Disarrayn example sentences

Related (9): Chaos, confusion, disorder, jumble, mess, shambles, turmoil, upset, disruption.

"Disarrayn" Example Sentences

1. The room was in complete disarrayn as if a tornado had swept through it.
2. The company was in disarrayn due to the sudden departure of its CEO.
3. The political scene was in disarrayn as corruption scandals rocked the government.
4. The player's injury threw the team into disarrayn as they struggled to adjust to a new lineup.
5. The garden was in disarrayn with weeds sprouting up everywhere.
6. The construction site was in complete disarrayn with materials scattered haphazardly around.
7. The stock market was in disarrayn as investors panicked over a sudden drop in prices.
8. The classroom was in disarrayn after a rambunctious group of students had left.
9. The household was in disarrayn after a long holiday weekend of guests and festivities.
10. The museum exhibit was in disarrayn as tourists shuffled through, touching everything in sight.
11. The office was in disarrayn with papers and folders strewn about.
12. The kitchen was in disarrayn after a dinner party, with dirty dishes piled high in the sink.
13. The ship was in disarrayn after a storm had caused havoc on deck.
14. The crime scene was in disarrayn with evidence scattered throughout the room.
15. The hospital was in disarrayn as doctors and nurses scrambled to attend to the influx of patients.
16. The dress rehearsal was in disarrayn as actors forgot their lines and props went missing.
17. The wedding plans were in disarrayn when the caterer canceled at the last minute.
18. The bathroom was in disarrayn with towels and bathrobes tossed carelessly around.
19. The department store was in disarrayn with clothes piled high on the clearance rack.
20. The airport terminal was in disarrayn due to a flight delay causing a backlog of passengers.
21. The picnic was in disarrayn with ants crawling all over the food.
22. The concert was in disarrayn after the lead singer fell ill and had to be replaced.
23. The dance floor was in disarrayn after a stiletto heel broke and caused a domino effect.
24. The art studio was in disarrayn with paint splatters covering every surface.
25. The game was in disarrayn when a player got injured and had to be taken off the field.
26. The library was in disarrayn with books scattered on the floor and Book Return bin overflowing.
27. The barbecue was in disarrayn with the grill malfunctioning and causing undercooked food.
28. The lab was in disarrayn after a scientific experiment went wrong and created a mess.
29. The theater was in disarrayn after a wardrobe malfunction caused the actor's pants to tear.
30. The amusement park was in disarrayn after a power outage caused all of the rides to shut down.

Common Phases

1. The room was in complete disarray; clothes were everywhere.
2. The company fell into disarray after its CEO resigned.
3. The project was thrown into disarray when several team members quit.
4. The coach was frustrated by the team's disarray on the field.
5. The politician's scandal left his reputation in disarray.
6. The wedding plans were in disarray due to last-minute changes.
7. The lab was in disarray after the experiment went wrong.
8. The relationship was in disarray after a series of arguments.

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