Digital example sentences

Related (10): Technology, internet, computer, electronics, cyberspace, virtual, online, binary, data, programming

"Digital" Example Sentences

1. I took digital photos of the scenery.
2. The museum offers a digital tour of the exhibits.
3. The course covers digital photography techniques.
4. He lost his digital watch in the lake.
5. The company launched a new digital marketing campaign.
6. They signed the contract with digital signatures.
7. Everything is stored on my digital cloud drive now.
8. They upgraded the business with digital payment systems.
9. The library has a large collection of digital books.
10. They watched the lecture as a digital recording.
11. We communicated via digital text messages.
12. The digital watch displayed the time in glowing numbers.
13. The online magazine has a growing number of digital subscribers.
14. She consulted digital health records for the patient's medical history.
15. The technology company specializes in digital interfaces.
16. The digital camera allowed him to snap hundreds of photos.
17. The company switched to digital invoicing and billing.
18. The digital scanner converted documents into electronic files.
19. The digital billboard displayed advertisements to passersby.
20. She edits digital images using photo editing software.
21. The digital age has transformed how we live and work.
22. The recording studio uses digital audio workstations.
23. The security system employs digital surveillance cameras.
24. The art gallery features an interactive digital exhibit.
25. They expanded their digital presence through social media platforms.
26. The digital revolution has disrupted many industries.
27. The file is stored on my digital storage drive.
28. The digital rights management system protects copyrighted content.
29. The data is stored and accessed via a digital database.
30. The technician repaired the digital radio.
31. The student submitted the assignment via the class's digital learning portal.
32. The digital map helps you navigate the city streets.
33. The website utilizes a digital payment processor.
34. Digital technology has opened up new creative possibilities for artists.
35. The surgeon relied on digital imaging scans during the procedure.
36. The bank transitioned to a digital currency program.
37. The artist creates digital illustrations and animations.
38. The course teaches coding and working with digital systems.
39. The eBook reader allows her to carry hundreds of digital books.
40. They compared the print edition to its digital counterpart.
41. The animated movie utilized digital rendering and effects.
42. The video was recorded and stored in a digital format.
43. The company implemented a digital transformation strategy.
44. The fitness tracker monitors and records digital health data.
45. The software allows you to edit digital audio files.
46. The library provides access to a digital lending platform.
47. The museum used digital restoration techniques on the painting.
48. The app allows you to order and pay for items using a digital wallet.
49. The digital message was sent instantly.
50. The digital rendering brought the concept to life.
51. The technician tested the digital circuitry for faults.
52. The smartwatch displays digital notifications.
53. The school upgraded its digital learning platforms.
54. The office transitioned from paper files to digital records.
55. The digital signals were transmitted via radio waves.
56. The graph shows the digital footprint of website visitors.
57. The company revolutionized digital media storage.
58. The computer utilizes digital logic circuits.
59. The smartphone allows her to manage her life and work through a single digital device.
60. The futuristic movie depicted a whole world governed by digital technologies.

Common Phases

1. Digital divide - the gap between those who have access to digital technologies and those who do not.
2. Digital disruption - the upheavals caused by the introduction of digital technologies.
3. Digital twin - a virtual representation of a physical object or system.
4. Digital transformation - the profound changes companies undergo to adapt to digital technologies and remain competitive.
5. Digital detox - abstaining from digital devices for a period of time.
6. Digital footprint - the trail of data a person leaves behind through their online activities.
7. Digital immigrant - someone who did not grow up with digital technology but later adopted it.
8. Digital native - someone who has grown up in an era of digital technology and is comfortable using it.
9. Digital marketing - the use of digital technologies to promote brands and products.
10. Digital literacy - the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies.

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