Dilemna example sentences

Related (14): conflict, problem, predicament, quandary, impasse, puzzle, conundrum, uncertainty, ambiguity, dispute, difficulty, crisis, issue, challenge

"Dilemna" Example Sentences

1. I am faced with a dilemna, should I choose the red or blue dress?
2. The politician was in a dilemna, whether to support the new policy or not.
3. The company was in a financial dilemna when their biggest client terminated their contract.
4. She was in a moral dilemna when she witnessed her friend cheating in an exam.
5. The coach was in a tactical dilemna on how to beat the opposing team.
6. He was in a personal dilemna whether to stay in his current job or take the promotion.
7. The journalist was in an ethical dilemna whether to report the sensitive information or not.
8. As a vegetarian, choosing a restaurant with her friends posed as a dilemna for her.
9. The teacher was in a professional dilemna of how to deal with bullying in her classroom.
10. The couple was in a relationship dilemna whether to break up or work things out.
11. The detective was in a mental dilemna trying to solve the complicated case.
12. The student was in a scheduling dilemna whether to take an extra class or postpone it.
13. Choosing the right college for her course was a dilemna for the student.
14. The athlete was in a performance dilemna on how to improve his time.
15. The parent was in a parental dilemna on how to discipline her child.
16. The diplomat was in a political dilemna on how to approach the sensitive issue.
17. The entrepreneur was in a financial dilemna on how to invest his money.
18. The artist was in a creative dilemna on what subject to focus on for her painting.
19. The author was in a writing dilemna on how to end his novel.
20. The scientist was in a research dilemna on how to conduct an experiment.
21. The coach was in a playing dilemna on which player to field for the game.
22. Choosing the right career path posed as a dilemna for the student.
23. The doctor was in a medical dilemna on how to treat his patient's rare disease.
24. The lawyer was in a legal dilemna on how to defend his client.
25. The chef was in a cooking dilemna on which recipe to use for the event.
26. The manager was in a leadership dilemna on how to handle his team's conflicts.
27. The musician was in a creative dilemna on which chord progression to use in his song.
28. The athlete was in a physical dilemna on how to overcome her injury.
29. The community was in a social dilemna on how to promote unity and harmony.
30. The speaker was in a communicational dilemna on how to deliver his message effectively.

Common Phases

I'm in a dilemma; I don't know which job offer to accept.
Should I tell her the truth or keep quiet? It's a dilemma;
I can't decide between sushi and pizza for dinner; it's a dilemma!
I'm stuck in a dilemma; I don't know whether to move or stay put.
Choosing between two colleges is a real dilemma; I can't make up my mind.
I'm facing a dilemma; I have conflicting feelings about this decision.

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