"Deficiente" Example Sentences

1. The quality of the product is deficiente.
2. His vision is deficiente in his left eye.
3. The company's security measures were deficiente.
4. Her language skills were deficiente in French.
5. The house's insulation was deficiente, making it very cold in the winter.
6. His knowledge of history was deficiente, leading to poor grades.
7. The team's training was deficiente, leading to their poor performance on the field.
8. The equipment used was deficiente, leading to errors in the data collected.
9. Her hearing was deficiente, causing her to miss important information.
10. The restaurant's service was deficiente, resulting in many complaints from customers.
11. The organization's leadership was deficiente, causing disarray and lack of direction.
12. His vitamin D levels were deficiente, leading to health problems.
13. The school's facilities were deficiente, with outdated equipment and technology.
14. Her attention span was deficiente, causing distractions during class.
15. The government's response to the crisis was deficiente, leading to further problems.
16. His ability to manage time was deficiente, leading to missed deadlines.
17. The team's communication was deficiente, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
18. The product's packaging was deficiente, causing damage during shipping.
19. Her knowledge of current events was deficiente, leading to uninformed opinions.
20. The car's brakes were deficiente, causing safety concerns.
21. The company's budget was deficiente, leading to cutbacks.
22. His physical strength was deficiente, preventing him from completing certain tasks.
23. The medical care provided was deficiente, causing further health problems.
24. The hotel's cleanliness was deficiente, resulting in negative reviews.
25. Her understanding of the subject was deficiente, leading to poor performance on the exam.
26. The team's morale was deficiente, leading to low productivity and motivation.
27. The software's functionality was deficiente, causing errors and crashes.
28. His exposure to sunlight was deficiente, leading to a vitamin D deficiency.
29. The organization's budget was deficiente, resulting in limited resources.
30. Her skills in public speaking were deficiente, resulting in nervousness and stuttering.
31. The team's leadership was deficiente, leading to lack of direction and confusion.
32. The city's public transportation was deficiente, with long wait times and limited routes.
33. His ability to multitask was deficiente, causing difficulty in managing multiple projects.
34. The product's design was deficiente, causing user frustration.
35. Her coordination was deficiente, causing difficulty in sports and physical activities.
36. The team's diversity was deficiente, causing lack of representation and perspective.
37. The company's customer service was deficiente, resulting in lost business.
38. His emotional intelligence was deficiente, causing difficulties in interpersonal relationships.
39. The school's curriculum was deficiente, with outdated information and lack of relevancy.
40. The team's problem-solving skills were deficiente, leading to unresolved issues.

Common Phases

1. O produto é deficiente em qualidade;
2. O sistema de segurança é deficiente;
3. A educação pública é deficiente na minha cidade;
4. As condições de trabalho são deficientes;
5. O planejamento foi deficiente na execução do projeto;
6. A capacidade de julgamento do réu foi considerada deficiente pelo juiz.

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