Disjointedly example sentences

Related (5): Disjointedly, disconnectedly, chaotically, haphazardly, randomly.

"Disjointedly" Example Sentences

1. He spoke disjointedly, his thoughts scattered and unfocused.
2. The notes were written in a disjointed fashion, without any clear organization.
3. The disjointed chain of events made little sense to the bewildered audience.
4. She recalled the traumatic event in a disjointed and fragmented manner.
5. The disjointed plot jumped between time periods without any clear transitions.
6. The disjointed melody lacked any sense of harmony or cohesion.
7. His disjointed story raised more questions than it answered.
8. The disjointed sentences gave the impression that something was amiss.
9. She recounted the disjointed dream that had left her confused and unsettled.
10. The disjointed recording contained snippets of different conversations.
11. The disjointed speech pattern suggested that the speaker's mind was elsewhere.
12. He explained the events disjointedly, jumping from one tangential detail to the next.
13. Her disjointed thoughts reflected the distressed state of her mind.
14. The disjointed paragraphs seemed to have no logical connection.
15. The disjointed vocals were impossible to follow or make sense of.
16. I tried to piece together the events from his disjointed and rambling story.
17. Her disjointed justification only raised more doubts.
18. The disjointed lecture was difficult to follow and comprehend.
19. The disjointed homework assignments seemed arbitrarily chosen.
20. The disjointed effects created a jagged and disorienting experience for the viewer.
21. The disjointed presentation left the audience confused and distracted.
22. The disjointed quote was stripped of its original context.
23. The disjointed images in the collage had no apparent relationship to each other.
24. The disjointed syntax made the passage confusing and difficult to parse.
25. The disjointed refrain didn't match the rhythm of the main melody.
26. Her disjointed reasoning revealed the flawed logic behind her conclusions.
27. The disjointed sentences were only tangentially related.
28. The disjointed attempt to sing along with the tune fell flat.
29. Her disjointed list of tasks lacked any real prioritization or organization.
30. The disjointed narrative made the plot summary difficult to follow.
31. The disjointed child spoke in an incoherent stream of consciousness.
32. His disjointed speech suggested that his mind was elsewhere.
33. The disjointed recipe failed to specify important details or organize instructions logically.
34. The disjointed guitar solo wandered aimlessly with no sense of rhythmic purpose.
35. The disjointed beats seemed randomly placed with no consistent tempo.
36. After a sleepless night, her thoughts wandered disjointedly.
37. The disjointed explanation only served to muddy the waters further.
38. The disjointed speech patterns suggested an underlying disorder.
39. His disjointed sentences betrayed an inner chaos and turmoil.
40. The disjointed performance jumped haphazardly between melodies and rhythms.
41. The disjointed verses seemed grafted together arbitrarily.
42. The disjointed melodies clashed discordantly.
43. His disjointed comments were only tangentially related to the topic at hand.
44. The disjointed rhyme scheme lent an erratic quality to the poem.
45. The disjointed argument comprised of non sequiturs and logical gaps.
46. The disjointed chorus seemed stitched together from unrelated parts.
47. The disjointed train of thought suggested an unhinged mind.
48. The disjointed facts were difficult to integrate into a coherent narrative.
49. His disjointed singing voice warbled aimlessly off key.
50. The disjointed recounting of events betrayed a confused and troubled mind.

Common Phases

1. He spoke disjointedly and incoherently, his thoughts all jumbled up.
2. She rattled on disjointedly without making much sense.
3. The disjointed sentences came out disjointedly through her cracked lips.
4. The old man described his experience disjointedly, as best he could remember.
5. His thoughts came to him disjointedly, in a jumbled, unorganized manner.
6. The professor lectured disjointedly, jumping from one topic to an unrelated one.
7. The disjointed speech pattern made it difficult to follow what he was trying to say.
8. The disjointed notes spoke of events that happened disjointedly through time.
9. The report covered several topics disjointedly, with no real organization or flow.
10. The memoir was written disjointedly, capturing events as the author randomly remembered them.
11. Her description of the incident was disjointed and rambling, told disjointedly and out of order.
12. The disjointed story came out disjointedly in random bursts between sobs and cries.
13. The student's paper wandered disjointedly between topics, lacking a coherent thesis or argument.
14. The old film reels showed events disjointedly, with no real chronological order or narrative.
15. The disjointed chapters wandered disjointedly through history without a common thread.
16. His disjointed rant bounced disjointedly between conspiracy theories and political grievances.
17. The memoir provided only disjointed glimpses into the past, descriptions given disjointedly as single moments in time.
18. The disjointed news reports patched together a story only disjointedly, leaving many gaps.
19. The interviewer struggled to make sense of the subject's disjointed, rambling answers given disjointedly and at random.
20. The disjointed fragments of songs played disjointedly through her headphones as she wandered through the city.
21. Her answers came out disjointedly, the facts and details mixed up and jumbled together.
22. The disjointed diary entries documented events as they occurred to the writer disjointedly, without showing connections between them.
23. The disjointed witness accounts depicted events disjointedly and out of sequence, providing an unclear picture of what actually happened.
24. The disjointed speech pattern made it hard to form a coherent picture from her disjointed words spoken disjointedly.
25. A disjointed bulleted list described events that happened disjointedly, lacking transitions between them.
26. The disjointed soliloquy wandered disjointedly through memories and random thoughts, jumping erratically from one to another.
27. The disjointed quotes tacked on the wall spoke disjointedly of different subjects without apparent connection.
28. He described the dream disjointedly, stuttering as disjointed images came back to him in no particular order.
29. She recalled events from her childhood disjointedly, memories coming back to her in no meaningful sequence.
30. The disjointed narration presented events disjointedly and out of order, adding to the surreal effect.
31. Their disjointed conversation wandered disjointedly from one unrelated topic to another.
32. The anecdote bobbed disjointedly from one random event to another, lacking cohesion or connection.
33. Her account of the trauma came out disjointedly, as individual snapshots without a unifying storyline.
34. The disjointed narrative jumped disjointedly between characters and plot lines without signaling the transitions.
35. His disjointed thoughts came to him disjointedly, lacking any logical connection or progression.
36. The disjointed notes were scribbled disjointedly, capturing random ideas as they occurred to him.
37. The disjointed story wandered disjointedly, lacking a clear protagonist, setting or central conflict.
38. The disjointed comments made on social media popped up disjointedly, lacking context or continuity.
39. The disjointed paragraphs described events that happened disjointedly and out of chronological order.
40. The disjointed memories came back to her disjointedly, as isolated moments lacking context.
41. The disjointed plot wandered disjointedly from one comic scene to the next, lacking cause and effect.
42. The disjointed presentation jumped disjointedly from slide to slide without connection or coherence.
43. The disjointed observations came to him disjointedly, lacking a central thesis or organizing principle.
44. The disjointed notes documented ideas as they came to her disjointedly and without organization.
45. The disjointed rambling wandered disjointedly from one digression to another without purpose.
46. The disjointed explanation came out disjointedly, jumping between examples and details without logical order.
47. His disjointed response bounced disjointedly between unrelated statements and non sequiturs.
48. The disjointed dream played out disjointedly, with different scenes lacking transitions between them.
49. The disjointed quotes were chosen disjointedly and haphazardly, lacking a unifying theme.
50. The disjointed ideas popped into his head disjointedly, lacking connection or organization.
51. The disjointed comments scrolled by disjointedly on the message board, providing little value.
52. The disjointed scenes cut together disjointedly, leaving viewers unsure of the chronological order of events.
53. Her disjointed confession came out disjointedly, describing events out of sequence and without context.
54. The disjointed anecdote wandered disjointedly, lacking a central point or identifiable purpose.
55. The disjointed rant jumped disjointedly between angry assertions and unrelated grievances.
56. The disjointed essay wandered disjointedly without a coherent thesis or supporting arguments.
57. Her disjointed account tumbled out disjointedly, as a jumble of facts coming to her mind randomly.
58. The disjointed arrangement presented events disjointedly without transitions between them.
59. The disjointed sentences flew out disjointedly, barely cohering into a comprehensible thought.
60. The disjointed recording presented sights and sounds that happened disjointedly and randomly.

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