Dikesorigin example sentences

Related (4): Netherlands, erosion, polders, canals

"Dikesorigin" Example Sentences

1. The farmers built dikesorigin to prevent flooding in their rice fields.
2. The river overflowed its banks, causing the dikesorigin to break.
3. Engineers were hired to design stronger dikesorigin to protect the city from storm surges.
4. The government provided funding to repair the dikesorigin after a major flood.
5. The farmers were trained on how to properly maintain the dikesorigin to ensure their effectiveness.
6. The dikesorigin proved to be essential in preventing damage to the nearby homes during a typhoon.
7. The dikesorigin system was put to the test during heavy rains, and it passed with flying colors.
8. The construction of the dikesorigin was a huge investment, but the benefits outweighed the costs.
9. Without the dikesorigin, the low-lying areas of the city would constantly be underwater.
10. The locals were devastated when the dikesorigin failed, resulting in a major loss of crops.
11. The government has plans to further improve the dikesorigin system in the coming years.
12. The river was diverted away from the community by using dikesorigin.
13. Thanks to the dikesorigin, the city did not suffer any major damage during the recent storm.
14. The construction of the dikesorigin allowed for the expansion of the agricultural sector in the area.
15. The dikesorigin were put in place after the devastating flood that occurred in the early years of the community.
16. The dikesorigin have been in place for decades but need to be reinforced to withstand stronger storms.
17. The engineers discovered a breach in the dikesorigin and quickly fixed it to prevent flooding.
18. The dikesorigin provided a sense of security for the residents who live near the river.
19. The dikesorigin were covered in mud and debris after the floodwaters receded.
20. The dikesorigin protected the coastal town from the strong winds of the hurricane.
21. The locals worked together to repair the dikesorigin after the storm caused significant damage.
22. The government was criticized for the delay in repairing the dikesorigin, which left many communities vulnerable to flooding.
23. The dikesorigin system needed to be redesigned to accommodate the rising sea levels caused by global warming.
24. The farmers were grateful to have the dikesorigin in place, which saved their crops from being destroyed by floods.
25. The floodwaters rose higher than ever before, testing the strength of the dikesorigin.
26. The community leaders met to discuss the best way to reinforce the dikesorigin to protect against future floods.
27. The dikesorigin provided a picturesque view of the surrounding landscape, with the river flowing lazily between them.
28. The maintenance crew worked tirelessly to ensure that the dikesorigin were always in good condition.
29. The river began to erode the dikesorigin, which caused concern for the residents who live nearby.
30. The dikesorigin were built to withstand heavy rains, but the recent storm was more powerful than anyone anticipated.

Common Phases

1. The dikesorigin in this area are quite impressive; they must have taken centuries to form.
2. It's fascinating how the dikesorigin can reveal so much about the geological history of the region.
3. The dikesorigin are a popular destination for hikers and geology enthusiasts alike.
4. The dikesorigin are made up of a unique combination of minerals and rock formations.
5. The dikesorigin have a distinct striped pattern that is particularly striking at sunset.
6. The formation of the dikesorigin is still not fully understood by scientists.
7. If you're interested in geology, the dikesorigin are definitely worth a visit.
8. Climbing up the side of the dikesorigin can be a challenging but rewarding experience.
9. The dikesorigin in this region are said to be some of the oldest in the world.
10. Stone quarried from the dikesorigin has been used for centuries in local construction projects.

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