Dignitatem example sentences

Related (10): honor, prestige, respect, status, reputation, esteem, worthiness, excellence, nobility, significance

"Dignitatem" Example Sentences

1. The government must uphold the dignitatem of every individual citizen.
2. Human dignity, or dignitatem humana, should be protected at all costs.
3. The priest reminded the congregation of the sanctity and dignitatem of life.
4. Participation in the democratic process is a crucial element of dignitatem civis, or civic dignity.
5. The hospital staff respected the patient's dignitatem medicus throughout his treatment.
6. The company's mission statement emphasized the importance of treating all employees with dignitatem laboris, or labor dignity.
7. The president's speech emphasized the need to preserve the dignitatem civium, or dignity of citizens.
8. The court's decision upheld the plaintiff's dignitatem personae, or personal dignity.
9. Every person has inherent dignitatem, regardless of their circumstances.
10. The charity's work aimed to restore dignitatem socialis, or social dignity, to marginalized communities.
11. Freedom of expression is a fundamental aspect of dignitatem libertatis, or liberty dignity.
12. The school emphasized the importance of teaching students about the concept of dignitatem humanitatis, or human dignity.
13. The lawyer argued that the defendant's actions violated the plaintiff's dignitatem moralis, or moral dignity.
14. Dignitatem honoris, or honor dignity, is a key value in many traditional cultures.
15. To achieve dignitatem vitae, or life dignity, every person must have access to basic human rights.
16. The professor's research focused on the concept of dignitatem academica, or academic dignity.
17. The refugee crisis highlighted the need to respect the dignitatem personae of individuals who have been displaced from their homes.
18. The code of ethics for healthcare professionals emphasizes the importance of upholding dignitatem sanitatis, or healthcare dignity.
19. The organization's goal is to restore dignitatem mundi, or dignity of the world, through sustainable practices.
20. The court's decision was based on the principle of dignitatem legis, or legal dignity.
21. The feminist movement has been successful in promoting the concept of dignitatem feminis, or dignity of women.
22. Respect for human dignity, or dignitatem hominum, is a universal value.
23. The artist's work explored themes of dignitatem artis, or artistic dignity.
24. The charity's work focuses on promoting the dignitatem pauperis, or dignity of the poor.
25. The judge reminded the jury of the importance of preserving the defendant's dignitatem rei, or personal dignity.
26. The teacher emphasized the role of education in promoting dignitatem intellectus, or intellectual dignity.
27. The organization's goal is to promote dignitatem ambientis, or environmental dignity, through conservation efforts.
28. The concept of dignitatem civitatis, or civic dignity, is closely linked to democratic values.
29. The philosopher argued that dignity is an inherent aspect of human nature, or dignitatem naturae humanae.
30. The speech emphasized the importance of treating all people with dignitatem equalitatis, or equality dignity.

Common Phases

1. The speaker emphasized the importance of treating others with dignity; regardless of their background or social status.
2. The company's HR policy was designed to protect the dignity of every employee; ensuring that their rights were upheld.
3. The charity organization was committed to restoring the dignity of those who had lost everything in natural disasters; by providing basic necessities and emotional support.
4. The politician's speech was applauded for its message of dignity and respect for all citizens; regardless of their political affiliation.
5. The student's research paper was praised for its thoroughness and attention to detail; reflecting the dignity of academic excellence.

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