Disallowances example sentences

Related (12): disqualification, disapproval, prohibition, denial, rejection, veto, interdiction, proscription, forbiddance, embargo, preclusion, exclusion.

"Disallowances" Example Sentences

1. The company's financial report showed $50,000 in disallowances.
2. The disallowances on my tax return were causing me stress.
3. The audit revealed a high number of disallowances in the budget.
4. The government agency issued disallowances for improper use of funds.
5. The disallowances were a result of the supervisor's poor record-keeping.
6. The project incurred significant disallowances due to lack of documentation.
7. The disallowances could have been avoided with proper oversight.
8. The audit committee recommended reviewing the disallowances before submitting the final report.
9. The disallowances were a surprise to the manager, who thought everything was in order.
10. The firm lost the contract due to excessive disallowances in previous projects.
11. The report highlighted disallowances that needed immediate attention.
12. The only way to avoid disallowances in the audit was to provide accurate and complete documentation.
13. The management team was unaware of the disallowances until after the audit.
14. The disallowances were a result of non-compliance with regulatory requirements.
15. The department incurred disallowances for unauthorized expenses.
16. The auditor justified the disallowances with clear evidence of mismanagement.
17. The city council faced significant disallowances for failing to adhere to budget guidelines.
18. The disallowances were a result of poorly executed processes.
19. The company could not meet its financial obligations due to disallowances on past projects.
20. The budget needed to be revised to minimize disallowances and maximize efficiency.
21. The disallowances were a significant setback for the organization's financial stability.
22. The disallowances were a result of contractual breaches by vendors.
23. The project manager was held responsible for the disallowances in the final report.
24. The audit team identified several disallowances that required further investigation.
25. The disallowances were an indication of the company's lack of financial discipline.
26. The organization faced penalties and fines for the disallowances on their financial report.
27. The auditor's report outlined the causes of the disallowances and recommended corrective measures.
28. The disallowances had a serious impact on the company's ability to secure future contracts.
29. The team leader was tasked with addressing the disallowances outlined in the audit.
30. The disallowances were an indication of the company's weak internal controls.

Common Phases

1. There were many disallowances in the budget; we need to make some changes to get it approved.
2. The audit showed several disallowances in our expense reports; we need to be more careful in the future.
3. The disallowances in the contract were frustrating; we had to renegotiate several terms.
4. Our application was denied due to disallowances in our qualifications; we need to work on improving our skills.
5. The project was delayed due to disallowances in the design phase; we had to go back and make revisions.

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