Disconcertedness example sentences

Related (5): perplexity, discomfiture, unease, dismay, confusion

"Disconcertedness" Example Sentences

1. The sudden change in the plan caused a lot of disconcertedness among the team members.
2. The level of disconcertedness on her face was obvious to everyone in the room.
3. His lack of preparation led to a feeling of disconcertedness during the presentation.
4. The confusion and disconcertedness among the crowd was palpable.
5. The unexpected news brought a great deal of disconcertedness into their otherwise peaceful life.
6. His rude behavior towards the guests caused a wave of disconcertedness in the party.
7. The utter disconcertedness of the situation left her speechless.
8. The absence of any clear instructions caused disconcertedness among the workers.
9. The disconcertedness on his face signaled that something was not going according to plan.
10. The sudden change in policy caused a lot of disconcertedness among the employees.
11. The level of disconcertedness among the tourists was visible after the sudden announcement of bad weather.
12. Her lack of preparation caused a feeling of disconcertedness during the exam.
13. The confusion and disconcertedness among the passengers during the turbulence was alarming.
14. The unexpected arrival of the guests caused disconcertedness in the household.
15. His behavior during the interview caused a great deal of disconcertedness among the panel.
16. The lack of clear directions caused disconcertedness among the participants.
17. The disconcertedness on his face was evident as he failed to meet the deadline.
18. The sudden departure of the project lead caused disconcertedness among the team members.
19. The level of disconcertedness among the audience was obvious during the technical glitch.
20. His lack of focus caused a feeling of disconcertedness during the performance.
21. The confusion and disconcertedness among the customers was notable during the outage.
22. The unexpected changes in the program caused disconcertedness among the attendees.
23. The disconcertedness on her face showed that she was not comfortable with the situation.
24. The absence of any clear communication caused disconcertedness among the stakeholders.
25. The disconcertedness among the competitors was evident during the unexpected turn of events.
26. His rude comments caused a great deal of disconcertedness among the listeners.
27. The sudden disruption in the schedule caused disconcertedness among the delegates.
28. The level of disconcertedness among the students was palpable during the surprise test.
29. Her lack of confidence caused a feeling of disconcertedness during the presentation.
30. The confusion and disconcertedness among the volunteers was notable during the emergency drill.

Common Phases

1. His sudden change of tone left me feeling a sense of disconcertedness;
2. The lack of communication about the project progress caused disconcertedness amongst the team members;
3. The disconcertedness on her face showed that something was bothering her;
4. The unexpected surge in demand led to a disconcertedness in the supply chain;
5. The unfamiliar surroundings left him with a feeling of disconcertedness;
6. The sudden power outage caused disconcertedness amongst the guests;
7. The prospect of public speaking always causes disconcertedness for me;
8. The ambiguity of his response caused disconcertedness amongst the interview panel;
9. The conflicting instructions from the two managers led to disconcertedness amongst the employees;
10. The unexpected news of the layoff caused disconcertedness amongst the workforce.

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