Demoticists example sentences

Related (7): Demoticists, scholars, linguists, Egyptologists, historians, researchers, enthusiasts.

"Demoticists" Example Sentences

1. The linguists' conference had a heated debate between demoticists and etymologists.
2. Demoticists argue that the study of everyday language is just as important as formal language.
3. The book on the history of ancient Egypt was criticized for not addressing the theories of demoticists.
4. Some demoticists believe that the study of slang words can reveal much about a society.
5. The professor of linguistics was known for being a demoticist, focusing on how language changes over time.
6. Demoticists often use social media to track linguistic trends and changes.
7. The demoticists held a conference to discuss the implications of technological advancements on language use.
8. Some demoticists study the language used in graffiti to better understand youth culture.
9. The demoticist argued that the use of slang terms does not necessarily indicate a lack of education.
10. Demoticists can provide valuable insight into the language used in marginalized populations.
11. The demoticists' approach to studying language emphasizes the role of culture and context.
12. The demoticist's study on the use of code-switching in bilingual communities won an award.
13. Demoticists point out that language is constantly evolving and adapting to new circumstances.
14. Some demoticists analyze the language used in hip-hop music as a way of understanding cultural expressions.
15. The demoticists' research challenges the idea that there is one "correct" way to use language.
16. The demoticist's book on the influence of technology on language use sold out in record time.
17. Demoticists emphasize the importance of studying regional dialects and accents.
18. The demoticists' research revealed surprising insights into the way slang words spread through online communities.
19. Some demoticists argue that language can be a powerful tool in the fight against discrimination.
20. The demoticist's approach to studying language prioritizes the voices and perspectives of everyday people.
21. Demoticists often collaborate with anthropologists to gain a deeper understanding of how language and culture intersect.
22. The demoticist's work suggests that formal language can be exclusionary to certain groups.
23. Demoticists point out that the way we use language reveals much about our identities and beliefs.
24. The demoticist's work on the origins of slang was featured in a major news outlet.
25. Some demoticists contend that the way we use language can reflect societal power dynamics.
26. The demoticist's study on the use of dialects within immigrant communities drew widespread attention.
27. Demoticists argue that language is not just a means of communication, but a reflection of societal values.
28. The demoticists' research on the prevalence of neologisms in contemporary language challenged traditional language prescriptivism.
29. The demoticist's latest project involves analyzing the language used in political rallies to better understand populism.
30. Demoticists advocate for a shift away from traditional language teaching methods, towards a more holistic approach that considers real-world language use.

Common Phases

1. Many demoticists believe that studying demotic texts is essential to understanding ancient Egyptian culture;
2. The work of demoticists often involves deciphering hieroglyphs and comparing them to demotic script;
3. Some demoticists focus on the social and cultural context in which demotic texts were written;
4. In recent years, demoticists have made significant breakthroughs in understanding previously untranslated demotic texts;
5. The collaboration between demoticists and archeologists has contributed to a more complete understanding of ancient Egypt.

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