Digs example sentences

Related (6): apartment, house, dwelling, abode, residence, lodging

"Digs" Example Sentences

1. The archaeologist digs up old artifacts at the ancient ruins.
2. My dog digs holes in the backyard constantly.
3. The kitten is digging around in the flower pot for bugs.
4. The prisoner digs a tunnel in an attempt to escape from jail.
5. The researching is digging for more information on the topic.
6. The man digs a grave for his dog that recently passed away.
7. The mole digs a network of underground tunnels.
8. The construction worker digs a hole for the foundation of the new building.
9. The burrowing owl digs a hole in the ground to nest in.
10. He likes the small apartment where he currently digs.
11. My roommate and I found a great place to digs near campus.
12. I couldn't afford the rent for my own place, so I have to digs with my friend.
13. His parents said he could digs in their basement until he graduates college.
14. He found digs near his job to save on commute time.
15. The rent for the digs was quite inexpensive for the area.
16. The writer really digs into the history behind the folklore.
17. The reporter digs for facts behind the rumors.
18. The investigator digs into the case files searching for new clues.
19. She really digs those vintage dresses from the 1960s.
20. He digs classic rock and roll from the '60s and '70s.
21. She really digs that retro look for home decorating.
22. The puppy was digging into the trashcan looking for scraps.
23. The dog was digging up flowers from the garden again.
24. The raccoon digs around in the trash at night looking for scraps of food.
25. The kid was digging in his ears with his finger.
26. The bird digs into the grass searching for worms.
27. The crab digs a burrow in the sand near the water.
28. Ants dig tunnels in sand and soil.
29. Worms dig burrows in damp soil.
30. Gophers dig extensive tunnel systems underground.
31. The pig digs around in the mud looking for food.
32. Mice dig into walls and attics looking for shelter.
33. Badgers dig burrows called setts to live and rear their young.
34. The hamster digs tunnels in its wooden cage.
35. Weeds dig their roots deep into the garden soil.
36. The toddler was digging in the dirt with her toy shovel.
37. The clam digs itself into the sandy ocean floor.
38. The miner digs deep into the earth searching for minerals.
39. The garden tilled over to loosen and dig the soil.
40. He really digs that new band's sound.
41. I dig the vibes at that new cafe.
42. That new recipe really digs!
43. This beach totally digs.
44. His whole style really digs.
45. She doesn't dig Seattle's rainy weather.
46. I really dig that painting's color scheme.
47. The new restaurant menu totally digs.
48. I dig that vintage Volkswagen Beetle.
49. The singer's new album totally digs.
50. Those speakers really dig.
51. She really digs studying abroad.
52. The new soap series totally digs.
53. I dig your choice in sunglasses.
54. That trend totally digs.
55. The view from here really digs.
56. I totally dig your sense of humor.
57. Those patterns on the shirt really dig.
58. That hiking trail totally digs.
59. He digs studying history.
60. She digs baking cookies.

Common Phases

• Crash at someone's digs - To spend the night at someone else's home, usually without making solid plans to do so in advance.
• Find new digs - To locate a new place to live or stay.
• Make oneself at home - To act comfortable and relaxed, as if one were in one's own home.
• Go to one's permanent digs - To return home, especially after an extended stay somewhere else.
• Bachelor/spinster digs - Accommodations kept by an unmarried person, typically simple or basic.
• Move into one's digs - To start living or staying in a particular place.
• pitch a tent - To set up a tent to camp or stay temporarily.
• rough it - To live under harsh or deprived conditions.
• shack up - To live together in an intimate relationship without being married.
• I dig it - I like it or approve of it (informal).
• Give something a dig - To investigate, research, or scrutinize something.
He crashed at his buddy's digs for a few nights while looking for a new apartment.
Now that she's graduated, she's moving into her permanent digs back home.
The bachelor lived in simple digs, with just a bed and a desk.
The reporter gave the story a thorough dig to find additional details.

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