Deterent example sentences

Related (6): dissuasion, restraint, prevention, obstacle, hindrance, disincentive

"Deterent" Example Sentences

1. The presence of a security guard is a deterent to shoplifters.
2. The fear of punishment can be a powerful deterent to crime.
3. A fence can serve as a deterent to keep intruders out of a yard.
4. The warning sign acted as a deterent to those who might consider trespassing.
5. The police patrol was a deterent to potential thieves in the area.
6. The threat of a lawsuit can be a potent deterent to companies tempted to break the law.
7. The burglar alarm was a successful deterent to break-ins at the store.
8. The vaccination was a powerful deterent to the spread of disease.
9. The harsh penalties for drunk driving can be an effective deterent to dangerous behavior on the road.
10. Increased police visibility can act as a deterent to criminal activity in a neighborhood.
11. The high cost of entry can be a natural deterent to new businesses in a crowded market.
12. International sanctions can be a powerful diplomatic deterent to countries engaging in aggressive behavior.
13. The risk of getting caught is an effective deterent to cheating on tests.
14. The threat of fines can be a deterent to companies polluting the environment.
15. The presence of surveillance cameras can be a deterrent to theft and vandalism.
16. The threat of military force is often used as a deterent to countries considering acts of aggression.
17. Increased patrols in a park can be a deterent to drug use and other criminal activity.
18. The threat of public shaming can be a deterent to people engaging in offensive behavior.
19. The lack of available parking can be a natural deterent to visiting a crowded city center.
20. The possibility of a revoked license can be a deterent to reckless driving.
21. The fear of job loss can be a powerful deterent to employees engaging in unethical behavior.
22. The threat of a defamation lawsuit can act as a deterent to those spreading false information.
23. The potential for a lengthy legal battle can be a deterent to companies engaging in patent infringement.
24. The presence of security personnel can be a deterent to violence at public events.
25. The fear of being blacklisted can be a deterent to businesses engaging in unethical practices.
26. The threat of punishment for plagiarism can be a powerful deterent to students cheating on assignments.
27. The potential for negative reviews can be a natural deterent to businesses providing poor service.
28. The threat of being arrested can act as a deterent to those considering participating in protests.
29. The risk of getting a virus can be a deterent to people downloading suspicious files.
30. The fear of being caught can be a deterent to teenagers considering underage drinking.

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