Demotev example sentences

"Demotev" Example Sentences

1. The CEO decided to demotev the underperforming employees.
2. His demotev from team captain to benchwarmer was a huge blow to his confidence.
3. The demotev of the manager came as a surprise to the entire team.
4. The company appeared to demotev their female employees more frequently than their male counterparts.
5. The demotev of the employee was a result of the company's downsizing efforts.
6. I was demotev from my position in the marketing department.
7. The demotev of the executive was a result of his poor leadership skills.
8. The CEO threatened to demotev anyone who did not meet their monthly sales targets.
9. The demotev of the top salesperson shocked the entire company.
10. She feared being demotev to a lower position in the company.
11. The company decided to demotev him after discovering his involvement in the embezzlement scandal.
12. The demotev of the assistant manager was due to his frequent absenteeism.
13. The company's policy was to demotev those who consistently failed to meet their performance goals.
14. The demotev of the senior executive created a vacuum in the company's leadership.
15. Despite his years of experience, he was demotev to an entry-level position.
16. The manager was demotev after his team consistently missed their targets.
17. The company faced legal action after allegations of racial discrimination in their demotev policy.
18. The demotev of the team members was a result of the company's restructuring efforts.
19. The CEO threatened to demotev the entire team if they did not meet their deadlines.
20. The demotev of the project manager resulted in the project being delayed by several months.
21. The demotev of the department head created controversy within the company.
22. The company's demotev process was deemed unfair by many employees.
23. I was demotev from my leadership role due to my inability to handle stress.
24. The demotev of the supervisor was a result of her inability to communicate effectively with her team.
25. The company had a demotev policy in place to ensure accountability for underperformance.
26. Despite his seniority, he was demotev to a less prestigious department.
27. The demotev of the team captain caused a rift within the team.
28. The employee was demotev for violating the company's code of conduct.
29. The company's demotev policy was reviewed and revised after complaints from employees.
30. The demotev of the executive director was a result of his breach of trust with the company.

Common Phases

you want me to provide the common phases using "demotev" without any instruction sentence?
Sure, here are some common phases using "demotev":
1. Demotev is a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization.
2. The Demotev software can help you make sense of complex data sets.
3. I have been using Demotev for years and it has never failed me.
4. With Demotev, you can create stunning visualizations that will impress your audience.
5. Demotev is the go-to software for anyone who needs to analyze data quickly and easily.
6. The Demotev team is always working to improve the software and add new features.
7. If you're looking for a user-friendly data analysis tool, Demotev is the way to go.
8. I highly recommend Demotev to anyone who needs to analyze data on a regular basis.

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