Detainers example sentences

"Detainers" Example Sentences

1. The criminal had multiple detainers issued against him in different states.
2. The police department was criticized for their excessive use of detainers on undocumented immigrants.
3. The detainers were used to prevent the suspects from fleeing the country.
4. The judge denied the detainer request and released the defendant on bond.
5. The detainer was placed on the individual after he violated his parole.
6. The Sheriff's Office used detainers as a tool to combat crime in their jurisdiction.
7. The state attorney's office drafted a detainer against the suspect in the homicide case.
8. The immigration authorities sometimes use detainers as a way to deport non-citizens with criminal records.
9. The court had to rule on the legality of the detainer issued by the federal government.
10. The detainer was lifted after the suspect was found innocent of all charges.
11. The FBI issued a detainer on the suspect as part of their ongoing investigation.
12. The detainers were seen by some as a violation of due process rights.
13. The suspect was extradited to another state after a detainer was filed against him.
14. The jail was overcrowded due to the use of detainers on low-level offenders.
15. The detainer policy was revised after public outcry over its impact on immigrant families.
16. The detainer system was designed to prevent criminals from evading justice across state lines.
17. The immigration detainer was placed on the individual after he was arrested for drunk driving.
18. The Governor signed a bill limiting the use of detainers by local law enforcement agencies.
19. The detainers were used to keep the suspects in custody until their trial dates.
20. The criminal justice system has been criticized for relying heavily on detainers.
21. The detainers were often used as a bargaining chip in plea negotiations with defendants.
22. The judge ordered the detainer to be lifted due to a lack of evidence against the suspect.
23. The new policy required ICE to obtain a judicial warrant before issuing detainers.
24. The immigration agency argued that detainers were necessary to protect public safety.
25. The suspects were transferred to federal custody after a detainer was filed against them.
26. The detainers were used as a way to ensure that defendants showed up for their court appearances.
27. The ACLU filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of detainers.
28. The police department's use of detainers was the subject of a community forum.
29. The immigration detainer could result in an individual being deported without a hearing.
30. The detainers were criticized for leading to the separation of families due to deportation.

Common Phases

1. The police issued a detainer for the suspect; he is not allowed to leave the state.
2. The immigration department filed a detainer against the undocumented immigrant; he has to stay in custody until further notice.
3. The court issued a detainer for the witness; he is required to attend the trial.
4. The county jail received a detainer for the inmate; he will be transferred to federal custody after serving his sentence.
5. The parole board issued a detainer for the parolee; he violated his parole conditions and must be returned to prison.
6. The FBI filed a detainer for the suspect; he is considered a flight risk and cannot be released on bond.
7. The prosecutor lodged a detainer for the defendant; he faces pending charges in another state and cannot be released.
8. The correctional facility received a detainer for the prisoner; he needs to complete his sentence in the state where he committed the crime.

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