Dictate example sentences

Related (9): command, ordain, prescribe, direct, mandate, influence, guide, control, stipulate

"Dictate" Example Sentences

1. The dictator dictated his demands to the nation.
2. The general dictated orders to his troops.
3. The circumstances dictated that we act immediately.
4. Logic dictates that we take the safer option.
5. Common sense dictates checking all possible options.
6. The rules dictate what behaviors are acceptable.
7. Decency dictates that we help those in need.
8. Reason dictates abandoning foolish endeavors.
9. His harsh tone dictated that he was upset.
10. Fashion dictates wearing the latest styles.
11. Convention dictates waiting to be introduced.
12. Tradition dictates attending certain rituals.
13. Duty dictates focusing on responsibilities first.
14. Etiquette dictates using proper manners.
15. Law dictates following the rules and regulations.
16. Instinct dictates following natural urges.
17. Her demeanor dictated an air of authority.
18. Compassion dictates treating others with kindness.
19. Wisdom dictates learning from mistakes.
20. Logic dictates that facts speak for themselves.
21. The boss dictated the report over the phone.
22. The curriculum is dictated by the state.
23. The weather dictated we stay indoors.
24. Technology dictates new innovations.
25. Proper upbringing dictates using polite language.
26. Religious beliefs often dictate one's morality.
27. Advertisers dictate trends in popular culture.
28. The syllabus is dictated by the instructor.
29. Economics dictates business decisions.
30. Nature dictates the changing of seasons.
31. The king dictated a new decree to his royal scribe.
32. Physics dictates how objects behave.
33. Necessity dictates that we act immediately.
34. The captain dictated orders to calm the frightened crew.
35. Habit dictates performing certain rituals.
36. Scientific discovery dictates new medical advancements.
37. Her power-hungry gaze dictated she wanted more.
38. The board's vote dictates the company's next move.
39. Budget constraints dictate spending limitations.
40. Health dictates following a proper diet and exercise.
41. The doctor dictated notes into her recorder.
42. Government policies dictate economic regulations.
43. Genetics dictates certain physical attributes.
44. Psychology dictates human behaviors and emotions.
45. Chemistry dictates chemical reactions.
46. Grammar dictates proper language usage.
47. Science dictates a logical approach to problems.
48. The dictator dictated his sinister agenda to his followers.
49. Logic dictates avoiding emotionally-charged decisions.
50. The CEO dictated a new sales strategy to his team.
51. His body language dictated he was flirting with her.
52. Biology dictates how organisms function.
53. The foreman dictated assignments to his workers.
54. History dictates political and social movements.
55. Philosophy dictates contemplating life's big questions.
56. Modernity dictates constant innovation.
57. Religion dictates spiritual traditions and beliefs.
58. Principles dictate acting with integrity and honesty.
59. Common sense dictates thinking practically.
60. Her tone of voice dictated she was not pleased.

Common Phases

1. Dictate terms - To impose one's will and conditions on others.
2. Dictate a letter - To speak orally for someone else to write down as text.
3. Dictate fashion - To influence and set fashion trends.
4. Dictate policy- To establish guidelines or rules that govern an organization or institution.
5. Circumstances dictate- The situation requires or demands that something be done in a certain way.
6. Common sense dictates - Logic and reason require that something should be done.
7. Convention dictates - Traditional or customary practices require something.
8. Duty dictates - Obligations or responsibilities require certain actions.
9. Economics dictates - Financial factors or conditions determine a course of action.
10. Etiquette dictates - Proper manners and social graces require certain behaviors.
11. Law dictates - Legal requirements enforce certain rules and actions.
12. Logic dictates - Reason and rational thought require a particular conclusion.
13. Nature dictates - Natural processes or forces determine outcomes.
14. Necessity dictates - Imperative requirements demand that something be done.
15. Technology dictates - Technological developments determine innovation.

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