Descry example sentences

Related (9): observe, spot, discern, glimpse, detect, spy, distinguish, perceive, identify


verb literary

descry (verb) · descries (third person present) · descried (past tense) · descried (past participle) · descrying (present participle)

  - catch sight of:


perceive, detect, recognize, notice, observe, see, spot, identify, determine, distinguish, differentiate, discriminate, espy, overlook, miss

"Descry" Example Sentences

1. He stood on the hilltop and tried to descry any signs of life in the valley below.
2. From the ship's crow's nest, the lookout strained to descry land through the thick fog.
3. In the dim light, she struggled to descry any shapes or movements in the woods.
4. The hunter descried a deer moving silently among the trees.
5. They descried the smoke from the campfire long before seeing any people.
6. As dawn broke, the adventurers could finally descry the spires of the lost city in the distance.
7. When the fog lifted, they were able to descry the shapes of other ships in the harbor.
8. The keen-eyed scout descried enemies approaching in the distance.
9. In the dawn light, she could finally descry the mountain peaks that had seemed so close the night before.
10. Through the spyglass he could just descry the waves breaking on the shore of the distant island.
11. After hours of hopeless searching, she finally descried a tiny dot of color in the vast desert.
12. Straining her eyes, she thought for a moment that she could descry the figure of a man watching her from the woods.
13. They descried the plume of smoke from the nearby village before seeing any cottages or huts.
14. The old woman could just descry tiny lights twinkling in the snowbound valley far below.
15. Through the mist of tears, she struggled to descry any flicker of compassion or kindness in his hard face.
16. He thought for a moment that he could descry movement within the dark cave, but then decided it was just shadows playing tricks on his eyes.
17. They descried the roof of the farmhouse peeking out from behind the hill.
18. The captain descried small specks in the distance that his crew confirmed were the sails of other ships.
19. In the eerie light of dawn, she thought for a moment that she could descry something moving in the cemetery, but it was gone as soon as she blinked.
20. The riders descried wisps of smoke rising from the valley and spurred their horses onwards.
21. He descried the figures on the horizon only when the sun rose high enough to dispel the morning mist.
22. After a long vigil, she could just descry dawn breaking through the leaves of the dense jungle.
23. The patrol thought for a moment that they could descry enemy soldiers moving through the wheat fields, but it turned out to just be farmers harvesting their crop.
24. As the sun rose, they were able to descry the French scouting party hiding in the woods near the river.
25. Although far away, the prospector thought for a moment that he could descry tiny figures moving among the distant rocks high on the mountainside.
26. Straining their eyes, the watchers on the beach descried small dark shapes on the horizon that they hoped were the masts of rescue ships.
27. The lost hiker descried smoke rising from the chimney of a distant cottage and started making his way down the mountainside.
28. When dawn finally broke, she thought for a moment that she could descry movement in the garden among the flowers, but it was just her imagination.
29. As the thick fog began to clear, they could finally descry the looming shapes of other boats moored in the harbor.
30. They descried the glow of campfires long before seeing the canvas tops of the wagon train emerge from the forest.
31. Searching the horizon through field glasses, the captain thought for a moment that he could descry the lines of British ships riding at anchor but it turned out to be just waves and clouds.
32. As she gazed out over the vast expanse of sand, she thought for a moment that she could descry the shapes of lost temples and pyramids in the dunes but it was just a mirage.
33. The watchman descried wisps of smoke rising from the woods and sounded the alarm.
34. Through the dusty window, she struggled to descry any shapes moving in the deserted street below.
35. Straining her eyes, she thought for a moment that she could descry small figures moving across the desert wasteland but it turned out to just be her imagination.
36. They descried tiny points of light in the distance that they hoped indicated a settlement where they could find help.
37. In the half-light of dawn, she thought for a moment that she could descry things moving among the headstones in the churchyard but then dismissed it as a trick of the shadows.
38. They stood on the shoreline, straining their eyes to descry any sign of life in the vast ocean before them.
39. He thought for a moment that he could descry movement in the long grass ahead but it turned out to just be the wind rustling the leaves.
40. To their joy, they descried tiny figures on horseback riding towards them from across the desert sands.
41. Through the gaps in the trees, she thought for a moment that she could descry someone watching her cottage from the edge of the wood but it must have been her imagination.
42. They descried campfires and the dark shapes of wagons in the distance, signaling that they were close to the settlement they sought.
43. The climbers could just descry tiny colored specks far below that they hoped were tents in the camp where they would find help.
44. When the moon came out from behind the clouds, they thought for a moment that they could descry shapes moving around the ancient stone circle but it was merely tricks of the shadows and the wind.
45. He thought for a moment that he could descry aircraft high above him, but it was just birds circling in the dusk sky.
46. The watchers on the shore descried tiny dots of light out at sea that they hoped indicated rescue vessels on their way.
47. With her keen hawk's eyes, the scout descried enemy warriors moving across the plain far below.
48. They descried the dim glow from the creature's eyes long before seeing its huge misshapen body crouched in the shadows.
49. As dawn broke, they finally descried the lonely tower of the extinct lighthouse, their destination and possible means of salvation.
50. They descried a plume of smoke in the distance and hoped it meant a settlement where they might find help.
51. The exhausted traveler could just descry tiny specks of light far below in the valley that she knew must come from a village where she could rest.
52. They descried wisps of smoke high on the mountainside that they hoped indicated a Shepherd's hut where they might take shelter.
53. In the half-light of dawn, he thought that he could descry silhouettes moving among the ancient stones but it turned out to just be his tired eyes playing tricks on him.
54. On the horizon they descried the tiny shapes of other vessels; friends or foes they could not yet determine.
55. As the morning fog lifted, they were finally able to descry the outlines of the lost city they had sought for so long.
56. She thought for a moment that she could descry dark shapes moving among the trees but then realized it was just the shadows cast by the wind stirring the branches.
57. In the dawn light, they finally descried the towers and turrets of the medieval castle that was their destination.
58. He thought for a moment that he could descry movement within the dense undergrowth but then decided it was just birds or small animals stirring.
59. They descried tiny flickering lights far below in the valley that they hoped came from a settlement where they might find respite.
60. Through the viewfinder of his rifle scope, the sniper was able to clearly descry the soldier's face from nearly a mile away.

Common Phases

1. The weary traveler could just descry the lights of the distant city on the horizon.
2. As the fog cleared, she began to descry figures emerging from the mist.
3. The hunter could barely descry the deer in the underbrush from his perch high in the tree.
4. The shipwrecked sailor could finally descry the lights of the rescue vessel glinting through the night.
5. She descried movement amidst the tall grass, alerting her to the presence of a dangerous predator.
6. After hours of trekking through the desert, the adventurers began to descry the oasis in the distance.
7. From the mountaintop, they could descry the valley below bursting with colorful wildflowers.
8. His sharp eyes descried the ambushers concealed in the bushes before they could spring their trap.
9. The mountaineer strained her eyes to descry the path ahead, made invisible by the snowstorm.
10. From the crow's nest, the lookout could at last descry land on the far horizon.
11. After climbing to the roof, I was able to descry the cityscape in the distance laid out before me.
12. They strained their eyes desperately to descry any sign of help on the vast ocean around them.
13. She descried her rival emerging from the house across the street and ducked behind a hedge.
14. The guard descried an intruder attempting to scale the castle walls under cover of night.
15. After months of trying, scientists finally began to descry new lifeforms through their high-powered microscope.
16. Descrying the lost traveler in the distance, they hastened to her aid.
17. The scout descried enemy troops massing on the distant hill and hastened to warn his comrades.
18. Descrying the orphaned duckling, the woman rushed to rescue it from the rushing stream.
19. Her sharp eyes descried the escaping prisoner limping through the underbrush.
20. As dawn broke, the lookout descried the sails of allied ships finally coming into view.
21. After years of waiting, he finally began to descry progress being made on his ambitious vision.
22. From the crow's nest, the sailor was the first to descry land on the far horizon.
23. The astronomer descried signs of life within the cloud of gas emitting from the distant galaxy.
24. They strained their eyes in vain, unable to descry any landmarks in the barren wasteland.
25. Anne descried a familiar figure walking toward the house, setting her mind at ease.
26. The parched travelers began to descry a small oasis on the distant horizon.
27. The ornithologist struggled to descry the rare bird's nest hidden high in the tree canopy.
28. I descried movement out of the corner of my eye, alerting me to the presence of another traveler.
29. Explorers arose at dawn, hoping that the new day would bring clarity allowing them to finally descry their destination.
30. The gardener descried signs of deer snacking in her prized roses.
31. Descrying the danger ahead, she shouted a warning to her companions.
32. After many long years at sea, the sailors finally began to descry land on the distant horizon.
33. The sentry descried movement near the minefield, setting off the alarm.
34. After hours of searching, they finally descried the child lost deep in the forest.
35. John descried a familiar figure emerging from the crowd and waved hello.
36. From atop the lighthouse, the keeper descried the ship wrecking on the rocks below.
37. Descrying the lost child, the mother raced to embrace her.
38. The watcher descried signs of enemy movement in the camp below.
39. The explorer descried smoke rising from the valley ahead, signaling the presence of native inhabitants.
40. After dark, Charles finally descried the lights of town in the distance and hastened homeward.
41. The astronaut desperately struggled to descry any sign of life below from the departing capsule.
42. Descrying his prey out of the corner of his eye, the hunter reached for his weapon.
43. They strained their eyes to descry the source of the wreckage scattered throughout the jungle.
44. The prisoner descried the searchlights sweeping the grounds outside her window.
45. The eagle descried movement in the grass below, signaling the presence of prey.
46. Descrying their hiding place, the bandits charged forth from the trees.
47. Scientists began to descry new structures within all living cells under their electron microscope.
48. She descried the lone figure of her lost love walking toward her through the crowd.
49. From the mountaintop, the gardener descried deer feeding on her sweet peas.
50. The wanderer struggled to descry any sign of refuge in the blistering desert.
51. Descrying the injured deer, the woman rushed to administer aid.
52. The novice descried the mountain temple emerging from the clouds in the distance.
53. After years of fruitless searching, the scholar finally began to descry signs pointing the way to his quest.
54. Maggie descried an old friend walking toward her on the bustling boardwalk.
55. Descrying the enemy ambush ahead, the commander changed their course.
56. We struggled in vain to descry any sign of life through the smoke and flames.
57. The sentry descried movement near the perimeter and challenged the intruder.
58. Descrying the tornado nearby, they rushed to shelter.
59. Explorers rushed forward after finally beginning to descry the peak of their destination through the clouds.
60. I descried a familiar figure in the crowd and waved to get their attention.

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