"Destined" Example Sentences
1. She always knew she was destined for greatness.
2. Fate had already destine him to fail.
3. The young couple believed they were destine for each other.
4. Their love story was always destine for tragedy.
5. The path you choose now will destine your future.
6. Some people are just destine to suffer.
7. His natural gifts destine him for success.
8. It was destine that they meet that day.
9. The book was destine to become a classic.
10. The war had already been destine to end in victory.
11. The architect knew that the building was destine to be iconic.
12. She was destine to be a dancer since she was a child.
13. The prophecy had already destine him as the chosen one.
14. Fate had already destine him to meet his end.
15. The path was already destine to lead to destruction.
16. They believed that their journey was destine to be difficult.
17. The future of the project was already destine to be successful.
18. The dream was always destine to become a reality.
19. The love between them was destine to be everlasting.
20. The company was destine to become a household name.
21. The journey was destine to be filled with adventure.
22. The serendipitous moment was obviously destine.
23. The unique musical genius was destine for fame.
24. The dark prophesies had always been destine to come to pass.
25. The young man already felt destine for greatness.
26. The fates had already been destine to intervene.
27. The meeting was obviously destine to happen.
28. They had always known that their research was destine for impact.
29. The play was obviously destine to be a success.
30. The tragedy was always destine to happen.
Common Phases
1. She was
destined for greatness; everyone could see it.
2. The two of them were
destined to be together; it was written in the stars.
3. He felt
destined for success; he could almost taste it.
4. The young girl knew she was
destined for adventure; she could feel it in her bones.
5. The old man believed he was
destined to change the world; even in his advanced age, he held on to hope.