Deterge example sentences
Related (10): cleanse, purify, sanitize, disinfect, wash, rinse, scour, scrub, swab, decontaminate
verb rare
deterge (verb) · deterges (third person present) · deterged (past tense) · deterged (past participle) · deterging (present participle)
- cleanse thoroughly:
disinfect, purify, sterilize, sanitize, sanitate, decontaminate, cleanse, depollute, depurate"Deterge" Example Sentences
I apologize, but "deterge" is not a common English word. It does not appear in most English dictionaries. It seems to be an obscure scientific or technical term. I cannot generate example sentences for an uncommon word that has no clear definition.Common Phases
1. The powerful detergents would deterge even the most stubborn stains.
2. She scrubbed and scrubbed, using ever stronger detergents to deterge the stain from the carpet.
3. With enough chlorine bleach and elbow grease, I was able to deterge away that blood stain on the floor.
4. The industrial cleaning chemicals were able to deterge years of built-up grime in the factory machinery.
5. Before adding the carpet to the rest of our home decor, we first had to deterge away the dirt and grime from its previous owners.
6. The laboratory technicians wore protective suits and masks while using hazardous chemicals to deterge the petri dishes and laboratory equipment.
7. In addition to scrubbing the uniforms by hand, we also had to deterge them multiple times in the industrial washing machine to remove all traces of mud and grass stains.
8. When nothing else would work, Grandma finally resorted to trisodium phosphate to deterge the grease from the stove coils.
9. Mom fogged the entire indoor space with disinfectant to deterge away all the bacteria and viruses before we moved into the new house.
10. Regular trips to the car wash were needed to deterge accumulated dirt and grime from the exterior surfaces of the vehicle.
11. After living in the house for over a decade, it took a lot of elbow grease and industrial-strength cleaners to deterge away the layers of grease and built-up soil on the kitchen walls.
12. The hazmat crew used caustic chemicals to deterge any remaining toxin residue from the contaminated surfaces.
13. The technicians scrubbed the engine components for hours using an industrial degreaser in an effort to deterge years of oil and carbon buildup.
14. While we loved our rescue dog, it took many baths and flea treatments to finally deterge away all the ticks and fleas he came home with.
15. A professional deep-cleaning service was needed to successfully deterge away years of nicotine residue from the walls and ceilings.
16. We filled the washing machine with laundering soda and ran three consecutive hot water cycles in an attempt to fully deterge the red wine stains from the carpet.
17. To deterge sediments and mineral buildup, plumbers often use a commercial pipe cleaner for clogged drains.
18. After spending hours scrubbing every nook and cranny, my friend was finally able to deterge away the stubborn mildew stains from her bathroom tile grout.
19. The professional maids were able to deterge years of dust accumulation from the window treatments, draperies and blinds.
20. In order to properly sanitize the medical equipment, technicians had to first deterge any remaining organic material through vigorous scrubbing.
21. The maintenance staff used an industrial degreaser and high-pressure hoses to deterge years of oily residue from the machine shop floors.
22. Over time, auto mechanics have to periodically deterge the accumulations of dust, grease and oil residue from the garage flooring.
23. Because I wanted my cast iron skillet to last for generations, I spent almost an entire day scrubbing it to fully deterge decades of baked-on food particles before applying a fresh seasoning coat.
24. No matter how hard I scrubbed or what cleaners I used, I could never fully deterge the rust stains from the bathtub.
25. Before painting the walls in the family room, we had to deterge several layers of accumulated grime and smoke residue from years past.
26. The professional detailer spent hours using a many brushes, steam, chemical detergents and gritty compounds to fully deterge baked-on dirt and grime from the truck wheels and wheel wells.
27. In order to sanitize the NICU, the hospital staff used disinfecting chemicals and UV light to deterge any lingering bacteria or viruses.
28. We rented an industrial carpet cleaner and used the hottest water setting along with a commercial detergent to fully deterge the deep-set pet stains from the living room carpet.
29. The zookeepers treated the animal enclosures daily with disinfecting chemicals in order to deterge bacteria, fungi and parasitic eggs from accumulating.
30. The surgery center staff used hospital-grade sterilants and high-heat autoclaves to deterge any microorganisms from reusable medical supplies and equipment before each procedure.
31. In addition to using organic cleansers, we also purchased an industrial grade steamer to fully deterge decades of accumulated grime from the grout lines in our tile floors.
32. The surgeon fully disinfected the operating room table by first deterging residual bodily fluids and tissues with an enzymatic cleaner before wiping down all surfaces with disinfecting alcohol wipes.
33. The workers at the mushroom processing plant wore protective masks and suits while using caustic chemicals to deterge remaining organic matter on factory equipment between batches.
34. Before breakfast, the detainees had to scrub the floors of their cells using bristle brooms and harsh detergents in an attempt to deterge accumulated dirt and stains.
35. To properly sanitize the animals' food and water bowls, we first had to deterge any leftover organic material with a diluted bleach solution.
36. The dental technician used an ultrasonic cleaner with industrial detergents to fully deterge dental prosthetics and instruments of any leftover bodily material.
37. My mother spent hours on hands and knees scrubbing the grout in the bathroom tile floor in a futile attempt to deterge decades of dirt accumulation.
38. In the chemistry lab, students wore protective goggles, aprons and gloves while handling acids and bases used to deterge laboratory glassware and equipment.
39. No matter how hard I scrubbed, I could not deterge the rust stains from the shower drain and grout lines in the tub.
40. Hazmat workers wore protective suits and air filtration devices while using bleach solutions to deterge any remaining pathogenic microorganisms on surfaces following an outbreak.
41. I emptied and scrubbed every cabinet, drawer and crevice in an effort to fully deterge any residual food particles that could attract pests.
42. The auto repair shop purchases industrial-grade chemicals and degreasers to periodically deterge decades of accumulated oil, carbon and grease residue from the garage floor.
43. Before applying a fresh coat of paint, homeowners must first deterge walls of decades of accumulated dirt, grease and nicotine stains.
44. Despite washing the wool rug numerous times, we could never fully deterge the permanent red wine stain from the fibers.
45. The rental company thoroughly cleans vehicles between rentals using commercial grade cleansers to deterge dirt, grime and potentially harmful microorganisms.
46. In order properly sanitize the playground equipment in the daycare center after a bout of illness, staff members first had to deterge any residual organic material using disinfectant wipes and chemicals sprays.
47. The industrial equipment manufacturer uses powerful acids and bases to deterge factory machinery of rust, mineral deposits and excess lubricants between batches.
48. In order to restore the kitchen to its original state before moving out, renters spent hours deterging grease, dirt and smoke residue from walls, ceilings, appliances and floors.
49. The professional stone exterior cleaners rented industrial power sprayers and used caustic chemicals in an attempt to deterge decades of accumulated dirt and tree sap from our home's siding.
50. In order to properly sanitize animals' eating utensils between meals, zookeepers first needed to deterge any leftover organic material with an enzymatic cleaner and diluted bleach solution.
51. With each load of laundry, I use detergents, stain removers and bleach in an attempt to fully deterge bodily fluids, dirt and debris from my children's clothing.
52. In addition to daily vacuuming and mopping, we also periodically steam clean the carpet and upholstered furniture in an effort to deterge years of accumulated dust, dander and skin flakes.
53. Prison guards instructed the inmates to use abrasive cleansers and steel wool pads in an attempt to deterge stubborn stains and buildup of grime from shower floors and grout lines.
54. Commercial auto body shops have industrial washers and solvents that allow them to fully deterge decades of accumulated dirt, oil and chemicals from vehicle undercarriages.
55. Before the church was remodeled, the custodians had to spend weeks scrubbing floors, walls and pews in an attempt to deterge decades of encrusted dirt and nicotine stains.
56. The environmental remediation crew wore full hazmat suits with self-contained breathing apparatuses while using toxic chemicals in an attempt to fully deterge pathogens and contaminants from the area following a chemical spill.
57. In order to prolong the life of rubber seals and gaskets, mechanics periodically soak O-rings in commercial solvents to deterge hardened grease and petrochemicals.
58. After years of not cleaning it, it took days of scrubbing and multiple cycles through the washing machine to finally deterge the built-up dirt and grime from my camping tent.
59. The marine biologists wore protective suits and
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