Dictations example sentences

Related (23): speeches, commands, instructions, orders, recitations, readings, declarations, proclamations, announcements, pronouncements, edicts, speeches, utterances, directives, mandates, dissertations, monologues, sermons, addresses, lectures, discourses, orations, presentations.

"Dictations" Example Sentences

1. My teacher gives us weekly dictations to test our spelling skills.
2. I always record my professor's dictations to help me study later.
3. During the test, the students had to write dictations from memory.
4. The dictator's dictations were often harsh and cruel.
5. The stenographer's job was to transcribe the boss's dictations.
6. Dictations are a necessary part of learning a foreign language.
7. The secretary took dictations all day long from her boss.
8. The journalist carefully transcribed the politician's dictations for accuracy.
9. The students complained that the dictations were too difficult.
10. The professor concluded her lecture by giving out a series of dictations.
11. The company hired a new person to help with dictations and other clerical work.
12. I always struggle with spelling during dictations.
13. Dictations help to improve listening skills and comprehension.
14. My mom helped me practice my dictations by reading them out loud.
15. The court reporter's job is to take down all the dictations from the attorneys.
16. I find it helpful to use a pencil and paper when writing dictations.
17. Dictations require careful attention to detail and accuracy.
18. The children enjoyed playing a game where they had to dictate to each other.
19. The coach gave dictations to the players to improve their communication on the field.
20. Dictations can be challenging, but they are an effective way to learn.
21. I always compare my dictations with the answer key to see where I made mistakes.
22. The teacher's dictations were a mix of vocabulary and grammar exercises.
23. I prefer listening dictations to written ones because they are more challenging.
24. The company invested in new dictation software to improve productivity.
25. The court interpreter translated the dictations into Spanish for the non-English speaking defendant.
26. The students groaned when they saw how many dictations were on the test.
27. I had to re-do my dictations several times to get them perfect.
28. Dictations are used in business and legal settings to keep a record of important information.
29. The boss's dictations were always very detailed and precise.
30. Dictations are a great tool for practicing spelling, grammar, and vocabulary.

Common Phases

you understand?
Can I have a volunteer to come up and read their dictation?
Please be quiet during the dictation.
Make sure you spell your words correctly during the dictation.
The teacher will now read the dictation aloud.
I will collect your dictations at the end of class.
We will review the dictations as a group.
Did you double check your dictation for mistakes?
Let's practice dictations to improve our writing skills.
The dictation will consist of ten sentences.

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