Deprecate example sentences

Related (10): deprecate, belittle, diminish, denigrate, disparage, detract, discredit, depreciate, derogate, downgrade.

"Deprecate" Example Sentences

1. The company deprecated the use of racial slurs.
2. The government deprecated inflammatory language in political speeches.
3. Experts deprecated the dangerous conspiracy theory.
4. The report deprecated the widespread misinformation on social media.
5. Policymakers deprecated the excessive violence in movies and video games.
6. The United Nations deprecated hate speech directed at vulnerable groups.
7. The organization deprecated the world leaders' failure to act on climate change.
8. The school deprecated bullying and other forms of harmful behavior among students.
9. The safety commission deprecated risky behaviors that could result in injuries.
10. The medical journal deprecated the use of unfounded alternative remedies.
11. The religious leaders deprecated sinful and immoral behavior.
12. Environmentalists deprecated the company's polluting practices.
13. Progressives deprecated the corporation's heavy-handed union-busting tactics.
14. Critics deprecated the artist's glorification of violence and depravity.
15. Feminists deprecated the objectification of women in media and advertising.
16. Historians deprecated the historical inaccuracies in the film.
17. The guidance counselor deprecated the student's plan to skip college.
18. Advocates deprecated mandatory minimum sentencing laws.
19. The court deprecated the defendant's lack of remorse.
20. Historians deprecated the tendency to view the past through a modern lens.
21. Animal rights activists deprecated cruel practices involved in factory farming.
22. We deprecated our tendency to judge others harshly.
23. Officials deprecated irresponsible behavior that could threaten public safety.
24. They deprecated damning others without understanding their circumstances.
25. Reformists deprecated harsh and draconian laws that disproportionately impacted the poor.
26. Critics deprecated the use of fabrications and exaggerations in sensationalistic journalism.
27. Teachers deprecated students' reliance on spellcheck rather than learning proper spelling.
28. Doctors deprecated the spread of anti-vaccination misinformation.
29. Parents deprecated inappropriate language and rude behavior in children's television programming.
30. The psychologist deprecated the client's tendency toward self-defeating and destructive thoughts.
31. Experts deprecated complacency about the urgency of climate change.
32. Advocates deprecated prejudice based on gender, race, or disability.
33. Readers deprecated the author's glorification of violent behavior.
34. Scholars deprecated the oversimplification and distortions found in pop history books.
35. The priest deprecated gossip and unfair criticism of others.
36. Consumers deprecated the company's dangerous and shoddy product design.
37. Professors deprecated plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty.
38. Critics deprecated the exploitation and sensationalism found in tabloid journalism.
39. The United Nations deprecated violations of human rights and humanitarian law.
40. Judges deprecated attempts to subvert or obstruct justice.
41. Leaders deprecated incendiary speech that promoted violence and division.
42. Historians deprecated the erasure or distortion of historical facts for political gain.
43. Scientists deprecated pseudoscientific claims lacking credible evidence or rigorous testing.
44. Reformers deprecated injustice, oppression and cruelty.
45. Activists deprecated corruption and abuses of power by government and corporations.
46. Parents deprecated disrespectful and ill-mannered behavior in children.
47. The board deprecated unethical and illegal business practices.
48. Educators deprecated a narrow focus on standardized testing in schools.
49. Environmentalists deprecated negligence and greed that threatened Earth's life-support systems.
50. Progressives deprecated harmful, outdated traditional beliefs.
51. Feminists deprecated the marginalization and oppression of women.
52. Philosophers deprecated absolutist thinking and failure to consider different viewpoints.
53. The watchdog group deprecated unseemly influence of money in politics.
54. The commentator deprecated the spread of misinformation through news and social media.
55. The editorial deprecated politicians' failure to address the nation's serious challenges.
56. The critic deprecated the artist's glorification of violence and cruelty.
57. The movement deprecated disregard for the suffering of others.
58. Advocates deprecated unjust laws and unfair systems.
59. The writer deprecated narrow-mindedness and prejudice.
60. We deprecated our tendency toward anger, blame and resentment.

Common Phases

1. Strongly condemn
The United Nations strongly condemned the human rights violations.
2. Express disapproval of
Experts expressed disapproval of the dangerous conspiracy theory.
3. Look down on
Critics looked down on the artist's glorification of violence and depravity.
4. Speak out against
Advocates spoke out against mandatory minimum sentencing laws.
5. Denounce
Historians denounced the historical inaccuracies in the film.
6. Disapprove of
Parents disapproved of inappropriate language in children's television programming.
7. Discourage
Teachers discouraged students' reliance on spellcheck.
8. Cast doubt on
Scientists cast doubt on pseudoscientific claims lacking evidence.
9. View with disfavor
Reformers viewed with disfavor injustice, oppression and cruelty.
10. Regret
We regretted our tendency toward anger, blame and resentment.

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