Discordant example sentences
Related (8): dissonant, disharmonious, conflicting, incongruous, clashing, jarring, unmelodious, cacophonous
disagreeing, differing, divergent, discrepant, contradictory, contrary, inharmonious, unmusical, tuneless, dissonant, harsh, jarring"Discordant" Example Sentences
1. The discordant noise of the car alarms rang through the night.
2. Their conflicting opinions created discordant feelings in the room.
3. The discordant sirens blared down the street.
4. The discordant notes jarred the listener's ears.
5. Her shrill and discordant voice pierced through the crowd.
6. The band's discordant music made the audience's heads ache.
7. The discordant sound of nails on chalkboard sent chills down her spine.
8. The painter added discordant splashes of color to the otherwise serene landscape.
9. His discordant laughter contrasted with the somber mood of the funeral.
10. The world seemed filled with discordant sounds and jarring images.
11. The discordant wailing of the emergency vehicles filled the air.
12. The discordant bells rang out across the square.
13. Her off-key singing formed a discordant harmony with the others.
14. The discordant clamor of the traffic faded into the distance.
15. The movie's discordant soundtrack jarred against the otherwise peaceful scenes.
16. Their discordant visions for the future left little hope for compromise.
17. The discordant smells of the city assaulted his senses.
18. The discordant melody grated against his ears.
19. The discordant clash of opposing political views had divided the country.
20. The discordant arguments of the talk show guests left the audience confused.
21. The painter's use of discordant colors added tension to the canvas.
22. The discordant blare of horns filled the air as traffic stalled.
23. Their discordant perspectives made compromise nearly impossible.
24. The disjointed and discordant rhythms failed to come together as a cohesive song.
25. The family reunion suffered under the discordant tensions that had built up over the years.
26. His discordant poem jarringly juxtaposed violent imagery with hopeful words.
27. Their discordant memories of the past event caused resentment to fester.
28. The discordant honking of horns filled the parking garage.
29. The discordant clash of opinions left little hope for productive discussion.
30. The children's discordant voices shattered the peaceful night.
31. The discordant colors and asymmetrical patterns clashed with an unpleasant effect.
32. The stylistically discordant additions to the historic building jarred with the original architecture.
33. The discordant mix of odors made her stomach churn.
34. The discordant din of jackhammers invaded the neighborhood.
35. The discordant clatter of the dishes made her cringe.
36. The discordant screams of the chickens added to the chaos of the farm.
37. The discordant shattering of glass disrupted the pedestrians below.
38. The discordant shouts of the arguing couple filtered through the thin walls.
39. The discordant tweets of birds outside the window interrupted her work.
40. The discordant lighting choices detracted from the overall aesthetic.
41. The discordant opinions within the group created ideological turbulence.
42. The discordant mixture of chemicals reacted violently.
43. The discordant melody left listeners feeling jarred and uneasy.
44. The discordant notes jarred his ears and disrupted the otherwise peaceful meditation.
45. Their discordant views on childrearing left little hope for compromise.
46. The discordant clash of cymbals disrupted the otherwise soothing concerto.
47. The discordant pages of the junkmail jarred against the otherwise serene pile of letters.
48. The discordant roar of the approaching train filled the air.
49. The discordant flickering of the fluorescent lights gave her a headache.
50. The discordant clattering of the rollerblades grated on her ears.
51. The discordant shouts of the sports fans disrupted the lecture.
52. The discordant clash of opposing viewpoints left little hope for productive discussion.
53. The discordant voices of the protesters filled the air.
54. The discordant tones of the off-key choir left an unpleasant sensation.
55. The discordant clash of political ideologies divided the country.
56. The discordant sounds of construction disrupted the peace of the neighborhood.
57. The discordant mix of textures created a jarring aesthetic.
58. The discordant clash of cymbals left her ears ringing.
59. The discordant voices within her thoughts left her feeling uneasy.
60. The discordant mix of smells made his nose wrinkle in disgust.
Common Phases
discordant note/sound/voice - An unwanted element that causes a sense of jarring disharmony.
The project received discordant notes from several key stakeholders.
discordant mix - A combination of elements that clash with an unpleasant effect.
The recipe called for a discordant mix of unusual spices.
discordant clash - A disruption or disturbance caused by conflicting elements coming together.
The discordant clash of political ideologies divided the country.
discordant din - An unpleasant and ear-grating combination of loud noises.
The discordant din of jackhammers and construction disrupted the neighborhood's peace.
discordant cacophony - An unpleasantly loud and jarring mixture of sounds.
The blaring alarms and discordant cacophony jarred me awake.
discordant tune - An unpleasant or undesirable melody.
The marching band played a discordant tune that grated on listeners' ears.
create discord - To cause a loss of harmony or agreement between parties.
The conflicting reports created discord among team members.
sow discord - To deliberately cause disagreement and lack of harmony between people.
Rumors were spread to sow discord and division within the organization.
raise discordant voices - To express opposition or disagreement in an undesirable manner.
Several critics raised discordant voices against the newly proposed policy.
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