Dermatologists example sentences

"Dermatologists" Example Sentences

1. Dermatologists recommend using sunscreen with at least SPF 30.
2. My dermatologist suggested I start using a retinoid cream to reduce wrinkles.
3. The dermatologist diagnosed me with eczema and recommended a special lotion.
4. I have an appointment with the dermatologist next week to get my skin checked for any abnormalities.
5. Dermatologists can perform skin biopsies to test for skin cancer.
6. The dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream to treat my psoriasis.
7. As a dermatologist, I have to keep up with the latest research and techniques in skin care.
8. Some dermatologists specialize in cosmetic procedures, like Botox or fillers.
9. Dermatologists can also treat hair and nail conditions, not just skin.
10. My dermatologist recommended a gentle cleanser for my sensitive skin.
11. Some dermatologists use lasers to remove tattoos or hair.
12. Dermatologists recommend avoiding tanning beds due to their harmful effects on the skin.
13. I trust my dermatologist to give me advice on which skincare products to use.
14. The dermatologist noticed a mole on my back that needed to be removed and biopsied.
15. Some dermatologists work in research, studying the causes and treatments of skin conditions.
16. My dermatologist suggested I try a chemical peel to improve the texture of my skin.
17. Dermatologists can diagnose and treat skin infections such as ringworm or impetigo.
18. My dermatologist recommended a salicylic acid wash for my acne-prone skin.
19. As a dermatologist, I’ve seen how acne can affect people’s self-esteem and mental health.
20. Dermatologists can also diagnose and treat sexually transmitted infections that manifest on the skin.
21. My dermatologist suggested I stop using harsh exfoliators that were damaging my skin.
22. Some dermatologists specialize in treating skin conditions that are specific to people of color.
23. The dermatologist recommended a topical steroid for the rash on my arm.
24. Dermatologists can also diagnose and treat autoimmune diseases that affect the skin, like lupus or dermatomyositis.
25. My dermatologist warned me about the dangers of picking at my acne or other blemishes.
26. Some dermatologists use light therapy to treat conditions like acne or psoriasis.
27. The dermatologist suggested I get a mole map so we can track any changes in my skin over time.
28. As a dermatologist, I emphasize the importance of sun protection to all my patients.
29. Dermatologists can perform Mohs surgery to remove skin cancer while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible.
30. My dermatologist recommended a ceramide-rich moisturizer to improve my dry, itchy skin.

Common Phases

1. "I need to see a dermatologist; my eczema is flaring up again."
2. "Dermatologists can help with skin cancer prevention and treatment."
3. "If you have acne that won't go away, you should see a dermatologist."
4. "My dermatologist recommended a new skincare regimen for me."
5. "It's important to see a dermatologist for regular skin check-ups."

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