Denigrator example sentences

Related (5): critic, detractor, slanderer, defamer, vilifier



denigrator (noun) · denigrators (plural noun)

  - a person who criticizes someone or something unfairly:

"Denigrator" Example Sentences

1. The vicious denigrator had nothing positive to say about anyone.
2. The jealous denigrator targeted my achievements with snide remarks.
3. The online troll was a common denigrator who insulted people to make themselves feel superior.
4. The obnoxious denigrator made insulting generalizations about entire groups of people.
5. Critics accused the talk show host of being an irresponsible and misguided denigrator.
6. The mean-spirited denigrator tried to diminish my accomplishments with rude comments.
7. The bitter denigrator attacked my reputation with baseless accusations.
8. I refused to listen to the hateful denigrator's character assassinations.
9. The relentless denigrator kept posting derogatory comments online.
10. Ignore the petty denigrator's attempts to diminish your achievements.
11. The envious denigrator criticized my success out of jealousy.
12. The negative denigrator always finds something wrong with everything.
13. The sexist denigrator put women down to make himself feel superior.
14. The racist denigrator used dehumanizing language to talk about minorities.
15. No one takes the malicious denigrator's criticisms seriously.
16. The thoughtless denigrator made an insulting comment without thinking.
17. I did not respond to the heartless denigrator's cruel remarks.
18. The insecure denigrator insulted others to mask their own shortcomings.
19. The troublemaker enjoyed denigrating others to cause conflict.
20. The rude denigrator blurted out an inappropriate comment.
21. The defamatory denigrator spread lies intended to damage my reputation.
22. The campaign focused on denigrating the opposition rather than promoting their own policies.
23. The condescending denigrator spoke to me in a patronizing manner.
24. The status-seeking denigrator put others down to seem important.
25. The ignorant denigrator lacked understanding but still insulted others.
26. The narrow-minded denigrator could not see value in anything different.
27. The ill-intentioned denigrator sought to hurt others with their criticisms.
28. Don't engage with the damaging denigrator, just ignore them.
29. The schoolyard bully's favorite tactic was to denigrate others.
30. The anonymous denigrator hid behind a fake identity to insult people online.
31. Prejudiced denigrators belittled entire groups based on biases.
32. The sadistic denigrator took pleasure in causing others pain.
33. The hater's only purpose seemed to be to denigrate worthy people and projects.
34. The hypocritical denigrator criticized others for the same faults they possessed.
35. The spiteful denigrator attacked because they enjoyed seeing others hurt.
36. The boss was an unfair denigrator who criticized employees in front of others.
37. The immature denigrator resorted to name-calling instead of constructive debate.
38. The uncreative denigrator lacked their own ideas, so they criticized others.
39. The shrewish denigrator could find fault with any situation.
40. The mean girl found victims to denigrate in order to feel popular.
41. The insecure denigrator insulted others to mask their own vulnerabilities.
42. Avoid the foolish denigrator's attempts to drag you into their negativity.
43. The questionable character of the denigrator made their criticisms easy to dismiss.
44. The unpleasant denigrator enjoyed making others feel small.
45. Don't sink to the level of the malicious denigrator by responding in kind.
46. The offensive denigrator's comments were appropriately reported.
47. The gossipmonger enjoyed denigrating the reputations of others.
48. The hate preacher's entire message was denigrating selected groups.
49. The character assassin sought to denigrate the target's reputation with lies.
50. The bullying denigrator's remarks were unwelcome and inappropriate.
51. The denigrators tried to minimize achievements simply because they were jealous.
52. The cunning denigrator feigned concern to cloak malicious intent.
53. The comment was so denigrating that it started an argument.
54. The insults of the denigrator only revealed their own insecurities.
55. The critic's harsh denigration stunned the author into silence.
56. The politician's rival hired a denigrator to spread lies during the campaign.
57. The fool proved themselves one by denigrating wisdom itself.
58. The back-handed compliment was actually a subtle attempt at denigration.
59. The internet troll's sole purpose was to provoke and denigrate others.
60. Ignore the petty denigrator; they seek only to bring you down to their level.

Common Phases

1. Enough with the baseless denigration of our culture, you denigrator!
2. Don't listen to the denigrators, focus on doing the work you're meant to do in this world.
3. She's become weary of the constant denigrators posting mean comments on social media.
4. The writer refused to respond to the unfair denigration of his work by the infamous literary denigrator.
5. The article was nothing more than an attempt to denigrate the progress being made by the project.
6. Don't stoop to the level of those denigrators seeking only to tear you down.
7. Ignore the denigrators and haters, they do not define your worth.
8. Critics and denigrators will always exist, focusing on them only pulls you down with them.
9. Rise above the petty denigration and prove your detractors wrong with actions, not words.
10. The disgruntled former employee became a nitpicking denigrator of the company's work.
11. I will not be silenced by your baseless denigration and unfounded accusations.
12. That persistent denigrator only seeks to spread negativity and doubt.
13. Her ruthless denigration of my work left me feeling defeated and doubt-filled.
14. Haters and denigrators want you to engage with them, take the higher road and ignore them.
15. The persistent denigrators were ultimately ignored while the project thrived and flourished.
16. That spiteful denigrator will not ruin my joy, I choose to focus on better things.
17. Their ceaseless denigration only reveals their own insecurity and bitterness.
18. Those pathetic denigrators can only bring you down if you let them into your mind.
19. Her constant denigration of others was a reflection of her own self-loathing.
20. I will let that lowly denigration roll right off me like water on a duck's back.
21. The malicious denigrator sought only to wound and cause harm.
22. I cannot control the words of denigrators, only my response to them.
23. Do not stoop to answer the petty denigrators, continue shining your light for all to see.
24. Words of denigration from those who do not know you cannot define who you truly are.
25. Rile up the denigrators and they only cause themselves more anguish.
26. That jealous denigrator has no power over me or my truth.
27. Don't feed the trolls and denigrators, they seek only to stir trouble.
28. Her string of denigrating remarks only revealed her own insecurities and limitations.
29. The critic's denigration of her work accomplished nothing but causing her pain.
30. Denigrator of joy and self-esteem, be gone from these hallowed halls!
31. The relentless denigrator eventually gave up, having found no purchase on my confidence.
32. The critic's denigration fell flat, having no bearing on the project's inherent merit.
33. Their petty denigration bounced harmlessly off my unshakable belief in myself.
34. I laughed at the clownish attempt at denigration, choosing not to dignify it with a response.
35. His denigrating remarks revealed more about himself than they did about me.
36. I let that ceaseless denigrator's words roll off my back, unheeded and powerless.
37. The shameless denigrator only succeeded in making themself look ridiculous.
38. The denigrator sought only to undermine and drag down, ultimately achieving nothing.
39. Their ceaseless denigration came from a place of insecurity - I would not lower myself to their level.
40. Ignore the denigrators and watch them diminish into irrelevance and obscurity.
41. That pathetic denigrator has no power here - only love and light prevail in this space.
42. Rise above the denigration and keep shining - darkness cannot survive the light.
43. Denigrators can throw stones, but flowers grow regardless in the garden of my soul.
44. Focus on growth, and let denigrators waste away in their small-mindedness.
45. Such denigration is a child's tactic - I choose the path of wisdom and grace.
46. That denigrator thought their words could wound me, but my light shines on undimmed.
47. Your ceaseless denigration bounces harmlessly off the shield of my self-worth.
48. Denigrators find purchase only in minds still seeking external validation.
49. The attempt at denigration accomplished nothing but revealing the denigrator's own deficits.
50. I refuse to let that denigrator's antagonism darken the light within me.
51. Denigrators thrive in darkness - shine your light and watch them flee.
52. That perpetual denigrator brought nothing positive into the world - ignore them.
53. Her efforts at denigration accomplished nothing but exposing her own emptiness.
54. Words of denigration sting only those still seeking approval from without.
55. My worth does not depend on the approval of denigrators - it is intrinsic.
56. Let denigrators denigrate - your light cannot be diminished.
57. That denigrating spirit found no home here - only love resides in this place.
58. The feeble attempts at denigration were met with compassion - for that lost soul.
59. Pity the denigrators, for they have not yet found the light within them.
60. Those who denigrate do so from a place of pain - respond with lovingkindness.

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