"Denotations" Example Sentences
1. The denotations of the word "play" include to engage in activity for enjoyment and amusement.
2. Some of the denotations of the word "run" are to move quickly by foot and to operate or manage something.
3. The denotations of the word "table" refer to a piece of furniture with a flat top and legs, and a systematic arrangement of facts.
4. Both denotations and connotations are important aspects of meaning associated with words.
5. Some common denotations of the word "book" are a set of written sheets bound together and a long written composition.
6. While connotations are subjective, denotations refer to the basic objective dictionary definitions of words.
7. One of the denotations of the word "work" is employment, especially activity for economic gain.
8. The primary denotations of the word "love" are a strong affection or liking for someone and a person one loves romantically.
9. The denotations of the word "order" include a state of arrangement or correct disposition and a command to act in a certain way.
10. The denotations of the word "finish" encompass completing an activity or task and coming to an end.
11. Understanding the denotations of a metaphor helps grasp its literal meaning and underlying structure.
12. Good teachers ensure that students understand both the denotations and connotations of the words they study.
13. Some of the denotations of the word "call" are to name or refer to something and request the presence or service of.
14. The primary denotations of the word "happy" refer to a state of well-being and contentment and a state of joyfulness.
15. While studying vocabulary, students learn the denotations, or dictionary definitions, of the words.
16. The denotations of the word "cry" refer to the production of loud bursts of exclamatory sound associated with distress.
17. Examining connotations in addition to denotations can broaden and enrich students' understanding of words.
18. The denotations of the word "fast" refer to moving, happening or able to be done quickly, and abstaining from food.
19. Understanding the denotations and connotations of vocabulary words helps build strong reading comprehension.
20. Students were asked to identify the denotations and explain the connotations of selected vocabulary words.
21. The primary denotations of the word "danger" are the possibility of suffering harm or injury and someone or something that creates or suggests a threat.
22. The denotations of the word "school" include an institution for learning, an organized group sharing a common interest, and fish that swim together.
23. The denotations of the word "obey" are to comply with or fulfill the command or authoritative request of and to follow the rules of.
24. The denotations of the word "wish" refer to a desire or hope for something to happen and a greeting used when parting.
25. The denotations of the word "fly" include to move through the air by means of wings and to travel by airplane.
26. Poets rely on double denotations, or double meanings, to create poetic devices like puns.
27. The denotations of the word "sad" are feeling or showing sorrow or unhappiness and unfortunate or regrettable.
28. Both the denotations and connotations of the word "light" expand one's understanding of its inherent complexities.
29. The primary denotations of the word "time" are a nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
30. Students should consult a dictionary to identify the denotations of unfamiliar vocabulary words.
31. Examining both denotations and connotations can help reveal layers of richness and complexity within words.
32. Understanding the denotations of words is an important first step before exploring their shades of meaning.
33. The denotations of the word "rise" include ascending from a lower to a higher position and increasing in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
34. Learning the denotations of words accurately and precisely is an essential aspect of vocabulary acquisition.
35. The denotations of the word "cold" are having a relatively low temperature and lacking warmth or enthusiasm.
36. Multiple-meaning words often have distinct but closely related denotations.
37. The primary denotations of the word "kind" refer to being well-disposed and having or showing a sympathetic, tolerant, generous, or forgiving nature.
38. The denotations of "breakfast" refer to the first meal of the day, typically eaten in the morning before undertaking the day's work.
39. Both literal and figurative denotations provide insights into how words and ideas interconnect.
40. The denotations of the word "far" are at or to a great distance and to a high degree.
41. The denotations of the word "stand" encompass to rise up from a sitting or reclining position, to uphold or defend, and remaining in place.
42. The denotations of the word "letter" include the basic elements of an alphabet, a written message, and an epistle.
43. Some of the denotations of the word "part" are to separate from the whole or from a position of attachment and a portion as divided from the whole.
44. The denotations of "enjoy" encompass experiencing pleasure and delight and making use of a privilege or possession.
45. Discussing the denotations of selected words deepens students' comprehension while also building vocabulary knowledge.
46. The denotations of the word "improve" refer to making or becoming better and putting to better use.
47. Examining both the denotations and connotations of words lends nuance and depth to literature studies.
48. The denotations of the word "state" refer to the condition of a person or thing in regards to circumstances or attributes and the territory occupied by one nation.
49. The denotations of the word "mind" encompass the element of a person that enables them to be aware, to think, and to feel and intelligence or understanding.
50. The denotations of the word "right" refer to conforming with justice, reason, or morality and in accordance with fact or truth.
51. The denotations of the word "better" refer to more pleasing or correct and to an improvement or amelioration.
52. The primary denotations of the word "music" refer to the art of arranging sounds in time to produce a composition through the elements of melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.
53. The denotations of the word "slow" encompass proceeding at a leisurely pace, lacking speed or alertness, and requiring more time.
54. The denotations of the word "idea" refer to a thought or a conception existing in the mind and a project or scheme in the mind.
55. The primary denotations of the word "fall" refer to dropping or descending under the force of gravity and to descend from an erect or higher position.
56. Discussing both denotations and connotations deepens and enriches students' grasp of a word's complexities and nuances.
57. The denotations of the word "good" refer to that which is morally right and desirable, something useful or beneficial, and the general welfare.
58. Examining denotations provides students with the building blocks for understanding more figurative usages of a word.
59. The primary denotations of the word "open" are not closed or barred and having no enclosing or obstructing barrier.
60. Studying the denotations and connotations of words develops students' linguistic awareness and sophistication.
Common Phases
1. Words have multiple
denotations and connotations.
2. The dictionary lists several possible
denotations for that ambiguous word.
3. The literal denotation of the word was clear, but the cultural connotations added nuance.
4. The basic denotation of the word is simple, but the poet layers multiple connotations throughout the poem.
5. The lexicographer sought to clarify the controversial
denotations of the newly added words.
6. The author plays with the multiple
denotations of certain words throughout the story.
7. The textbook explained the precise
denotations of the different literary terms.
8. The speaker wanted to ensure the precise denotation and connotation of each word in his speech.
9. The poet uses puns that rely on multiple
denotations of certain words.
10. The dictionary is the authority for correct
denotations of words.
11. The professor quizzed students on the literal
denotations of literary allusions.
12. The connotations may change over time, but the
denotations of words should remain constant.
13. The author uses words with multiple
denotations to create ambiguity.
14. The editor sought to clarify the intended
denotations of technical terms in the manuscript.
15. The scholar spent years documenting the etymological
denotations of obscure words.
16. Ambiguity arises when connotations differ from
17. Words with broad
denotations allow for flexibility of meaning.
18. The children's book explained the
denotations of complex words in simple terms.
19. The thesaurus listed multiple
denotations for the synonym set.
20. The literal
denotations of the words laid the foundation for more complex connotations and interpretations.
21. The textbook distinguished between
denotations and connotations of key concepts.
22. The judge sought precise
denotations for legally defined terms.
23. The professor quizzed students to ensure they understood the precise
denotations of technical terms.
24. Connotations can add emotion or judgment not present in the literal denotation.
25. The linguist studied
denotations in historical dictionaries.
26. The adherent sought to follow the precise
denotations of scriptural texts.
27. The poet used words with multiple
denotations to create layers of meaning.
28. The court required witnesses to use precise
denotations in their testimonies.
29. The artist explored the
denotations and connotations of color.
30. The legal definitions sought to minimize ambiguity by establishing precise
denotations for terms.
31. Poetic devices rely on multiple
denotations and changing connotations of words.
32. The scholar mapped the evolution of
denotations for words over centuries of writing.
33. The dictionary clarified the multiple
denotations of the ambiguous word.
34. The translation failed to convey the precise
denotations intended by the original author.
35. The report focused on clarifying the intended
denotations of technical terms.
36. Precise language seeks to minimize ambiguity by adhering to established
37. The instructor tested students' understanding of the
denotations of key concepts.
38. Advertisers create connotations that go beyond the literal denotation of words.
39. The survey assessed participants' understanding of
denotations in legal and medical texts.
40. The interview probed the witness for precise
denotations rather than broad characterizations.
41. The poet's use of paradox relies on playing with the
denotations of contradictory terms.
42. Connotations convey judgment, emotion and nuance beyond literal denotation.
43. Dictionaries seek to record standard
denotations for literary and technical words.
44. The essay analyzed the shifting
denotations and connotations of a controversial political term.
45. The professor quizzed students to ensure they understood the precise
denotations of terms before exploring wider connotations.
46. The translator sought to convey both
denotations and connotations of culturally specific terms.
47. The evolution of a word's
denotations reveals shifts in discourse and culture over time.
48. The rival candidates disagreed on the precise denotation of a key policy term.
49. The poet alludes to ancient myths through the shared
denotations of key words.
50. The poet changes the connotations of familiar words through unique
51. The teacher explained the
denotations of a symbol before exploring its deeper cultural connotations.
52. The author plays with the literal
denotations and metaphorical connotations of "light and dark" imagery.
53. The essay mapped shifts in
denotations and connotations of "freedom" over the past century.
54. The riddle relies on ambiguity between multiple
denotations of a word.
55. The professor quizzed students on precise
denotations before exploring wider connotations of philosophical concepts.
56. The interpreter sought to convey both
denotations and connotations in the translation.
57. The critic analyzed the multiple
denotations and shifting connotations of a symbol in the novel.
58. The philosopher engaged with
denotations established in specialized texts and disciplines.
59. The legal definition sought to establish precise
denotations for unambiguous interpretation and application of the law.
60. The dictionary defined multiple
denotations for the ambiguous word.