Demoses example sentences

Related (5): crowds, protests, rallies, demonstrators, activism

"Demoses" Example Sentences

1. The ancient Greeks were known for their impressive demoses.
2. The demoses of Athens were renowned for their political speeches.
3. He studied the art of demoses in order to be a better orator.
4. The young politician was inspired by the great demoses of history.
5. The demoses of Rome were highly regarded for their eloquence.
6. She gave a powerful demoses at the rally for social justice.
7. The art of demoses has been studied for centuries.
8. He learned to write convincing demoses in his public speaking courses.
9. The legal system relies on demoses to convince juries and judges.
10. The student was intimidated by the idea of giving a demoses in front of her class.
11. Demoses can be found in literature as well as politics.
12. She researched the famous demoses of history to better understand persuasive speaking.
13. The art of demoses was revered by the ancient Romans.
14. His demoses were so effective that he was elected to public office.
15. The young politician hoped to become a great demoses someday.
16. The judge was impressed by the lawyer's demoses during the trial.
17. The power of demoses has been used to inspire revolutions and social movements.
18. The demoses of Martin Luther King Jr. is still celebrated today.
19. The art of demoses is integral to successful public relations.
20. His demoses were filled with passion and conviction.
21. The demoses of Winston Churchill helped rally the British people during World War II.
22. She learned to use persuasive demoses to convince her colleagues to support her ideas.
23. Demoses can be used to sway public opinion on a variety of issues.
24. His demoses were well-researched and convincing.
25. The study of demoses has become increasingly important in the digital age.
26. The ancient Egyptians also practiced the art of demoses.
27. The demoses of Abraham Lincoln played a key role in the abolition of slavery.
28. She was known for her ability to give demoses that moved people to action.
29. The art of demoses is still taught in many universities today.
30. His demoses were so powerful that he became known as the 'Great Orator'.

Common Phases

1. Demoses was the most captivating performer; his music drew everybody in.
2. The students were mesmerized by Demoses' lecture; they didn't want it to end.
3. Demoses' art exhibit showcased his impressive talent; it was a huge success.
4. Demoses' acting skills were on full display in the play; he received a standing ovation.
5. The crowd roared with excitement during Demoses' speech; he had them hanging on every word.
6. Demoses' athletic abilities were unmatched; he won every competition he entered.
7. Everyone was blown away by Demoses' cooking demonstration; his dish was a hit.
8. Demoses' scientific research was groundbreaking; it earned him international recognition.
9. Demoses' fashion designs were ahead of their time; they influenced a whole generation of designers.
10. The audience was left in awe after Demoses' magic show; they couldn't believe what they saw.

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