Deservedness example sentences

Related (7): deserving, worthiness, merit, entitlement, justifiable, earned, rightful

"Deservedness" Example Sentences

1. The coach emphasized the importance of hard work and deservedness in earning a spot on the team.
2. The promotion was based on merit and deservedness, not favoritism or nepotism.
3. The award recognized the athlete's dedication and deservedness after years of training and competing.
4. The judge sentenced the criminal based on the severity of the crime and the deservedness of punishment.
5. The student received an A on the test for their outstanding performance and deservedness.
6. The scholarship was awarded to the student who demonstrated academic excellence and deservedness.
7. The employee received a raise for their dedication and deservedness in the workplace.
8. The charity organization evaluated donations based on the community's needs and deservedness.
9. The player's impressive skills on the field led to his deservedness of being named MVP.
10. The university admissions committee considered applicants' academic achievement and deservedness.
11. The promotion was a result of the employee's hard work and deservedness, not just seniority.
12. The recognition was a reflection of the artist's talent and deservedness in their field.
13. The coach praised the team for their deservedness in winning the championship.
14. The customer received a refund due to a mistake on the store's part and deservedness of compensation.
15. The soldier was awarded the medal for their heroism and deservedness in the line of duty.
16. The company honored employees' deservedness by offering bonuses for exceptional performance.
17. The scholarship selection committee evaluated applicants based on their level of deservedness and financial need.
18. The success of the business was due to the team's collective effort and deservedness of recognition.
19. The author's award-winning book exemplified their literary deservedness and talent.
20. The actor's exceptional performance in the film showcased their deservedness of critical acclaim.
21. The employee received a promotion for their hard work and deservedness in their job.
22. The athlete's dedication and hard work demonstrated their deservedness of winning the gold medal.
23. The student received an award for their academic achievement and deservedness in the classroom.
24. The charity organization evaluated funding requests based on the deservedness and impact of the project.
25. The judge's decision was based on the convicted criminal's crime and deservedness of punishment.
26. The company recognized the employee's deservedness by giving them a performance bonus.
27. The university admissions board assessed applicants based on their academic achievements and deservedness.
28. The author's book won the award for its compelling storyline and literary deservedness.
29. The musician's talent and hard work showcased their deservedness of success in the music industry.
30. The athlete's dedication and deservedness of recognition led to their induction into the Hall of Fame.

Common Phases

1. I deserved this promotion; I have worked hard for it.
2. She deserved to win the prize; her talent was evident.
3. They deserved the punishment; their behavior was unacceptable.
4. He didn't deserve the criticism; he did his best.
5. We deserved a break; we have been working non-stop.
6. The team deserved the victory; they played exceptionally well.
7. She deserved the recognition; she has contributed significantly to the project.
8. They deserved the support; they were going through a tough time.
9. He deserved the appreciation; he went above and beyond his duties.
10. The student deserved the high grade; she put in a lot of effort into her studies.

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