Dictum example sentences
Related (10): axiom, maxim, proverb, saying, aphorism, slogan, catchphrase, watchword, motto, byword
"Dictum" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The dictator's final dictum to his people was that democracy would never come to their nation.
2. Locke's famous dictum "life, liberty and property" came to embody the ideals of the American Revolution.
3. Mills's dictum about speech being essential to discover truth became foundational to First Amendment jurisprudence.
4. Hobbes' famous dictum that life in a state of nature was "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" argued for the necessity of government.
5. Her dictum that "hard work pays off" guided her through countless late nights studying for exams.
6. His father's parting dictum to always "do the right thing, even when no one is watching" has stayed with him throughout his life.
7. The judge issued a firm dictum that attorney misconduct in his courtroom would not be tolerated.
8. The CEO's dictum that every employee should act as "an ambassador" for the company set the tone for the organization's culture.
9. Her parenting dictum that she will always support her kids but not enable bad behavior has provided needed guidance over the years.
10. The judge's strict dictum against electronic devices in the courtroom is widely known and respected.
11. Copernicus' dictum that "the earth is a planet revolving around the sun" upended centuries of astronomical assumptions.
12. The government official issued a stern dictum requiring immediate compliance with the new regulations.
13. Descartes's famous dictum "Cogito ergo sum" ("I think therefore I am") is considered a foundation of modern philosophy.
14. The founder's dictum that "the customer comes first, always" continues to shape the company's customer-centric policies.
15. The memoir详recounts her strict father's parenting dictum that "children are to be seen and not heard."
16. The pope issued a papal dictum requiring clergy members to live life of celibacy and poverty.
17. The vice president's dictum that all employees must be in the office by 8 AM caused worker resentment.
18. Darwin's dictum "survival of the fittest" popularized the idea of natural selection within biological evolution.
19. The senator's dictum that politicians must put people over party affiliation has been roundly criticized as naïve.
20. The CEO's dictum that employees have "unlimited vacation" has led to actual vacation time decreasing for many workers.
21. The judge's dictum against cell phones in the courtroom is widely respected and enforced.
22. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dictum that "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" became a rallying cry for the Civil Rights Movement.
23. The official military dictum banning social media use created resentment and workarounds among soldiers.
24. His father's parting dictum "Don't get mad, get even" has complicated the man's ethical decision-making throughout life.
25. The conductor's firm dictum that "on time means early" ensures a disciplined orchestra.
26. The pope's dictum that priests must live chaste lives continues to meet with resistance from some clergy members.
27. The chancellor's dictum that all university work had to align with her vision caused faculty pushback.
28. The CEO's strange dictum against smiling at work led to lower employee morale and productivity.
29. Galileo's famous dictum that "Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe" made mathematics central to the study of science.
30. The government official issued a dictum requiring immediate compliance with the agency's new privacy guidelines.
31. Pythagoras' famous dictum "All is number" showed his belief that mathematics explained the universe.
32. The dean's strict dictum against open-toed shoes lowered faculty morale but did improve the aesthetic in the hallways.
33. The teacher's parenting dictum that "grades are not as important as effort and growth" fostered a love of learning in her children.
34. The general's strict dictum for punctuality and discipline led to an efficiently run battalion.
35. Henry David Thoreau's dictum to "live deliberately" encouraged self-examination and intentional living.
36. Bertrand Russell's dictum that "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves" highlighted the dangers of closed-mindedness.
37. The business owner's dictum that "you're only as good as your word" led her to run an ethical and trustworthy operation.
38. The rabbi's parenting dictum that "treat others as you wish to be treated" shaped the moral lives of his children.
39. The senator's bold dictum that "money is the root of all evil in politics" garnered both praise and criticism.
40. The official military dictum prohibiting fraternization between ranks caused resentment among lower-ranked soldiers.
41. The pope's controversial dictum banning gay priests garnered international attention.
42. Dale Carnegie's famous dictum "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care" advised making human connections.
43. The director's frequent dictums about everyone acting professionally during filming led to an efficient filming process.
44. The manager's dictum that no one could leave until all tasks were completed caused worker burnout and resentment.
45. Pope John Paul II's dictum that "Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought" emphasized moral duty over personal desire.
46. The CEO's dictum that "time is money" led to a fast-paced work environment with little personal flexibility.
47. The CEO's strange dictum against smiling at work led to low morale and higher turnover rates.
48. The judge's strict dictum against cell phones in the courtroom is widely respected and only rarely violated.
49. The general's strict dictum about punctuality and discipline led to an efficiently run unit.
50. The pope's controversial dictum banning female priests garnered international attention.
51. The teacher's parenting dictum that hard work is more important than innate ability fostered a growth mindset in her children.
52. J.K. Rowling's famous dictum that "rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life" embodied her resilience after facing challenges.
53. The political leader's dictum for 'zero tolerance' led to widespread penalties and resentment.
54. The director's strict dictum that "the show must go on" meant performers were never allowed to call in sick.
55. The CEO's frequent dictums about dressing professionally alienated many employees who favored a more casual dress code.
56. The scientist's famous dictum that "there is wonder enough in the stars to content the heart of man" expresses the beauty found in scientific discovery.
57. The general's strict dictum requiring punctuality fostered a disciplined and efficient military unit.
58. The official issued a stern dictum requiring immediate compliance with the newly revised ethical guidelines.
59. The leader's bold dictum that "ethics must come before profits" created controversy within his organization.
60. The founder's parenting dictum that effort and perseverance matter more than innate talent shaped the lives of her children.