Derelictions example sentences

Related (5): neglect, decay, dilapidation, disrepair, ruin

"Derelictions" Example Sentences

1. His dereliction of duty resulted in the loss of millions.
2. Derelictions of moral duty will have serious consequences.
3. The derelictions of the previous government were numerous.
4. She could not forgive his dereliction of their relationship.
5. The captain was accused of dereliction of his responsibilities.
6. The contractor was sued for dereliction of their contractual obligations.
7. The company's dereliction of safety protocols led to tragic consequences.
8. The employee's dereliction of their duties resulted in dismissal.
9. The CEO's dereliction of ethical standards led to public outrage.
10. The politician's dereliction of public trust was widely condemned.
11. Derelictions of duty are not tolerated in our organization.
12. Her dereliction of her financial responsibilities put her in debt.
13. The teacher's dereliction of their teaching duties was reported to the school board.
14. The doctor's dereliction of their medical responsibilities could lead to malpractice charges.
15. The police officer was investigated for dereliction of their sworn duty.
16. His dereliction of his parental obligations caused his children to suffer.
17. The landlord's dereliction of their maintenance duties led to a dilapidated building.
18. The soldier was court-martialed for dereliction of their military duties.
19. The judge's dereliction of their judicial responsibilities could lead to impeachment.
20. The pilot's dereliction of safety protocols could result in a serious accident.
21. The counselor's dereliction of their moral duties could result in harm to their clients.
22. The journalist's dereliction of their ethical principles led to inaccurate reporting.
23. The architect's dereliction of their design responsibilities resulted in a faulty building.
24. The CEO's dereliction of financial controls led to embezzlement.
25. The engineer's dereliction of their safety duties could lead to a hazardous workplace.
26. The diplomat's dereliction of their diplomatic responsibilities could result in strained international relations.
27. The scientist's dereliction of research protocols could lead to invalid results.
28. The professor's dereliction of academic standards could result in loss of accreditation.
29. The contractor's dereliction of quality control led to a defective product.
30. The nurse's dereliction of their patient care responsibilities could result in harm to the patient.

Common Phases

1. The derelictions of the past are now catching up with us; we must take responsibility for our actions.
2. His derelictions as a manager led to the company's downfall; he was subsequently fired.
3. The dereliction of duty by the policeman angered the community; protests ensued.
4. There were many derelictions in the construction of the building; it had to be condemned.
5. The CEO's derelictions were exposed by the media; the company's reputation suffered greatly.
6. The derelictions of the government led to widespread dissatisfaction; calls for change were heard.
7. The landlord's dereliction of maintaining the property caused several code violations; tenants were forced to move out.
8. The teacher's dereliction in grading assignments led to confusion among students; it resulted in a complaint to the school board.
9. The derelictions in the maintenance of the park led to safety hazards; it was closed for repairs.
10. His derelictions in his personal life affected his performance at work; he was given a warning by his boss.

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