Disaffirmations example sentences

Related (10): rejection, denial, repudiation, renunciation, disavowal, revocation, abnegation, disclaimer, negation, veto

"Disaffirmations" Example Sentences

1. The client made multiple disaffirmations of the therapist's interpretations.
2. The contract specified that repeated disaffirmations of the rules would result in expulsion from the program.
3. The student's constant disaffirmations of the teacher's instructions were frustrating and disruptive.
4. The recruiter realized she was wasting her time after the candidate's multiple disaffirmations of the job opportunities.
5. The judge took notice of the witness's evasive responses and disaffirmations of the facts under oath.
6. His disaffirmations of the company's core values during the interview led HR to reject his candidacy.
7. The lawyer argued that the witness's many disaffirmations made his testimony unreliable.
8. The survey respondents' frequent disaffirmations of the initial assumptions proved that the research needed to be revised.
9. Despite the patient's disaffirmations, the psychiatrist maintained her diagnosis was accurate.
10. The official grew frustrated with the diplomat's persistent disaffirmations of the accusations.
11. The plaintiff's attorney highlighted the defendant's multiple disaffirmations as evidence of lying.
12. The man's constant disaffirmations of his addiction problem prevented him from getting help.
13. The manager noted the employee's disaffirmations as a lack of willingness to improve.
14. Her disaffirmations of his stance only deepened the political divide between them.
15. His frequent disaffirmations invalidated the survey results.
16. The researcher grew frustrated with the study participants' constant disaffirmations of their survey responses.
17. The minister counseled the depressed woman that her continual disaffirmations of any hope would only prolong her suffering.
18. The investigator saw the suspect's disaffirmations as signs of deception.
19. The subject's disaffirmations rendered the test results invalid.
20. Her disaffirmations of the verifiable facts only decreased others' trust in her.
21. The teacher reprimanded the child for his disaffirmations of truth.
22. The man's disaffirmations that he had a problem only prolonged his suffering.
23. His disaffirmations invalidated the whole purpose of the discussion.
24. His constant disaffirmations prevented any meaningful progress in therapy.
25. Her disaffirmations continued throughout the meeting, disrupting any chance for progress.
26. The employee's disaffirmations of responsibility showed a lack of accountability.
27. The coach stressed that the athlete's disaffirmations of any mistakes would prevent improvement.
28. His valid point was lost amidst so many disaffirmations and nitpicking.
29. The analyst saw the client's disaffirmations as psychological defenses against facing the truth.
30. The board viewed the CEO's vague disaffirmations as attempts to avoid accountability.
31. The manager issued a written warning due to the employee's repeated disaffirmations of the company rules.
32. The lawyer highlighted the defendant's four separate disaffirmations as evidence of perjury.
33. His lawyer advised against further disaffirmations, which would only damage his credibility further.
34. The defense attorney pointed out the many inconsistencies and disaffirmations in the prosecution's case.
35. I dismissed his disaffirmations as excuses to avoid responsibility.
36. His constant disaffirmations demonstrated his unwillingness to have an honest discussion.
37. Her repeated disaffirmations of the truth strained our relationship.
38. The manager's disaffirmations of any fault undermined the company's whole accountability system.
39. His many evasive disaffirmations only added to others' distrust of him.
40. The mediator grew frustrated with both sides' mutual disaffirmations of any wrongdoing.
41. The man's vague disaffirmations felt more like avoidance than honesty.
42. His constant disaffirmations did more harm than good to his cause.
43. The committee chair admonished the witness for his evasive disaffirmations.
44. The professor noted the student's frequent disaffirmations but maintained her assessment was still accurate.
45. Her vague disaffirmations did little to convince others of her innocence.
46. The judge saw through the defendant's vague disaffirmations and evasive answers.
47. The witness's many disaffirmations undermined his credibility in the jury's eyes.
48. His disaffirmations only arose in the face of hard questions or criticisms.
49. His vague disaffirmations came across more as avoidance than honesty.
50. The woman's many disaffirmations called her honesty into question.
51. The student's repeated disaffirmations of his misbehavior led to suspension.
52. The counselor advised the client that constant disaffirmations of any issues would prevent meaningful progress.
53. The pollster noted that respondents' disaffirmations often signaled defensiveness.
54. Every disaffirmation was met with further probing questions from the investigator.
55. The teacher reprimanded the child again for his disaffirmations of the facts.
56. The lawyer advised his client to avoid vague disaffirmations and admit what he could.
57. Her boss saw through her vague disaffirmations and pressed her for details.
58. The doctor grew frustrated with the patient's disaffirmations that prevented proper treatment.
59. His constant vague disaffirmations were more annoying than enlightening.
60. Her many disaffirmations only called her honesty into question further.

Common Phases

I apologize, but the word "disaffirmations" does not appear to be an actual English word. It seems you may have intended to use the more common word "negations" or "denials" instead.
1. He denied any involvement in the crime.
2. She negated all of the claims made in the report.
3. The CEO issued a denial in response to the allegations.
4. The spokesperson made several negations during the press conference.
5. The judge did not accept the defendant's denials of guilt.
6. The alibis and denials failed to convince the jury of his innocence.
7. She made repeated negations but they rang hollow.
8. His denials only fueled further suspicions.
9. The firm issued a blanket denial in reply to the accusations.
10. The politician could not substantiate his negations with any evidence.
11. The witness's repeated denials did not match the facts.
12. His constant denials were becoming tiresome.
13. Her automatic denials showed a lack of willingness to reflect honestly.
14. The evidence contradicted all of his negations.
15. Their denials began to sound like excuses.
16. The firm's quick denial indicated a lack of transparency.
17. Nobody believed his denials or negations of wrongdoing.
18. I reject your negations and denials outright.
19. Her negations and denials destroyed what little trust we had left.
20. His automatic negations were an attempt to evade responsibility.
21. The interrogation focused on undermining his initial denials.
22. Their denials and negations created more suspicion than they alleviated.
23. The negations and denials only made him appear more guilty.
24. The initial round of denials were expected but unconvincing.
25. The police grew more suspicious as the suspect's denials multiplied.
26. The only response they offered was blanket denials and negations.
27. She denied all knowledge of the matter under questioning.
28. His negations were so outrageous that they bordered on the comical.
29. The prosecution methodically unraveled all of her denials and negations.
30. All of her negations and denials rang hollow in the face of the evidence.
31. The judge did not accept his denials at face value.
32. His persistent negations only confirmed his guilt in my mind.
33. I grew weary of her constant denials and excuses.
34. The official company denials did little to quell public outrage.
35. Her constant negations and denials strained our relationship.
36. Witnesses contradicted his initial denials and negations.
37. His automatic denials were a reflex action rather than based in truth.
38. She repeated the denials verbatim from the official statement.
39. Evidence trumped all of their denials and negations.
40. Their negations and denials fell on deaf ears.
41. We listened patiently to his denials but remained unconvinced.
42. Their initial negations and denials were to be expected.
43. The evidence directly contradicted his blanket denials.
44. I dismissed his negations out of hand.
45. His systematic denials seemed practiced and disingenuous.
46. The politician issued blanket denials in response to the accusations.
47. Police viewed the suspect's multiple negations with skepticism.
48. Her denials bore little relation to the facts at hand.
49. His outright denials lacked credibility.
50. The suspect's denials and negations crumbled under questioning.
51. She refuted their denials point by point.
52. Each denial was countered with irrefutable evidence.
53. The repeated denials started to sound like lies rather than truth.
54. The negations and denials stretched credulity to its limit.
55. The suspect doubled down on his initial denials under questioning.
56. Her negations soon revealed themselves to be evasions and half-truths.
57. Each of his denials was systematically undermined.
58. The repeated denials were dismissed out of hand.
59. All denials and negations were vehemently rejected.
60. Each negation was met with proof to the contrary.

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