Delos example sentences

Related (6): island, Apollo, Artemis, mythology, Cyclades, sacred

"Delos" Example Sentences

1. Delos is a small island in the Aegean Sea.
2. The island of Delos is said to be the birthplace of the Greek gods Apollo and Artemis.
3. There are many ruins of ancient temples on Delos.
4. The sacred lake on Delos was said to have healing powers.
5. The Delos Museum houses many artifacts from the island's ancient history.
6. Delos was once a major trading center in the Mediterranean.
7. Visitors to Delos can take a guided tour of the archaeological site.
8. The ancient theater on Delos could seat up to 6,500 people.
9. Many of the statues found on Delos are now on display in museums around the world.
10. Today, Delos is a popular destination for tourists interested in ancient history.
11. The island of Delos is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
12. The ruins of the temple to Apollo on Delos are some of the most impressive on the island.
13. Delos is sometimes called the "Island of the Gods".
14. The original inhabitants of Delos were said to be giants.
15. Delos was once home to a thriving community of merchants, traders, and craftsmen.
16. The most important sanctuary on Delos was the one dedicated to Apollo.
17. The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote about Delos in his book "Politics".
18. The island of Delos is known for its rugged, rocky terrain.
19. The ancient people of Delos believed that the island was sacred to the god Apollo.
20. The Delian League was a confederation of Greek city-states that was headquartered on Delos.
21. The temple to Artemis on Delos was once one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
22. The ancient ruins on Delos are a testament to the island's rich and complex history.
23. The island of Delos has been inhabited for thousands of years.
24. The sanctuary to Apollo on Delos was one of the most important religious sites in ancient Greece.
25. The ruins of the temple of Isis on Delos are evidence of the island's multicultural past.
26. Many of the statues found on Delos depict mythological figures such as the god Hermes.
27. The ancient agora on Delos was the center of the island's political and social life.
28. The island of Delos is a popular destination for researchers and scholars studying ancient Greek history.
29. The ancient port of Delos was once one of the busiest in the Mediterranean.
30. The ruins on Delos reveal a complex society with a sophisticated culture and art.

Common Phases

1. Los delitos; 2. La isla de Delos; 3. El templo de Delos; 4. Los monumentos de Delos; 5. La historia de Delos; 6. La importancia de Delos; 7. Los descubrimientos arqueológicos de Delos; 8. Las ruinas de Delos; 9. La belleza de Delos; 10. Los misterios de Delos.

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