Discovery example sentences

Related (10): invention, breakthrough, exploration, revelation, observation, encounter, unearthing, identification, detection, exposure

"Discovery" Example Sentences

1. The discovery of penicillin changed the practice of medicine forever.
2. The chance discovery led to a major scientific breakthrough.
3. The discovery of the New World transformed Europe.
4. The accidental discovery of X-rays revolutionized medical diagnostics.
5. Her research led to a monumental discovery that shaped modern physics.
6. The ruins held clues that led to the exciting archaeological discovery.
7. Her career has been marked by many scientific discoveries.
8. The recent discovery promises to advance cancer treatments.
9. The discovery sparked a media firestorm and massive interest from the public.
10. Scientists are working diligently to make important medical discoveries.
11. The serendipitous discovery came from an experiment that went awry.
12. We celebrate the discovery of vaccines that have saved countless lives.
13. Columbus's discovery of the Americas ushered in a new era.
14. The discovery raised more questions than it answered.
15. The cave paintings were an exciting archaeological discovery.
16. The experimental results led to an important new discovery.
17. The Nobel Prize honors scientists whose discoveries change the world.
18. The lost city's discovery yielded many clues about its ancient people.
19. The accidental discovery led to a new patent and fortune.
20. Her research and discoveries advanced the field of astrophysics.
21. Fermat's Last Theorem evaded proof for centuries before its recent discovery.
22. Every scientific discovery begins with a good question.
23. The discovery of oil transformed the region's economy.
24. The wreck's discovery yielded a treasure trove of artifacts.
25. He spent his career making groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
26. The discovery of DNA unlocked the secrets of life itself.
27. His curiosity led to great scientific discoveries.
28. The discovery of fire was a milestone in human evolution.
29. The fossils' discovery shed new light on human origins.
30. Her chance discovery changed the course of her research.
31. The ruins' discovery led to novel insights about the ancient civilization.
32. Armstrong's discovery of one of Saturn's moons thrilled the world.
33. The mysterious stone's discovery fueled speculation about its significance.
34. The wreckage's discovery will help pieced together the plane's final moments.
35. His accidental discovery led to the founding of Google.
36. Her discoveries helped shape our understanding of the human brain.
37. The moon landing was one of humanity's greatest discoveries.
38. I await the next scientific discovery that will change the course of history.
39. The ancient scroll's discovery promised significant historical insights.
40. The journal's discovery gave insight into his early research ideas.
41. Einstein's discoveries revolutionized our understanding of space and time.
42. The new planet's discovery excited astronomers around the world.
43. The cave drawings' discovery shed new light on prehistoric humans.
44. His serendipitous discovery led to a Nobel Prize.
45. The wreckage's discovery may yield clues about the aircraft's demise.
46. The chance discovery of the cave paintings changed archaeological understanding.
47. The Romans admired Archimedes for his scientific discoveries.
48. The accidental discovery of X-rays revolutionized medical care.
49. Her accidental discovery led to an earth-shattering scientific breakthrough.
50. The journal's discovery revealed his early ideas that later became famous theories.
51. The microscope enabled new scientific discoveries that changed the world.
52. The unearthing of Tutankhamun's tomb was one of the greatest archaeological discoveries.
53. The coin's discovery promised to yield insight into a lost period of history.
54. The discovery of Jupiter's moons helped validate Copernicus's heliocentric theory.
55. The ruins' discovery yielded clues about the mysterious ancient civilization.
56. The discovery of the Higgs boson filled in a key gap in the Standard Model of physics.
57. The wreck's discovery may yield treasure or archaeological clues.
58. The excavation promised to yield important archaeological discoveries.
59. They published their research after double checking the stunning discovery.
60. The chance discovery in the garden shed changed history.

Common Phases

1. A chance discovery
2. An accidental discovery
3. An exciting discovery
4. A groundbreaking discovery
5. A major discovery
6. A monumental discovery
7. A profound discovery
8. A revolutionary discovery
9. A serendipitous discovery
10. A significant discovery
11. A stunning discovery
12. Led to a discovery

13. Made a discovery
14. Pave the way for future discoveries
15. Lead to more questions than answers

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