Descending example sentences

Related (8): falling, dropping, plunging, sinking, decreasing, declining, weakening, subsiding

"Descending" Example Sentences

1. The plane came in for a smooth descending landing.
2. We watched as the sun descended below the horizon.
3. I felt a sense of peace descending over me.
4. The staircase spiraled down, descending into darkness.
5. The leaves were descending gently to the ground.
6. The hawk landed on the fencepost after descending in wide circles.
7. A hush descended over the crowd.
8. As night descended, the lights of the city began to flicker on.
9. Calmness descended on her mind.
10. Silence descended upon the room.
11. Panic descended through the crowd.
12. The sound of descending footsteps echoed in the hallway.
13. The steps descended steeply into the basement.
14. A feeling of dread descended on me.
15. Anxiety descended upon her.
16. Screams descended from above.
17. The darkness descended slowly at first and then rapidly.
18. The ornithologist watched the swallows descending on the lake.
19. Fear descended on the students as they heard the announcement.
20. Excitement descended upon the little boy as Christmas morning grew closer.
21. The trail descended steeply down the side of the mountain.
22. Joy descended upon her as she saw his familiar face in the crowd.
23. The rope ladder descended into the depths of the cave.
24. Cheers descended from the stadium as the home team scored.
25. The staircase descended into the earthen cellar.
26. The walkway descended sharply to the shore of the lake.
27. Voices descended from the next room.
28. The hawk circled slowly before descending to snatch the mouse.
29. Descending waterfalls poured into the massive lake.
30. The fighter plane came screaming down, descending rapidly.
31. Sleep descended on me quickly.
32. The undead horde descended upon the village.
33. Shouts of joy descended from the mountaintop as the climbers emerged.
34. The temperature descended rapidly as we climbed higher.
35. The paratroopers descended from the sky in a hail of gunfire.
36. The fog descended rapidly, blanketing the valley in white.
37. The rolling hills descended into the river valley below.
38. Sudden grief descended upon her when she heard the tragic news.
39. The rope ladder descended from the portal into the underground complex.
40. The path descended into the valley below.
41. The songbirds descended upon the feeders as evening approached.
42. As darkness descended, fog rolled in off the bay.
43. Peace descended upon his soul.
44. The climber descended the cliff face slowly and carefully.
45. The sun descended behind the distant mountains, casting long shadows.
46. Smoke descended on the city after the bombing.
47. Darkness descended rapidly when the sun dipped below the horizon.
48. The antelope descended the mountain at a trot.
49. The fighters descended into the gorge to engage the enemy.
50. Voices descended through the heating vent.
51. The raiders descended on the village in the dead of night.
52. Chaos descended as the power went out during rush hour.
53. Snow descended slowly, blanketing the countryside in white.
54. Sanity descended like a fresh Spring breeze.
55. The helicopter descended to land in the field.
56. Ruin descended upon the village after the earthquake.
57. The roller coaster car descended into darkness.
58. Silence descended during the moment of remembrance.
59. Inspiration descended upon her like a bolt from the blue.
60. The cable car descended steadily down the mountain.

Common Phases

1. The plane descended slowly toward the runway.
2. He climbed down the descending staircase.
3. She descended into a deep depression after the breakup.
4. The skiers raced down the descending mountain slope.
5. The escalator was descending into the subway station.
6. The cost of gas is descending this month.
7. The mountain climber descended carefully down the steep slope.
8. The aircraft descended into the busy airport airspace.
9. The stock market is descending to new lows.
10. Their fortunes have been steadily descending for years now.
11. The hikers descended the mountain trail as the sun began to set.
12. We slowly walked down the descending path in the garden.
13. The acrobat descended the rope with expert skill.
14. The fire trucks descended on the burning building.
15. The balloon slowly descended to the ground.
16. The moon slowly descended behind the horizon.
17. I felt myself descending into a dark place emotionally.
18. The slope of the hill grew steeper as we descended.
19. He descended deeper into the cave system.
20. The ladder descended into the narrow well.
21. The sun was descending below the distant hills.
22. The cost of living is descending slightly this year.
23. The otter slowly descended into the cold lake.
24. The spacecraft descended to the surface of Mars.
25. They descended the stairs leading to the basement.
26. Her voice descended to a soft whisper.
27. The temperatures will be descending below zero tonight.
28. The elevator descended several floors before stopping.
29. The hawk slowly descended, circling over its prey.
30. She descended into madness after her loved one passed away.
31. The descending elevator made a high-pitched whine.
32. The gold price has been descending for months now.
33. Their standard of living has been steadily descending.
34. The old ladder descended into the deep pit.
35. The rolling hills descended into the valley below.
36. He slowly descended into darkness due to illness.
37. Their fortune was slowly descending over the years.
38. She descended from the top of the stairs.
39. Her mood has been descending since the bad news.
40. The rolling hills descended gently toward the lake.
41. Prices have been descending this quarter.
42. She descended the mountain path at a brisk pace.
43. The elevators were slowly descending in the shaft.
44. Gas prices are finally descending again.
45. The moon descended below the horizon, leaving darkness.
46. She descended the stairs to meet her boyfriend.
47. We began our descending hike from the lookout point.
48. The sun was descending behind the distant trees.
49. He followed the descending river path.
50. The sun slowly descended toward the western horizon.
51. Interest rates have been descending for several months.
52. The wages have been descending across many industries.
53. The horse descended the hill at a leisurely pace.
54. The roadway descended steeply into the valley.
55. Temperatures will be descending below freezing today.
56. The path zigzagged as it descended the hillside.
57. Living standards have been slowly descending.
58. The moon slowly descended the inky black sky.
59. Water levels have been descending over the past year.
60. The flashlight beam descended into the dark cave.

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