Differingly example sentences

Related (10): dissimilarly, variously, unlike, differently, contrastingly, distinctively, uniquely, individually, separately, disparately



differently (adverb)

  - in a way that is not the same as another or as before:

  - in a novel and unusual way:

  - in varied ways; diversely:

"Differingly" Example Sentences

1. The siblings have different opinions, which led to their differing decisions.
2. The approaches of the two universities are differingly unique.
3. The artists used differingly styles in their paintings.
4. The politician and the economist differingly analyzed the country's current state.
5. The twins had differingly personalities and interests.
6. The teachers employed differingly teaching strategies in the classroom.
7. The researchers used differingly methods to test their hypothesis.
8. The two countries approached the peace talks differingly.
9. The chefs cooked the meal differingly, resulting in distinct flavors.
10. The painters used differingly shades of color in their artwork.
11. The two doctors prescribed differingly treatments for the patient's ailment.
12. The software developers designed the program differingly, resulting in varying user experiences.
13. The linguists studied differingly aspects of the language.
14. The musicians arranged the song differingly, creating unique renditions.
15. The architects worked on differingly plans for the building.
16. The entrepreneurs pursued differingly business models.
17. The designers used differingly fabrics and textures in their fashion creations.
18. The team had differingly opinions on how to complete the project.
19. The historians researched differingly perspectives of the historical event.
20. The engineers proposed differingly solutions to the problem.
21. The students approached the assignment differingly, resulting in varying grades.
22. The managers implemented differingly policies in the workplace.
23. The fashion models walked the runway differingly, showcasing distinct styles.
24. The scientists studied differingly samples in the laboratory.
25. The writers wrote differingly genres of literature.
26. The athletes trained differingly techniques for their sport.
27. The lawyers presented differingly arguments in the courtroom.
28. The doctors approached the medical case differingly, resulting in alternative diagnoses.
29. The professors taught differingly courses in the university.
30. The fashion designers showcased differingly styles in the fashion show.

Common Phases

1. We approached the problem differingly; perhaps a new perspective would be helpful.
2. Their opinions on the matter were differingly expressed; it was hard to determine what the majority believed.
3. The two groups of experts approached the solution differingly; they would need to compromise in order to reach a consensus.
4. Our reactions to the news were differingly emotional; some were devastated while others remained optimistic.
5. The way in which they handled the situation was differingly strategic; one side was more cautious while the other was more aggressive.
6. Their interpretations of the data were differingly analytical; one group focused on specific details while the other looked at the big picture.
7. The two siblings approached their father's illness differingly; one became distant while the other became more involved in his care.
8. The way in which the companies marketed their products was differingly creative; each had their own unique approach.
9. The students' approaches to studying were differingly effective; some preferred group work while others found solitude to be more productive.
10. The company's policies were implemented differingly in each location; this caused confusion among employees.

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