Denticle example sentences

Related (17): spine, scale, plaque, projection, tooth, bump, knob, ridge, point, peak, protuberance, nodule, boss, tubercle, spur, horn, hook


noun zoology

denticle (noun) · denticles (plural noun)

  - a small tooth or toothlike projection.


fang, denticulation, tusk, dentition, tush

"Denticle" Example Sentences

1. The finch's beak had sharp denticles along the edges.
2. The shark's skin was covered in rows of tiny, pointed denticles.
3. A denticle is a small toothlike projection or scale on an animal's body.
4. The armor plating had small pyramid shaped denticles that overlapped.
5. He grasped the sword's leather-wrapped hilt, carefully avoiding the sharp metal denticles on the handguard.
6. The sawfish uses its long, tooth-lined snout to stun prey, the narrow, serrated teeth are called denticles.
7. The denticles on the crested newt's back spiked up when it felt threatened.
8. The anteater uses its long, tubular snout to probe for termites and ants in mud and wood, its tongue has sticky saliva and small backward facing denticles.
9. The denticle crests on the pteranodon's huge wings allowed it to maneuver and control its flight with precision.
10. The biologist used tweezers to gently brush the dinosaur osteoderm artifact to expose the pyramidal denticles along its edges.
11. Their fingertips were covered in tiny protective denticles to help them grip tree branches.
12. Denticles assist functions like locomotion, feeding, protection, and tactile sensation.
13. The crocodile's tail had rows of small, triangular denticles running along the top and sides.
14. Shark skin denticles are made of the same material as teeth.
15. The stegosaurus armor plates were covered in overlapping hexagonal denticles that gave them rigidity and protection.
16. The porcupine's quills are actually hollow modified hairs with little tufted denticles at the end that allow them to detach easily when they penetrate an animal's skin.
17. The armadillo's hard, bony plates were covered in small conical denticles that gave its shell a sandpapery texture.
18. Denticles often function as protective scales, armor, or barbs that help repel predators and aid in feeding.
19. The thagomizer's hooked denticles inflicted deep wounds on anyone unfortunate enough to encounter a stegosaurus tail swipe.
20. The dragon lizard's denticles spurred along the ridge of its spine, making it appear fearsome.
21. The ichthyosaur glided through the waves, its large fishlike tail and denticled fins helping propel it through the water with ease.
22. The paleontologist used tweezers to carefully remove dirt and debris from between the fragile ankylosaurus osteoderm denticles.
23. The komodo dragon's back and tail were covered in small pointed denticles that gave it a spiky, fearsome appearance.
24. The trilobite's exoskeleton was covered in tiny, overlapping denticles that articulated to allow flexibility but also provided protection.
25. The armored fish's scales had sharp conical denticles oriented posteriorly that helped defend it against predators.
26. The ctenophore drifted through the water, its tiny corona denticles catching the light like a translucent crown.
27. The dinosaur expert examined theallosaurus skull fragment, noting the rodlike denticles along the jaws that gave it a powerful bite.
28. The gecko relies on microdenticles on its feet to generate enough friction to stick to even smooth surfaces.
29. Pangolin scales consist of denticles made of keratin that overlap like roof tiles to provide strong defense against predators.
30. The snapping turtle's beak had sharp, sawtooth denticles that allowed it to bite through even tough materials.
31. The dinosaur expert hypothesized that the paravian theropod likely used the denticles on its forelimbs for defensive slashing motions against predators.
32. The coating had microscopic, cone-shaped denticles that gave it a self-cleaning, water-repellant surface.
33. The chicken's beak had tiny denticles along its edges to help crush and grind seeds and grains.
34. The horseshoe crab's exoskeleton armor consisted of overlapping plates with sharp pointed denticles along the margins.
35. The ichthyosaur swam swiftly through the ancient sea, its elongated body and denticled flippers aiding its efficient motion.
36. The alien creature's tentacles were lined with translucent denticles that sparked and crackled menacingly.
37. The ornate dragon lizard displayed its crest of spiny denticles to intimidate its rivals.
38. Denticles reduced drag along the tyrannosaurus' nose and face, channeling air over its massive skull efficiently.
39. The leopard gecko flicked out its small, forked tongue to taste the air, the microdenticles on its tongue allowing it to sense chemical gradients.
40. The scientists studied the duckbilled dinosaur osteoderm specimen under a microscope, noting the intricate network of interlocking denticles that gave it strong armor.
41. The boxfish's bony armor had pinecone-like denticles that protected it from predators and allowed it maneuver in tight spaces.
42. The trilobite specimen showed rows of club-shaped denticles on its thoracic segments that likely helped prevent it from becoming wedged between rocks.
43. The stegosaurus tail swung in an arc, its massive thagomizer quill plates spearing the attacking allosaurus with dozens of hooked denticles.
44. The snake's scales had tiny overlapping denticles that allowed it to smoothly glide over even rough surfaces.
45. The osteoderm plates overlapped like roof tiles, their tiny denticles interlocking to form strong, flexible armor.
46. The shark's snout brushed the tidepool wall, denticles efficiently scraping off encrusting organisms.
47. The saw's blade fragments were covered in tiny hooked denticles that matched the wounds on the victim's body.
48. The termite nested within the log, its mandibles lined with tufts of denticles that gathered and manipulated the soft food.
49. The ichthyosaur's smooth skin transitioned into tiny pyramidal denticles along its flippers, assisting grip in the water.
50. The newt's tail had a crest of tall, pointed denticles running along its sides, giving it a formidable appearance.
51. The researcher carefully lifted the ancient beetle elytra specimen, noting how the tiny denticles along its margins gave it a metallic shine.
52. The shark thrashed about, its skin of rough, tooth-like denticles scraping the diver's wet suit.
53. The rustling feathers on the chicken's neck lifted, revealing bare pink skin dotted with tiny denticles.
54. The shark nudged the turtle, its skin of flattened denticles guiding water over its body.
55. The ornate dragon trembled its crest of tall, razor-sharp denticles at its opponent, displaying dominance.
56. The paleontologist hypothesized that the crow-like beak of the ancient bird specimen was lined with denticles that helped it crush tough seeds.
57. The snapping turtle snapped its massive jaws, serrated denticles tearing through the fish's scales.
58. The makeshift knife had tiny hooked denticles filed along the edge to maximize tissue damage.
59. The stegosaurus tail swung with terrifying force, each plate tipped with razor sharp denticles that glinted menacingly.
60. The ichthyosaur circled the shoal of fish, its denticled fins and powerful tail propelling it through the water with deadly grace.

Common Phases

Denticles provide protection - Denticles often function as protective scales, armor, or barbs that help repel predators.
Denticles aid in feeding - Examples include denticles on bird beaks that help crush food, or denticles on anteater tongues that assist in capturing ants and termites.
• Overlapping denticles - Many animals with denticles have overlapping scales or plates with interlocking denticles that provide flexibility and strength.
Denticles reduce drag - Small denticles along the faces of some dinosaurs and sharks are thought to have reduced drag by channeling water or air smoothly over the animal.
• Covered in denticles - The skin, armor, plates or other body parts of certain animals are said to be "covered in denticles."
• Tiny denticles - Denticles are often described as tiny, small or minute projections on an animal's body.
Denticles along the edges - Denticles are frequently found along the margins or edges of scales, quills, plates or other anatomical structures.
• Pointed denticles - Conical or pyramidal shaped denticles are common, and are often described as "pointed."
So in summary, common themes in phrases involving denticles include their protective, overlapping and streamlined functions, as well as their tiny, marginal and pointed morphologies.

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