Discoverableorigin example sentences

Related (10): - traceable, identifiable, ascertainable, retrievable, detectable, provable, verifiable, determinable, locatable, findable

"Discoverableorigin" Example Sentences

1. The archaeologist determined that the artifact had a discoverable origin.
2. The detective was focused on finding evidence with a discoverable origin.
3. The scientist set out to identify the discoverable origin of the new species.
4. The historian was interested in tracing the discoverable origin of the ancient document.
5. The astronomer studied the stars in an attempt to comprehend their discoverable origin.
6. The genealogist researched the family tree to trace its discoverable origin.
7. The linguist analyzed the language's discoverable origin to uncover its history.
8. The geologist examined the rock formations to find their discoverable origin.
9. The botanist explored the biodiversity of the region to identify the plants' discoverable origin.
10. The paleontologist studied the fossils and determined their discoverable origin.
11. The zoologist examined the animal's anatomy to discover its origin.
12. The entomologist analyzed the insect's behavior to understand its discoverable origin.
13. The etymologist investigated the discoverable origin of the word to determine its meaning.
14. The archeobiologist studied ancient human remains to find the discoverable origin of early civilizations.
15. The physicist explored the universe to understand its discoverable origin.
16. The chemist researched the molecular structure to determine its discoverable origin.
17. The mathematician studied the origins of numerical systems to discover their discoverable origin.
18. The economist analyzed the history of trade to find its discoverable origin.
19. The psychologist looked into the human psyche to uncover its discoverable origin.
20. The sociologist researched the development of social structures to trace their discoverable origin
21. The criminologist examined the criminal behavior to uncover its discoverable origin.
22. The philosopher contemplated the discoverable origin of thought and consciousness.
23. The art historian explored the discoverable origin of different art movements.
24. The literary critic studied the discoverable origin of different literary genres.
25. The musicologist analyzed the discoverable origin of different types of music.
26. The fashion historian researched the discoverable origin of different clothing styles.
27. The culinary historian examined the discoverable origin of different dishes.
28. The political scientist investigated the discoverable origin of different political systems.
29. The film critic studied the discoverable origin of different types of films.
30. The educator researched the discoverable origin of different teaching methods.

Common Phases

Discoverableorigin is a feature that allows websites to identify themselves as the origin of a subresource; This feature can be used to mitigate the risk of having malicious subresources injected into a site; Discoverableorigin is a key part of the security framework that helps to protect web users from a range of different attacks; Websites that use discoverableorigin are able to offer their users a higher level of protection against threats; Discoverableorigin is a simple and effective way for websites to enhance their security posture; By marking subresources as being owned by a particular website, discoverableorigin helps to prevent attackers from injecting malicious content into those resources.

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