Diktats example sentences

Related (11): dictatorship, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, command, decree, mandate, edict, order, commandment, directive, regulation.

"Diktats" Example Sentences

1. The government implemented several diktats to control the spread of the virus.
2. In a democratic country, diktats have no place.
3. The boss issued a diktat that everyone must work on weekends.
4. Following the diktats of her religion was important to her.
5. The dictator enforced strict diktats on the people.
6. The fashion industry is often criticized for their diktats on what is trendy.
7. The school administration issued a diktat banning cell phones on campus.
8. The CEO's diktat caused a lot of controversy among the employees.
9. The new manager tried to enforce his personal diktats on the team, causing conflict.
10. The government diktats could not prevent a massive recession.
11. The board of directors issued a diktat that all employees must attend diversity training.
12. The mayor's diktat required all businesses to close at a certain hour.
13. The fashion designer's diktats were often seen as unrealistic and impractical.
14. The court overturned the diktat of the king.
15. The diktat to cut back on expenses was not popular with the staff.
16. The teacher's diktat that homework must be handwritten caused a stir among the students.
17. The diktats of the patriarchal society limited the freedom of women.
18. The government's diktats on environmental protection resulted in cleaner air and water.
19. The CEO's diktat to prioritize profit over employee well-being led to a high turnover rate.
20. The company president issued a diktat to all employees to attend a mandatory company picnic.
21. The diktats of the religious leader were blindly followed by his followers.
22. The diktat that only white-collar workers could use a certain restroom was discriminatory.
23. The strict diktats of the military were not easy for many soldiers to follow.
24. The dictator's diktats made it difficult for citizens to express their opinions freely.
25. The new government's diktats on education were met with both praise and resistance.
26. The boss's diktat to only wear black clothing at work was deemed oppressive by some employees.
27. The diktat to strictly follow the recipe caused the chef to lose his creativity.
28. The diktats of the company's policies often caused employees to feel micromanaged.
29. The celebrity's diktats on what to wear and how to act were taken as the gospel by some young fans.
30. The diktats of the social norms caused many people to feel isolated and misunderstood.

Common Phases

1. The boss issued a series of diktats; all employees must comply with them.
2. The government's diktat on the new policy left many citizens unhappy; they felt like their voices were not being heard.
3. The school principal's diktat on dress codes caused an uproar among students; many felt like their personal style was being restricted.
4. The coach's diktat on team strategy proved to be effective; they won the championship game.
5. The company's diktat on working hours was met with resistance; employees felt like their work-life balance was being compromised.

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