Demoralizev example sentences

Related (4): discourage, dishearten, dispirit, undermine

"Demoralizev" Example Sentences

1. The company's constant layoffs and restructuring efforts have demoralized its employees.
2. Losing the game in such a humiliating way completely demoralized the team.
3. The news of the CEO's resignation demoralized the entire staff.
4. The negative comments from her manager demoralized her and she lost confidence in her abilities.
5. The constant negativity in the workplace has demoralized many employees.
6. The lack of recognition for their hard work demoralizes the employees.
7. Receiving a poor performance review can be demoralizing for an employee.
8. The lack of progress on the project has demoralized the team.
9. The difficult work environment has demoralized many employees, causing them to consider leaving.
10. The company's decision to cut employee benefits has demoralized the workforce.
11. The team's inability to win any games this season has been demoralizing for the players.
12. Losing such an important client has demoralized the sales team.
13. Being passed over for a promotion can be demoralizing for an employee.
14. The lack of support from management has demoralized the entire team.
15. The company's failure to hit its financial targets has demoralized investors.
16. The constant criticism from her supervisor has demoralized the employee and affected her job performance.
17. The company's decision to outsource jobs has demoralized many employees.
18. The low morale in the company has demoralized even the most dedicated workers.
19. The constant changes in policy and procedure have been demoralizing for the employees.
20. The lack of resources provided by the company has demoralized the team.
21. The lack of communication from upper management has been demoralizing for the employees.
22. The constant late nights and weekend work have demoralized the employees.
23. The lack of recognition for their accomplishments and contributions has demoralized the team.
24. The company's decision to move to a different location has demoralized many employees who will have to commute farther.
25. The temporary shutdown of the company has demoralized the entire staff.
26. The lack of training and development opportunities has demoralized the employees.
27. The company's failure to address workplace bullying and harassment has demoralized many employees.
28. The lack of support for work-life balance has demoralized many employees.
29. The company's refusal to address systemic issues has demoralized the employees, causing a high turnover rate.
30. The constant pressure to meet unrealistic targets has demoralized the sales team.

Common Phases

1. The loss of the game demoralized the team; they felt defeated and disappointed.
2. The company's layoffs demoralized the employees; many struggled with unemployment and uncertainty.
3. The negative criticism from their supervisor demoralized the group; they felt discouraged and unmotivated.
4. The constant obstacles and setbacks on the project demoralized the team; they began to doubt their abilities.
5. The divisive political climate demoralized many citizens; they became disheartened with the state of the country.

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