Detested example sentences

Related (10): loathe, despise, abhor, execrate, hate, reject, disdain, scorn, abominate, revile



detested (past tense) · detested (past participle)

  - dislike intensely:


abhor, hate, loathe, despise, abominate, execrate, dislike, disdain, disrelish, love, admire

"Detested" Example Sentences

1. She detested rude and insensitive people.
2. He detested vegetables and refused to eat them.
3. I detested the color yellow and rarely wore it.
4. She detested being the center of attention.
5. He detested lying and rarely told anything but the truth.
6. I detested waking up early in the morning.
7. She detested injustice and fought for causes that promoted equality.
8. He detested meddling in other people's business.
9. I detested watching horror movies and avoided them.
10. She detested his smug and arrogant attitude.
11. He detested the constant noise and annoyance of young children.
12. I detested how she constantly complained and never seemed satisfied.
13. She detested drunkenness and disorderly behavior.
14. He detested the taste of coffee and always drank tea instead.
15. I detested wearing tight, restrictive clothing.
16. She detested the long winter months and looked forward to spring.
17. He detested being kept waiting and valued others' time as much as his own.
18. I detested confrontation and tried to avoid it whenever possible.
19. She detested crowds and always felt overwhelmed in busy places.
20. He detested the smell of cigarette smoke and refused to go to smoky bars.
21. I detested her stuck up, entitled attitude.
22. She detested the monotonous and repetitive work.
23. He detested wasting time and energy on unimportant tasks.
24. I detested how she always blamed others for her problems.
25. She detested pushy salespeople and aggressive marketing tactics.
26. He detested having to follow rules that made no sense to him.
27. I detested the taste of cilantro and picked it out of dishes.
28. She detested the cold, harsh winters and yearned for summer.
29. He detested hypocrisy and tried to practice what he preached.
30. I detested her snobbish, condescending manner of speaking.
31. She detested noisy, dirty environments.
32. He detested modern pop music and preferred jazz and classical.
33. I detested gossiping and avoided participating in it.
34. She detested spicy foods that irritated her taste buds.
35. He detested spending money frivolously and lived frugally.
36. I detested wasting time and tried to maximize productivity.
37. She detested exclusivity and cliques that left people out.
38. He detested feeling beholden to others and tried to remain independent.
39. I detested the dry, dusty heat of the desert.
40. She detested slow internet and outdated technology.

Common Phases

1. She detested tomatoes and would not eat them.
2. He detested getting up early in the morning.
3. The boy detested his math teacher who assigned so much homework.
4. The girls detested the mean girl in their class.
5. She detested hot summer days with no air conditioning.
6. He detested lying but felt he had no choice in this situation.
7. The child detested riding in the car if there were any traffic jams.
8. I detested having to give public speeches but knew it was important for my job.
9. They detested watching sad movies that only made them feel depressed.
10. She absolutely detested spiders and would scream if she found one in the house.
11. The angry customer detested having to wait on hold for long periods of time.
12. He detested the foul smell emanating from the garbage can.
13. My dog detested baths and would try to hide whenever he saw the shampoo bottle.
14. She detested being cooped up in a tiny apartment all day with no fresh air.
15. They detested vacationing in places with too many tourists.
16. The rude coworker detested receiving negative feedback from his boss.
17. The misanthrope detested being around large crowds of people.
18. The actors detested the cliche lines in their script.
19. They detested waking up to the sound of car alarms going off outside.
20. She detested the taste of spinach and refused to finish it on her plate.
21. The factory workers detested their night shift hours with no sunlight.
22. The prisoner detested being confined to his small cell for most of the day.
23. The model detested using throwaway fashion since it was so wasteful.
24. The slave detested his cruel master who showed no mercy.
25. The dog detested anyone new coming to pet him.
26. She detested being late to anything and always aimed to arrive early.
27. The teenager detested the school's outdated rules and dress code policies.
28. The cat detested its owner's efforts to put it into a tutu for Halloween.
29. The insomniac detested any noise late at night that kept him awake.
30. The freshman detested his dorm mate who constantly had loud friends over.
31. The pop star detested all of the invasive paparazzi following her every move.
32. The child detested having to share toys with his younger brother.
33. The writer detested cliches and did her best to avoid them in her work.
34. The actor detested improvising lines and preferred a strict script.
35. The prisoner detested the bland, tasteless food he was served every day.
36. The student detested having morning classes that interrupted her sleep schedule.
37. The candidate detested all the negative attacks made against her during the debates.
38. The executive detested having to take public transportation to work.
39. The office worker detested her job but could not afford to quit.
40. The military recruit detested being yelled at by his drill sergeant.
41. The narcissist detested anyone who received more attention than himself.
42. The social worker detested seeing children being mistreated by their parents.
43. The critic detested all traces of commercialism and insincerity in modern art.
44. The monk detested distractions that took him away from his spiritual practice.
45. The tyrant detested any questioning of his authority over his subjects.
46. The environmentalist detested companies that polluted the earth for profit.
47. The pacifist detested violence in all its forms.
48. The teacher detested seeing her students wasting their potential.
49. The hypochondriac detested anything that could possibly make him sick.
50. The complainer detested everything and never seemed satisfied.
51. The neat freak detested any messes or disorder in her surroundings.
52. The socialite detested being seen in last year's fashions.
53. The masochist detested any pleasure that did not involve pain.
54. The miser detested spending any money.
55. The insomniac detested how tired he felt during the day due to lack of sleep.
56. The snob detested anything that was not high class or elite.
57. The pessimist detested anything that brought her hope or joy.
58. The rebel detested being told what to do by figures of authority.
59. The picky eater detested most vegetables and tried to avoid eating them.
60. The workaholic detested taking any time for leisure or recreation.

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